Back in middle school, this girl named Becky started a fight with me.  We were lined up to leave for the day, and I'm not sure how we got on the subject, but she informed me that she could "waste" me (i.e. kick my ass).  I laughed in her face a little bit, but she wasn't laughing.  After the bell rang, I was walking down the hall toward my locker.  Becky came up behind me and knocked the books out of my hand. I turned around and there she was. She shoved me back against the lockers, and everyone was like "fight, fight, fight!"  Before I knew it, it was a fight.  Neither of us really knew how to fight, so we just stood toe to toe and traded punches. I hate to admit it, but her punches really hurt; my head was ringing.  I was hoping I was hurting her too, but I couldn't tell.  I decided the best thing to do was wrestle her down to the ground (I was a huge WWF fan at the time).  As we were tussling, she nailed me with a knee in the balls.* Three thoughts flashed through my head in the instant before the pain really set in: a) this is going to hurt so bad; b) the unthinkable is happening, I am going to get beat up by a girl; and c) I need to "Hulk out" (i.e. get mad & teach her a lesson).  Then the pain hit, and I fell to the ground holding my balls.  She got right on top of me and sort of pinned me to the ground in a headlock and kept punching me in the face with her other hand. Everyone was laughing their a**es off at me. I heard someone ask who the boy was that was getting beat up by a girl; then I heard my name and knew my rep was ruined.


*a little about the shot.  I did not see it coming, but I am pretty sure it was a knee because of the close range and how it felt. Also, my legs must have been kind of spread for balance because I did not feel her knee so much as brush either thigh.  Just a sharp, unobstructed shot into my balls. 

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Comment by Beatup Byagirl on November 13, 2011 at 8:57pm
Ouch!!! That must of hurt like a mofo. I've never been kicked from behind. I can't imagine how bad that would hurt. Esp full force and unexpected. How long was he down?
Comment by Beatup Byagirl on November 13, 2011 at 7:47am
Girls, did any of you ever beat up a boy when you were in school? Guys, any of you ever get busted in school? Beat up?
Comment by Beatup Byagirl on March 2, 2011 at 11:34pm
Nils, tell us about your experience?
Comment by Ballistic on February 23, 2011 at 12:32am
I'm with you completely. For me it's about girls being able to beat up a guy, and this is just the extreme case since it takes advantage of their weakness in an essentially male way.
Comment by Wade on February 16, 2011 at 3:58pm

nice story :)

most of my bb experiances are usually me asking for it from a girlfriend

Comment by whywait4it on February 15, 2011 at 5:25pm
Great Story
Comment by Beatup Byagirl on February 13, 2011 at 12:29pm
Yeah, sort of. It's also cuz I'm really into the whole getting beat up by a girl thing.  The ballbusting fetish is just one part of my bigger fetish for girls kicking my ass. That all does kinda go back to the day a girl really did kick my ass. What about you - I noticed in your profile that you say you like it cuz of the way even a small girl can beat up a guy. Are you into getting beat up by a girl or seeing guys get beat up by girls?


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