Story Time!

After dinner tonight I went out for a few quick drinks with a couple friends. My bf stayed home, because my friend Julie was coming and they don’t get along. So I met up with Julie and our other friend Amanda. After a few drinks Amanda brought up that this guy she had been seeing was really into feet, like a looot. She said he loved to kiss and lick her feet and she kinda felt weirded out by it. Julie told her she didnt think it was that weird and that lots of guys are into feet. Amanda asked us if we had ever had a guy that was into feet like that. At this point i just couldnt help myself. I told her that no, I hadnt ever had a guy super into feet, but that Chris (current bf) liked it when i hurt his balls! I almost instantly regreted it but it was too late. They both looked at me like they had misheard me, so I explained a little about his fetish and told them i liked to do it. Amanda thought I was crazy but Julie couldn’t stop laughing. I made them promise not to tell anyone, and we talked about it for a little longer, until Amanda had to leave. Me and Julie stayed for another drink. She had a lot of questions for me, and I gladly answered them. Finally I asked her if she would ever want to join me... And she said she would love to! She thought it was hilarious and that she really wanted to try it! I am sooo excited about this! I havent told my bf, and I think im going to surprise him with it. Im not sure when it will happen but she sounded like she really wanted to do it. Though i will have to talk with her again when we are both sober of course. Anyway I just wanted to share with you guys! Ahh im so happy, I really hope this happens!!

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Comment by Manuel Schmitt on March 25, 2017 at 2:27pm

yeah I guess a lot of women are into it but 2 shy to tell

Comment by Dustin on March 19, 2017 at 10:25pm

Gotcha, well good luck however it goes Eliza! Hope it's fun!

Comment by Eliza D. on March 19, 2017 at 6:28pm

Sorry guys but there wont be a video of this :(    I will tell you all about it when/if it happens though.

@SmackMyNuts- Im not sure how this will affect their relationship. I do think it will be humiliating for him to let Julie kick his balls though. Like, even though hes into, its kinda like she will be defeating him in a way.

@Destin- Yeah right after i told them I kind of regretted it, but too late now! But he does want to be busted by another woman, and theres no way to make that happen without telling someone!

@Buckled- About them not getting along, I think I am going to surprise him. Of course if he reeeally doesnt want to do it with her we won't go through with it, but i think once he is there in the moment he will be into it.

Comment by Smack My Nuts on March 18, 2017 at 10:44pm

Do you think that finding out that she wants to bust his balls (literally, of course) will make him more inclined to get along?  What about vice versa?

Comment by Dustin on March 18, 2017 at 3:15am

Touchy, telling a girl he dislikes his secret, and then inviting her to abuse it. This is why I don't trust women and booze :p

Regardless it could be the best night of his BB career.! You should try to record it - but at least don't forget to tell us about how it goes!

Comment by Smoo on March 17, 2017 at 7:16pm

"Good News Everybody" - Never has Bender's reply of "Uh oh, I don't like the sound of that" been more appropriate as when you hear that phrase in a bb site!  :)

Seriously though, that's way cool.  Congrats on telling them and good luck with the threeway!

*two claws up*

Comment by Jake Smithee on March 17, 2017 at 6:51pm

One girl for each ball - he's in some trouble!

Comment by Lisa on March 17, 2017 at 1:51pm

Julie should surprise your boy friend with a swift kick to his balls! 

Comment by Buckled on March 17, 2017 at 8:09am

Thanks for sharing Eliza....2 on 1 action is SEXY. is this going to work if your bf and gf don't already get along ? 

Hope it does and hope to hear a story about it, IF it happens.  

Good luck !!! 


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