I've been lucky enough to experience quite a few ballbusting experiences growing up that happened completely naturally, without me paying, asking or even hinting for it.. just because females wanted to hurt some balls!  I'll probably post the stories from time to time, but this one has popped into my head after seeing a girl on tv that reminded me of this one! (or one of them!) 

For the majority of my teenage years and into my early twenties, my parents owned a holiday home in a very scenic part of the UK, I spent the majority of my summers here chilling out, drinking and just hanging out with the other teenagers at the holiday park the home was on!  Our plot of land was often the social hub, because of the huge trampoline my parents had bought! Most of the kids would come round and play on it, and it was a great laugh.  (Who doesn't love a trampoline?) 

Two of the teenagers that spent a lot of time on the park, were called Zara and Sasha, two sisters that were only a year apart.. They were of Caribbean descent, both were blessed with incredible bodies, especially their bums and legs! They always played quite rough, especially Zara, the elder of the two.  Id once or twice seen her kick or punch a guy in the nuts.. and even though she'd never done it to me, she had often threatened to do it, while Sasha was usually quite a bit quieter and even a little shy.

This is where it really picked up.... It was near the end of summer, so the majority of families had gone home... However one of the remaining families was that of Zara and Sasha. I was jumping around on the trampoline, getting a bit of exercise and just messing about, when Zara, followed by Sasha... Zara was dressed in a crop top, a summer skirt and sandals, while Sasha was also dressed in a crop top, but with really tight short shorts, and wearing nothing at all on her feet. 

Without saying a word, Zara climbed up onto the trampoline, got right up in my face and snarled 'Get off, this our trampoline now!' As she was a few years younger, and a hell of a lot smaller, I just laughed at her and told her to shut up.... The next thing i knew there was a roaring pain between my legs, with no warning or hesitation Zara had rocketing her knee up into my balls, seemingly as hard as she could... she left it lingering for a second or two (even though it felt like hours) and began to let out an evil laugh... I crumpled to my knees at Zara's feet.. she then grabbed me by the hair, stood behind my and pulled me backwards, so that I was sat up on my bum, with my legs sprawled out in front of me, only being propped up by Zara standing behind me, trying to pull the hairs out of my head.

With this distraction, I hadn't noticed that Sasha had also gotten onto the trampoline... she sat opposite me, shot me an evil smirk and drove the sole of her bare foot into my balls,  wriggling it around buried deep into my swimming shorts covered crotch.. 'Harder!' encouraged Zara, Sasha giggled uncontrollably and joked about popping my balls... she must of gas peddled my balls for at least a minute, alternating between rolling my balls around with her foot, and just straight up stomping them into my pelvis, both girls laughed at my pain all the way through... I begged for mercy, and eventually Sasha gave me one last hard stomp, and retracted her foot.  Zara let go of my hair and with that I dropped into the fetal position, Zara kicked me up the bum and calmly said 'Next time, you'll get off the trampoline'.. with that both girls walked off back to their place, laughing about the pain they had just caused my balls. 

This was the first of several shots to the balls I received off these two sisters (Sadly, this was the first and only time they teamed up to do it) This is one of my fondest ballbusting memories, i'll post the rest of the busts by these girls if you guys want to hear them! 

Cheese x

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Comment by John Franks on December 6, 2018 at 1:38pm

Yeah I'm going to ask for the rest of the stories as well!!

Comment by tsm89 on July 16, 2018 at 12:03am

Trampolines are the best for these exact reasons!

Comment by Charles Harb on June 29, 2018 at 8:58am
Mainly it depends on how serious (advanced) your relationship with her is. I would suggest trying small incremental steps. At first mention you enjoy when she grabs you firmly, then tell her gentle squeezing is ok, then move to slaps and gradually to other activities (if that's your thing). But telling her straight out may scare her.
Comment by Richie on June 28, 2018 at 4:59pm

Anybody have suggestions on how to get a girl to ballbust? It's not as easy, when you're an adult. 

Comment by Ted on June 28, 2018 at 4:14am
Brilliant story love how they must off had it all planned. Something similar happened to me in a pool when I was a teenager, I still think about it.
Comment by Nikolai Zvezda on June 27, 2018 at 11:33pm

You lucky son of a gun :)

Comment by Dylan on June 27, 2018 at 11:48am

Fabulous story! I suppose it's a bit unusual to naturally get tag-teamed ballbusted like that. Can't say I've had had it happen to me throughout the years. Sounds like the older sister had it planned or at least discussed it with the younger one beforehand.

Comment by Zwyx on June 27, 2018 at 10:24am

Aaah, I love busts that happen naturally, and this is no exception. Were you into it at the time, or something you came to appreciate, later?

Comment by volcan51 on June 27, 2018 at 2:38am
I like it. From your part i like how you were helpless to the sisters.
From their part i love how the focus strictly on your testicles to put you down.
Moral of the story. Even a little girl can dominate a man with a foot on his balls


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