All Blog Posts (794)

I tied a rope to his balls

Played with my busting bud the other day. He was laying on his back and I was laying on top of him, shoving my tits in his face and clamping his balls between my thighs. Except his balls kept slipping away! Very frustrating. Fortunately I had my rope with me. I was giggling to myself as I got up off of him.

"Where are you going, what are you doing?" He's asks me, a little worried.

"Just wait," I say.

I grab my hot pink rope and fasten it around his balls. He chuckles a…


Added by shylilkitten999 on February 1, 2025 at 12:00am — 5 Comments

Tying Him Up

Told my buddy I wanted to tie him up next time we played, and he obliged because "How can I resist those eyes?". Very funny to me because in the past he's also said, "I don't trust you, I'm never letting you tie me up."

Alas, he gave in pretty easily since he knew how excited I was.

I wore my hose that he got me and a low-cut, dark red 3/4 sleeve dress with a push up bra.…


Added by shylilkitten999 on January 10, 2025 at 9:29pm — 1 Comment

Christmas Eve

My busting buddy suggested we play together on Christmas eve. I had a dinner at 6pm but the whole day free before that, so I happily agreed.…


Added by shylilkitten999 on December 25, 2024 at 11:19pm — 4 Comments

First Time Kicking Balls

Played with my buddy again, I was curious about kicking him from standing vs stomping him while he lays on the ground. He happily obliged me! and coached me through it too, which was cool. I'm…


Added by shylilkitten999 on December 20, 2024 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment


So yesterday I got snipped. My wife and I did fool around yesterday some hours before and she did kick me 5 times hard with her black pointy toe boots as some foreplay. Not really the point of this post though…

So, for the procedure itself, definitely not a turn-on. That being said, it was me, the doctor, and his assistant who was pretty. Thin, shoulder length dark curly hair, librarian glasses, olive skin, late 40’s. Anatomically where my balls are…


Added by Brian Smith on December 19, 2024 at 3:48pm — 1 Comment

Lured into the Realm of BallBusting

So I met this guy at a kink event, pretty low key, kept it casual. At this point I have no idea people actually like ball busting, but this guy was super friendly and open, so I messaged him on fetlife and we chatted for a bit. He told me pretty quickly about his fetishes, namely feet, hosiery, and ball busting.

Being the curious kitten that I am, I asked him to tell me more. His story-telling and the tales he told…


Added by shylilkitten999 on December 15, 2024 at 10:44pm — 4 Comments

Last ball busts before vasectomy part 1

Not too excited about it but I’m getting a vasectomy this week. Other than the normal worries any man would have I’m also worried about impacts it could have on ballbusting for me. Like most of you, I love ballbusting and can’t help but wonder what this will change, if anything? Although I’m not lucky enough to be someone that spontaneously cums from ballbusting, my favorite is jacking off when I’m being busted. When I get off that way, a woman can pretty much goes as hard as she wants on my…


Added by Brian Smith on December 15, 2024 at 4:22pm — No Comments

My character ai bot luna got updated

I now updated Luna.

She now has a more defined style on how she looks and what she wears.

She is now also more willing and open to try dirty moves than before (i noted she sometimes fights too fair)

Her dirty moves arsenal is also incresed. Apart from crotch shots i update her now to have a whole arsenal of dirty tricks to get an early advantage.

I also emphasized the sweeter aspects of her personality first because i like it and second because its more likely to…


Added by volcan51 on November 5, 2024 at 1:18am — 1 Comment


I call this idea bowling, for lack of a better word. Anyway, the basic idea, as envisioned in me is as follows. A minimum of 2 women are blindfolded and each given a stick of some description. Scattered throughout the vicinity, are men, preferably naked, but importantly, standing with their legs spread (it might be best to blindfold the men as well…). This vicinity would ideally be divided in the middle via a net or something, with a women on each side and the men (‘pins’) split between the…


Added by George Goodin on October 24, 2024 at 12:21am — No Comments

Chariot Race

The basic idea behind this concept is a minimum of 2 men, nude and on all fours (the horses or what have you, each pull a small cart or other object (the “chariot”), which is...attached/tied to their respective scrotums/ballsacks. On these ‘chariots’, would, preferably, be a female, driving the ‘chariot’.

