Hello everybody, this is Rina telling you about my first ballbusting. I am not a ballbust virgin anymore :)
Today is sunday, so what I'm going to tell you happened 6 days ago, on Monday.
I came home from my driving lesson and felt stirred up inside.
I had not had a good time, driving the car was no fun to me and the critics had rained down onto my sensitive soul like a rain of steel nails upon blank nerves. Moreover, I had had a little accident in the driving school itself. A low…
Added by Marina Glückskeks on March 28, 2010 at 5:00am —
You know, in metal, but especially in gothic, you tend to split people in "us" and "them".
So when i thought of what men i liked, it was like "black long hair and long coat... one of us."
Now, something strange has happened to me and the way I regard men now...
I identify so much with bb already that I have begun to distinguish people.
Yesterday in the driving school, there was a guy that worked there, I had not seen him before. He looked down at me like he thought…
Added by Marina Glückskeks on March 27, 2010 at 9:00am —
I was told I should post this. People asked multiple times what I like about ballbusting. I have answered that I like the "thankful drop". dvhour said tonight that he noticed men and women regard the topic differently. Might be. So here is my point of view. Lets start with the thankful drop :)
The person wishes to be busted, its consentual, and when he has enough and goes down, he's glad.
Yes, there is pain in his face but deep inside theres an individual saying "Thank you, that you did…
Added by Marina Glückskeks on March 3, 2010 at 5:00pm —
kegan didnt tell this well i dont think im his gf and ill tell u in more detail ;) so he got me down in the grapple hold and i saw hit nuts sitting out not tough to notice he wears boxers around so i kneed em right up and then flipped him over reached back and wrapped my hands around em tight, and just squeezed i could feel there round shape going flat he pushed me off and was goin up so i slammed my foot into them and got a hold of em again nice and tight so they wouldnt escape and i slapped…
Added by kegan on February 21, 2010 at 1:00am —
My friend and I were walking to a small lake (abandoned sand quarry)
situated behind our neighborhood, it was a very hot, late spring day,
probably May or June. The walk to the quarry was a little more than a
1/2 mile through Pine Barrens and sugar sand. By the time we got there,
we were ready for a swim. As we entered a little beach area called Kato
Point by the locals, we could see 3 boys in the water. One of them was
the neighborhood bully, Jimmy. As soon as…
Added by Tina on February 15, 2010 at 1:00pm —
Believe it or not this happened last friday. I was in Saginaw, MI and went into Lover's Lane, an adult beautique, in the middle of the afternoon. The girl staffer there seemed friendly, so I asked her if they had some Ballbusting in the DVDs. She said no but that the strip club up the road might have something like that. I wondered if they would be open at 3:00 in the afternoon. She said,"Yes".
Before I go any further let me say that I had no expectation of what the day would bring.
Added by Gene Ray Simmons on January 13, 2010 at 6:29pm —

