All Blog Posts (794)

NEWS: Shoplifter kicked and bit policemen, court told

A young woman kicked and bit two policemen who had tried to quiz her about shoplifting, a court has been told.


Anouska Sites, 21, of Killerton Close, Paignton, pleaded guilty to the attacks and the theft when she appeared before Torbay magistrates.


She was remanded in custody for the preparation of a pre-sentence report and is next due to appear in court in Torquay on October 13.


She was accused of assaulting PCs Daniel Jones and James Bower in…


Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on April 2, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

NEWS: Man jailed for his role in drunken assault after row


A NEWQUAY man has been jailed after a row about noise coming from a friend's flat erupted into violence.


Jake Henderson, of Pentire Avenue, was handed a four-week sentence after pleading guilty to assault by beating at Bodmin Magistrates' Court on Thursday last week.


The 21-year-old had been downing alcoholic drink with Daniel Eva, 22, at Kinsman Estate in Bodmin on December 6 when Eva began arguing with his girlfriend. Prosecutor Jill Wilson told the…


Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on April 2, 2011 at 10:59am — No Comments

NEWS: Man wins action after being kicked in the testicles

March 9th, 2011


A man who got kicked in the testicles by a bullock has won a legal action against his employers.


Drover Patrick Lynch from Crubany in Co. Cavan took the case against Cavan Co-op Mart.


Drover Patrick Lynch was in a small single pen when a feisty limousin bullock delivered the short sharp shock.


It was a busy mart day back in October 2003 and the experienced drover ended up in Cavan Hospital suffering from trauma…


Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on April 2, 2011 at 10:57am — No Comments

On a Stormy Evening :)

My girlfriend is quite lively,(she ain't shy).She lives in the same locality as mine,we both were in 11th class at that time,after evening studies etc,we smtimes used to hang out (between 5-8pm usually)in our colony,its a really huge one and is close to a bypass highway.We used to sometimes go round to find some privacy(away from neighbours n parents:)).At that time,she already had some idea bout my fetish,and she didn't say much at that time but her not acting as if it was smthng weird but…


Added by Rahul Jain on March 25, 2011 at 12:42pm — 2 Comments

My Ballbusting "School Girl" Story

Hey BB fans.... I wasn't really sure where to post this... I know this site has a lot of rules so I'll just blog it for now :P

This is a True story about a ballbusting game I played when I was younger.... it DOES have elements of fantasy to it, but I hope you enjoy it regardless!  If you enjoy the story, feel free to email…


Added by Kelly on March 24, 2011 at 5:36pm — No Comments

Busted by a female bodybuilder

As I mentioned in my other posts, I am really into doing sessions with female session wrestlers.  I did a session with this black female bodybuilder named Jazz (see link to pic below) a couple years back that was really memorable.  Jazz is apparently, in addition to being a bodybuilder, also a "domme." I told her I was into ballbusting, so one of the first things she did was told me to get on my knees. I asked her why and told her I did not like to be kicked from that position. She wouldn't…


Added by Beatup Byagirl on March 2, 2011 at 11:27pm — 1 Comment

Boy Toy's First Ballbusting Date...The only story I'll share with Non-Princess Kelly Fan Club members

For those who want to chat more and share stories like this one, you'll have to contact me at and request to join my exclusive group...


A question I seem to be getting over and over again however relates to this story, so I thought I'd share one freebee.  Members ask me "Who is the Boy Toy I feature in my clips, is he my bf, does he pay, do I care if I rupture him" etc lol.  He's NOT my…


Added by Kelly on February 28, 2011 at 5:19pm — 2 Comments

My first BB experience

Until very recently, this was easily the hardest my balls have ever been busted. Years and years ago I felt that my girlfriend (at the time) and I weren't working out rather well (with increasing frequency we were getting along less and less), and I had figured that we'd be better off calling it quits and maybe seeing other people. With that in mind I met up with her in the school hallways between classes and told her that I thought we should break up.


She didn't take my…


Added by Transient on February 18, 2011 at 11:27pm — No Comments

Busted by MMA fighter 2

My second most memorable bust by this girl was as follows. I had just passed her guard (for those of you who don't know, the guard is a position where you are on your back with your legs around your opponent's waist).  She caught my left arm with her legs as I was passing.  I got to a side mount, which is like a pin - she's on her back, I'm on top of her, more or less perpendicular to her holding her down - but with my left arm still stuck.  I decided I would get my arm out so that I could… Continue

Added by Beatup Byagirl on February 15, 2011 at 10:02am — 3 Comments

Busted by female mma fighter

One of my favorite pastimes is sessioning with female session wrestlers.  There's this great girl out of Michigan, who knows brazilian jiu-jitsu, and has also done a pro mma fight in Japan.  I am a bit bigger than her (6'1 to 5'3), and I also know jiu-jitsu, so in a fair fight, I come out ahead.  The good part is she never fights fair. 