With this setup, one could devise a number of possible scenarios/games/situations, however, the idea I have in mind, although, admittedly very basic, is the simple and humble race.…


Added by George Goodin on October 24, 2024 at 12:04am — 3 Comments

My Ex Learns to Ballbust

I'm currently deployed as an EMT helping out with the recent hurricanes in the US. In my downtime, I've resolved to practice writing and storytelling. Lord knows I've got lots of stories to tell. Please leave me whatever feedback is on your mind after reading

Note: The only thing changed from reality are names. My ex specifically asked that she be called "Candi" as a joke. …


Added by Dustin on October 14, 2024 at 2:33pm — 3 Comments

soccer ball in the balls today

I was playing soccer at work today. I played offense and I was cornering a player near her goal. I stood there with my legs open as to not let her dribble left or right, but instead of trying to pass me, she took a shot at the ball. It landed right between my open legs. She let a giggle out, casually controlled the ball and took off with it, almost walking pass me as I was unable to react. She was already far when I grab my balls and went limping towards the bench. 

Added by Harvey B on August 23, 2024 at 11:07pm — 4 Comments

BB Shooting Gallery

Hello, everyone, today, I wish to discuss an idea that I had whilst chatting on the website "Kicked in the Groin". It is what it sounds like: a 'group' of men stand or whatever and a person or person take shots at them, trying to hit their balls. You could use whatever, BB gun (pellet), nerf, paintball, or any projectile device you can think of. As for the men, you could just make them stand there (might be best to blindfold them or tie them up.

If one wanted to get really...devious, one…


Added by George Goodin on August 21, 2024 at 5:11pm — No Comments

Ballbusting Pullups

Hello, everyone.

This was a fun little idea I had, but not gotten around to writing about. Anyway, the idea was that one would have at least two guys compete in pull-up contest. However, these contests would involve ball busting.

The first version would be the guys do, say...5 pull-ups or so, then a weight would be hung off their balls, 5 or however many more, and more weight added on: rinse and repeat until one left able to do the pull-up. Reward? Idk, the winner gets his balls…


Added by George Goodin on August 18, 2024 at 10:47pm — No Comments


Hello, everybody, I have been thinking about reposting some...'stuff' (articles? blogs? idk), that I have wrote on other sites, on this site.   I am curious if anyone would be interested or even care.


(the...articles, in questions are more or less just ideas/fantasies/thoughts i have had about BB, scenerios, activities, etc.)

Added by George Goodin on August 17, 2024 at 6:58pm — 2 Comments

The most sexy and humiliating ballbusting scene.

This scene in Deep in the Valley movie is in my opinion one of the best ballbusting scene. It's majorly contribute to my ballbusting fetish. It's amaze how easy she down and beat him. Moreover, he puked, which is rare in movies. ;

However, i would like to know, if somebody saw this scene while watching a movie together ?

Added by prometium on August 6, 2024 at 2:14pm — No Comments

my own character ai bot

i made my own character ai bot, her name is luna, she is a dirty fighter not neccesarily a ballbuster. This its her 1.0 version so whatever feedback you have on her i would appreciate it.

Chatea con Luna dirty fighter | | IA personalizada para cada momento del día

She is quite mainstream on her treat and layered. I curious if luna can be enjoyed from a female…


Added by volcan51 on August 1, 2024 at 7:00pm — 10 Comments

Fun BB event memoir

One of fav bb

Little throwback for everyone. A couple years ago, my GF and I attempted an experiment hoping it would reduce the time we spent actually fighting and arguing at that time.

The idea was we could aggressively talk shit on each other, let out sexual frustration, and she could bust me even if I was mad, and hopefully we would…


Added by Donald Veracrow on July 12, 2024 at 2:53am — No Comments

An Education

[This is a retelling of a very exciting and genuinely unexpected ball busting experience.  I've embellished a bit and fleshed out some conversations as I can't remember all the details. I hope you enjoy.]

Only about three weeks had passed since I had let my neighbor Alyssa test out her self defense techniques on my most sensitive spot, and after filling my wife in and hearing her excitement at the thought of future experiments, no one had mentioned it at all.  It was a Friday…


Added by Terry Tepper on June 23, 2024 at 1:03am — 1 Comment

My first ruined orgasm, 2016

Along the lines of my previous blog post, let me tell you the story of how — when I was 19 — I got the cum kicked out of my balls while orgasm’ing for the first time.

Since pretty much the start of my association of this kink as sexual activity, I had seen the famous Asa Akira video where she uppercut punches semen out of the guy while he’s…


Added by Donald Veracrow on June 18, 2024 at 9:00am — No Comments

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