Well it's been awhile since I broke up and I'm feeling ready to start seeing someone again. At the behest of my brother, I've joined OkCupid. It's free, so what do I have to lose except time, right?
I've already hit what I assume is the first of many snags. I don't want kids. Now, don't get me wrong, I might change my mind if I meet the absolute perfect girl with whom I want nothing more than to breed. To date, I have never met such a person. It's a little ironic because everyone who knows…
Added by Knave! on December 1, 2010 at 9:53pm —
Since early last week, my girlfriend Francesca has been a bit under the weather and has had a case of what the French call
les cafards. I figured that she could use some cheering up so I went out and bought her a rather elegant négligée--thinking that it would be nice for her to feel sexy even though she stuck in bed. She liked it quite a bit, and this Friday, as she was feeling better, she came over to my place with a present.
The present turned…
Added by Antonio Pazzi on October 10, 2010 at 6:00pm —
Hey everybody! I haven’t really “done” anything at this site yet, apart from watching the vids and looking at the pics, so I thought I’d share some stories.…
Added by Jack O'Connor on October 9, 2010 at 6:10pm —
I've been seeing my girlfriend Francesca for a while now, and while she isn't into ballbusting in the strictest sense, she does have a strong love of big balls and enjoys getting rough with them. Usually she doesn't like to get too rough, but likes to do things like squeeze them in her hands during sex or give them a slap and watch them swing heavily back and forth. The other day, however, she got much rougher than usual, and (needless to say) we both enjoyed it very much.
We were at…
Added by Antonio Pazzi on September 26, 2010 at 11:58pm —

Drawing Created by Knave
A DRUNKEN schoolgirl kicked a New Zealand man in the testicles for pronouncing her name wrong, a…
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on September 16, 2010 at 3:46pm —
Last summer (2009), one of my good friends, Ashley and I paid a relaxing visit to a local pub after a nice day at the beach. It was a Wednesday so the pub wasn’t crowded at all, just the Bartender, three other guys at the end of the bar and the two of us. Ashley and I decided to go out on the dance floor and do a little innocent dirty dancing. While we were on the floor one of the three guys at the end of the bar walked over, the one that…
Added by greeneyedsusan on August 28, 2010 at 12:30pm —
Well, I think this fits. A few months back I had to use the Twist and Squeeze on a guy who pestered me. I have taken several self defense classes in the past and they had mentioned the "Grab, Twist, Squeeze, and Yank" technique on a guy's nuts, but of course we could never practice. So it was kind of a mystery to me, until a few months ago, when this guy at this dance club wouldn't leave me alone, i tried to be nice and tell the loser to quit touching me, but he wouldn't stop, so when he…
Added by Brittani Anders on August 26, 2010 at 1:52am —
Is Ballbusting by another women other then your wife, girlfriend.... Cheating? What do you all think guys and girls?
Me and girl have been together for sometime and I really love her and the kids with all my heart ,are sex life is great ( another then my penis is alittle to big for her ) but lately she won't really ballbust me besides some light forplay smacking when were having sex, so I been think about getting busting by other women but she thinks that is…
Added by Mike None Ya on August 25, 2010 at 7:00am —
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on August 21, 2010 at 3:00pm —
Although I have only been a member of this site for a short time< I can honestly say that this is THE best site if you are in to ballbusting/cuntbusting. The members are like a whose who fo the ballbusting world. Such experince and contributions! You guys are truely the pillars of our community. greg
Added by greg m on August 13, 2010 at 5:16pm —
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Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on July 17, 2010 at 9:00am —
A friend was wiggling his ass at me and one of my girlfriends from work, it was only the three of us on my back deck. My friend wiggling his ass was saying “Check out this grade A ass” and stuff like that. I had a few wine coolers working their magic on me and I was in a very playful mood. So as he did his Ass Dance, butt pointing right at me, I kicked him between the legs.I was sitting down, but I was able to get a good foot right in where it counts.
He barked out…
Added by Sandra on July 12, 2010 at 11:30am —
our testicles make us do some crazy things, sometimes.... esp w/ respect to women... so when a woman comes and kicks them for us.... well, it kinda brings us back down to earth. And if she takes some pleasure from that, well, that's just sexy...
Added by Tyler McNaughten on June 20, 2010 at 5:00pm —
Well usually a straight clean punch to the face works for me, moving on to multiple shots to the body and then some more punches to the face and choking the dude…
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on May 22, 2010 at 5:19pm —
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on May 19, 2010 at 3:37pm —

demonstrating a partnered arabesque turn.. bruce thornton told me to just do the turn, without looking for his positioning. yeah, so I kicked him in the balls. he teared up a little.
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on May 13, 2010 at 5:00pm —
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A few days ago my girlfriend and I were getting ready to go jogging. We had our jogging gear on and were stretching in the living room. Without warning, she tried to kick me in the balls. I guess I must have seen her looking at my crotch and lining up her kick, because I was able to jump back a little bit and her foot missed me, but went up pretty high. If she would have hit my balls, I certainly would have been in some serious pain. We both laughed.
"Almost!" I said, and just I said…
Added by Roger on April 26, 2010 at 11:03am —
My b/f at the time and myself were attending his cousin’s wedding in Brooklyn. As the bride and groom passed us after the ceremony, I reached down, grabbed his balls and gave him a quick two second squeeze. He bent back quickly because of the pain and let out a loud “Uuuufff”. He gave me a grimacing smile and rubbed his package and said, “You got them babe”. I smiled and giggled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. How much more taboo can you get, a Jewish…
Added by Sarah on April 1, 2010 at 8:00am —
It all happened in the evening of March 31st, I had had my 2nd session that morning with a young man from a city nearby, and when we talked in skype later, he told me he regretted to have left me so quick. I showed my mom my fave clip of Travis so she finally would know how it looks like waht her daughter is doing to the men. She didnt like it anyway, but who cares.
My guy said he want to meet me again. I asked him when, and when he answered "Best would be yet tonight" I took it as a joke…
Added by Marina Glückskeks on April 1, 2010 at 7:44am —
Hello, its me again, telling you about my 2nd session. Originally, we said we do it on thursday, but the guy could not wait anymore and wanted to do it today, on wednesday. I talked to him yesterday and he was a little drunk, so a "Are you really like that or are you just acting that perv?" came over his virtual chat lips.
He would find out, I though, and thats the story of how we met.
At 10.40 am I left the house and walked through the allotment gardens to the parking area where i…
Added by Marina Glückskeks on March 31, 2010 at 7:57am —