Yesterday my girlfriend and I were a little bored, so we eventually came up with an idea to spice up our evening: chess... with a twist. Well, playing chess was my idea, but my girlfriend came up with the twist, which was in the form of a penalty: whoever lost a piece during the game would be busted, with the number of times depending on which piece your opponent captured: one bust for pawns, two for rooks, knights and bishops and three for the queen. And whoever was caught in a checkmate would receive four busts.

I managed to capture a piece first, a pawn, so my girlfriend and I got up from the table and I kneed her. In general it was a pretty even game, but I took my fair share of punches and knees when my pawns were decimated. Let's just say I played a bit risky with those pawns so that I could take out some of my girlfriend's more important pieces.

The roughest part for me was when she captured my queen. I got busted three times per our agreed upon rules, but my girlfriend decided to squeeze me three times for that one (and before that we had never given much thought about how long a penalty bust could go on for). It was about six or seven minutes before we got back to the game. Without my queen, however, it quickly became a losing battle. I only managed to get one last piece of hers, a bishop, before I was caught in a checkmate. For that we both got up again and she gave my balls a quick slap before kneeing them three times, holding her knee up against me after the last one.

I have to say, it was an exhilarating way to spend some time. I don't know about my girlfriend, but I know I was planning out my moves a bit more carefully than usual considering the consequences of losing a piece. We both enjoyed it though, so hopefully we'll do it again in the future (or apply those kinds of penalties to other games).

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Comment by Transient on February 18, 2011 at 9:47am
I guess we could try that in the future, James, though I think that I'd have to give in after losing the Queen with it being worth that many busts.
Comment by James Samuel Hardy on February 6, 2011 at 4:50pm
That's awsome, man!  Ballbusting and chess are a few of my favorite things.  The actual numerical values for the pieces have been quantified by masters who have studied the game over the last century, specifically, as Queen=9  Rook=5 Knights/Bishops=3 (with a slight + on the bishop in the endgame) and pawns=1.  Maybe you could modify your rules of engagement with your gf, if you can take that much!  I envy you, man.
Comment by Transient on January 27, 2011 at 1:56am
All right, my girlfriend and I tried out Risk yesterday. I'm not sure how she feels, but I think I might have to reconsider how penalty busts go in that game. Much as I do like BB in general, I ended up having to call it quits long before the game actually ended after losing so many pieces on the board and getting my nuts slapped each time for it.
Comment by greg m on December 24, 2010 at 4:14pm

outstanding...i love this


Comment by Transient on December 9, 2010 at 2:50pm
It was definitely a lot of fun, yes. I do like your suggestion for checkers, especially the penalty for the loser. Could even apply that to chess as well.
Comment by this person on December 9, 2010 at 10:05am
a very interesting and exciting spin on a classic game. sounds like a lot of fun. (:
checkers / draughts could work well like that too. like a bust for taking a normal piece, one or two for 'crowning' a king, two or three for taking a king, and for a win you could maybe take the number of pieces the winner has left (two for every king, one for every normal piece) and add two? i don't know. just a thought.
Comment by Transient on December 9, 2010 at 9:17am
For every army lost, the person takes a bust? Maybe throw in an additional bust or two if a territory is lost? Yes, that could work out rather well. Thanks for the suggestion, Destin.
Comment by Destin on December 9, 2010 at 8:29am
Time to play Risk ^^


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