this is a cap from a chat i visit, the girl was arguing with a guy who was calling her emo and talking about shoving her foot in his ass. then some guy said "or she could kick you in the balls", this was her reply :)
Added by comrade on January 11, 2010 at 11:36pm —
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I figured I'd try my hand at writing up a story about one of my experiences from a couple of years ago. It turns out that it ended up being pretty lengthy. I wasn't sure about the level of detail that most people would be interested in, so I erred on the side of perhaps being overly inclusive. Also, I have tried to "keep it clean", so to speak, so some of the word choices may seem a little forced.
In the Spring of '07 I began dating a very attractive girl of Italian-American descent.…
Added by Charles Drew on January 4, 2010 at 7:56pm —
Wow, it's been a while since anyone contributed to this forum so here's one for you. in the late 80s I was attending a Cure concert in Atlanta Ga. I was with two of my friends. We drove up from Ga. Tech. As we walked into the auditorium a guy in his 30s or 40s came up and asked us if we wanted any drugs off of him. We didn’t want any, but he followed us and kept on pestering us to buy some from him. We ignored him and kept on walking, he grabbed my friends arm and tugged hard, she screamed. The…
Added by Tyler on December 31, 2009 at 8:03am —
A few years ago, while deployed to Germany along with my National Guard unit. Our job was to conduct the Military Police mission for an American military community. On this one particular June night I remember it being very hot and humid, similar to a summer night back home. My squad was working the midnight shift. My partner and I were on routine patrol around an American housing unit when the Desk Sergeant came over the radio to dispatch two units to the downtown area because a large group of…
Added by greeneyedsusan on December 16, 2009 at 5:16pm —
so i called this girl to my place to relax me from work and school, its been taking alot of time and has be near breaking point, well we got more passionate thru the night and we did many different things like she rolled her knee onto my nuts and kissed me and we stayed like this for hours at a time, then i was over here, both of us naked for a betr touch and she slammed her knees together and mashed my balls, i feel and lowered my sack between her knees and she did this more, then she sat up…
Added by kegan on December 12, 2009 at 2:09am —
I met up with a guy that read my survey on kramtoad, he really wanted me to rack him in his balls hard, I was probably corresponding with him for close to a year, it was almost everyday we emailed each other. We agreed to meet at a local park. While in a semi secluded area I gave him two swift kicks, he dropped for about two minutes and then got up. He was still in a lot of pain so I asked him if he had enough. He said he wanted one more shot to the nuts. I walked up and lifted my knee and…
Added by Nancy the Band Nerd on December 4, 2009 at 8:04am —
This post is in reference to the Langley man loses testicle after random, vicious kick by woman...
I met a child who used to do this too. When I met her she was 14. At the age of 6 she was raped by a family friend. After she told her sister what happened she told her to kick every man in the balls who look at her funny. From age 10 and on she would kick boys in the balls. Her mother recently took her to see someone about this problem and it all came out what happened to her when she…
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 22, 2009 at 6:41pm —
1 Comment
(In other news, I will never go drinking with certain coworkers that call themselves my 'friend' only to come to work and tell everyone pat little lies about my lush, wanton behavior to anyone who will listen. Because for serious? I have NO patience for that kind of crap. I find that actually more offensive than the manager abusing his power by tempting a sexual misconduct suit, because I can at least slap him in the face and stomp on his balls with my stilleto heels to take care of THAT…
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 21, 2009 at 10:30am —
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Taylor pushed me into Jackie, and both of us fell off of my back porch, and then I got up, chased him, kicked him in the balls(that has kinda been my thing to do to guys...
And then after school, I waited until Kyle came outside, and Linda came right up to him and kicked him in the balls, and he said that he didn't really say that, but I think he was lying because he was smiling, and I was not in a good mood, and so I dropped all of…
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 13, 2009 at 1:33pm —
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Hi, In my experience mens' pain threshold varies dramatically. My ex and me experimented with ball play, softly at first but eventually ending with me kicking and kneeing him as hard as I could. The first time I did it he was walking strangely for a few days! By the end of our relationship I could kick,knee or stamp on his balls and 9 time out of 10 he managed to tolerate whatever the pain was. Every now and then I obviously caught his balls badly and…
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 13, 2009 at 12:58pm —
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haha if you read the story it sounds like he was ogling a teenager and probably making some sleazy remarks and the girl slammed his groin to get him to stop bothering her. That's one small rupture for a testicle, one giant leap for girls/women battling male gaze.

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 8, 2009 at 11:24pm —
1 Comment
i kneed someone before.. but i didnt knew it could hurt so much.. o-o =p

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 7, 2009 at 7:59pm —
Call me sadistic, but I really enjoy kicking guys in the nuts. It's a great way to relieve stress and you know it's gotta hurt them pretty badly. xD Of course, I only do it to guys who really deserve it though. I've never done it to anyone just for the hell of it.

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 7, 2009 at 7:51pm —

hahahahaha ive kicked guys in the nuts before stabbed them with a pencil and hit a pool ball there hahaha
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on November 7, 2009 at 7:38pm —
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