I will post 2 of the most memorable busts she has ever hit me with.  here is the first:

1) We were both standing trying to wrestle each other…


Added by Beatup Byagirl on February 13, 2011 at 12:44pm — 6 Comments

Beat up by a girl in middle school

Back in middle school, this girl named Becky started a fight with me.  We were lined up to leave for the day, and I'm not sure how we got on the subject, but she informed me that she could "waste" me (i.e. kick my ass).  I laughed in her face a little bit, but she wasn't laughing.  After the bell rang, I was walking down the hall toward my locker.  Becky came up behind me and knocked the books out of my hand. I turned around and there she was. She shoved me back against the lockers, and…


Added by Beatup Byagirl on February 10, 2011 at 2:34pm — 7 Comments

I Win...

This a play fight that went wrong and then went oh so right...

A few years ago, a friend of mine, quite a few years older than me (10 years), used to play fight with me, you know, the usual walk past each other and bump hips, or that soft punch on the arm, stuff like that.  Now when I was younger I studied martial arts for 9 years, and that never really leaves you, so I still remember how to manipulate joints and put people in holds and get out of trouble etc.  Anyway, the one evening…


Added by John H on February 7, 2011 at 3:07am — 10 Comments

Happy New Year

In my last blog I told you I had found a new guy. We seem to have been together for ages, but it’s only been a month more or less.

Unlike John and Gamba, Marcel isn’t his real name. Those guys are history now, but I don’t want to risk identifying him. He’s in his mid-40s with black hair that is still thick but peppered with some grey. In his right eyebrow there is a single white hair, which I find cute. He’s medium height, which means his balls are within easy reach for me, and he’s…


Added by Brendah Moore on February 3, 2011 at 4:44am — 7 Comments

My girlfriend and her friend

This is a story from a couple of years ago.


I was in my first year of university and found myself smitten with a girl on my floor.  I was doing everything I could to get her attention and it seemed to be working.  We would hang out for dinners, go to parties together, and find space beside each other while with friends watching movies.  So when I showed up at her room to visit one afternoon nothing seemed to be special.  As we chatted her phone rang and it was one of her…


Added by Jonathan Rahn on January 21, 2011 at 12:10am — 1 Comment

Busting Gamba's balls

I told you in my last post about how I discovered ballbusting and how I began my career with John. My next victim was Gamba.

It was a year after John finally left before I met Gamba. He was in his early 20s and a professional dancer. That meant he was fit and had lots of energy, which are…


Added by Brendah Moore on January 11, 2011 at 3:16pm — 4 Comments

Poolside bust

Well this is the first time i ever kicked someone in public hope u enjoy.


I was as a pool club with my brother cousin (not blood related) and my friend ( a girl) and when my cousin as a joke "accidently" as he put it

bumped into me and grabbed my breast at that time i didnt do anything so

we just kept going after i changed i waited for him while my friend…


Added by Ashley London on January 11, 2011 at 11:09am — 13 Comments

For Dvhour with love : )

My housemates (two females and one male) and I were out raking leaves last November, 2009. It's a fairly large lawn, one acre with lots of deciduous trees.

We had quite a task ahead of us, but we eventually got it done. About four

hours into the raking my housemate, Robin (the boy) started whining and

complaining about all the work we had to do and that we shouldn't have to do…


Added by greeneyedsusan on December 31, 2010 at 8:30am — 14 Comments

A new take on Birthday Punches

December 20th was Pat's 24th birthday. I'm sure a lot of you know what birthday punches are - the high-school tradition of punching someone whatever number of years they just turned. It was a fun excuse to beat up our friends. I was never huge into celebrating with birthday punches - I mean, I survived my way through it when people did it to me, but, for the past few years at least, I'd pretty much forgotten about them entirely. Then, when mentioning Pat's birthday to someone else on this…


Added by Emma Eat Yo Balls on December 24, 2010 at 3:23pm — 5 Comments

Busting John's Balls - the Start of my Career

I thought you migh tlike to know how I discovered the sexual power of ballbusting.

You need to understand one thing right from the start. I bust balls because of what it does for me. I don’t mind if the guy gets something out of it, but that’s just incidental. I’m not doing it for his benefit.

This is getting ahead of myself. Let me go back to the beginning.

I didn’t really understand what a guy busting his balls meant until one dull Saturday in October. My brother was…


Added by Brendah Moore on December 15, 2010 at 3:30pm — 11 Comments

High risk chess

Yesterday my girlfriend and I were a little bored, so we eventually came up with an idea to spice up our evening: chess... with a twist. Well, playing chess was my idea, but my girlfriend came up with the twist, which was in the form of a penalty: whoever lost a piece during the game would be busted, with the number of times depending on which piece your opponent captured: one bust for pawns, two for rooks, knights and bishops and three for the queen. And whoever was caught in a checkmate would… Continue

Added by Transient on December 6, 2010 at 8:48am — 8 Comments

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