My second most memorable bust by this girl was as follows. I had just passed her guard (for those of you who don't know, the guard is a position where you are on your back with your legs around your opponent's waist). She caught my left arm with her legs as I was passing. I got to a side mount, which is like a pin - she's on her back, I'm on top of her, more or less perpendicular to her holding her down - but with my left arm still stuck. I decided I would get my arm out so that I could start working a submission. I sat back on my butt a little and rested my right elbow on the mat alongside her ribcage on her right side. My idea was to use my right hand to try to free the left. Instead, she wrapped her right arm around my right arm above the elbow. Now both my arms were stuck - though I did still have a pin. She took immediate advantage of my arms being stuck. She slid her left hand under my abdomen and started feeling around for my balls. I knew what she was doing, but there wasn't much I could do about it - I couldn't do much more than just wiggle/shimmy to try to delay the inevitable. I felt a rush of fear mixed with anticipation knowing that she was going to grab my balls and there was nothing I could do about it. She patiently found them and secured them in a tight, solid grip. "You give?" she asked. "No way." She squeezed fairly tight eliciting an involuntary ohwwwww from me. She released a little, giggling, asking again whether I was going to tap. I retorted "is that all you got?" She said you're gonna tap out or pass out & squeezed a second time; this time it hurt so bad so fast that I couldn't tap fast enough. This was probably the best grab I have ever felt - it was so hot her having me by the balls and there being nothing I could do about it. It made it all the hotter that I did not give her the position - she simply beat me.
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