My girlfriend is quite lively,(she ain't shy).She lives in the same locality as mine,we both were in 11th class at that time,after evening studies etc,we smtimes used to hang out (between 5-8pm usually)in our colony,its a really huge one and is close to a bypass highway.We used to sometimes go round to find some privacy(away from neighbours n parents:)).At that time,she already had some idea bout my fetish,and she didn't say much at that time but her not acting as if it was smthng weird but giggling instead n calling me stupid (whn i 1st told her) gave me sm idea tht she atleast didnt find it repulsive.

One evening in mid august,we came round as usual.The weather was kind of starting to get stormy and dark,(usually girls wud insist on heading back home but shes different),and then suddenly the lights went out,(in india its quite a common phenomenon), we cud see our colony from the highway get submerged in darkness, and then the storm began,(such weather is rare,ppl enjoy it a lot,coz it hardly turns harsh and concludes with some strong rains), in those cool ,little bit dusty,winds distant people were getting fuzzy,our already good privacy was getting better,i expected her to be scared atleast now but no man,shes not of typical indian girl type.She was enjoying it much and seemed to be in full mood, even hooting as the wind picked up rage, then i had the crazy idea and seeing the perfect stage,i asked her to kick me in the balls.For a second she was dumbstruck n expressionless,i realised i had spoiled her fun and harmed the security she felt with me,while i ws rapidly thinking of how to correct my stupidity,before i cud take back my words she spoke and asked "You sure!".Icudn't believe what she said and my heart must hv missed a beat ,and with broken breath of excitation stammered it"Y..Yes .ya sure".Finally it was gonna happen, i was gonna lose my bb virginity, i felt kind of embarrassed,looked for people watching us,there were hardly any,but she didnt bother to look,her attention was focused on my nuts as if it were some difficult maths problem in the final exam,she was holding her hands joined together as if gathering 'chi' or smthng,then she looked me up in the eye to ask one final nonverbal permission and without a word, a malicious smile on her face,pulled her right leg backwards n thrust a kick in my nuts,.   "OFff.." i cud tell she didnt put all her strength into it but the pain was still high, it made me bend, hands on my knees,she was laughing now n said"are you ok?".I wasnt done,i had imagined much more(i self bust smtimes) and wasnt gonna let this chance go, my stored anxiety made me go a bit rude, i flung up and even whn my balls werent allowing it,i said "is that all you got?",my rudeness was lost on her,she was on a high,she gave me a real hot intriguing smile,"u want harder?",i think she knew i was in pain n this bravado was fake,but cudnt stop laughing at it and planned to answer my rudeness,she came close to me,held my shoulders losely(now i was a bit scared n felt bad for at my lust that made me go rude n hasty whn i cud hv enjoyed it nice n slow) and with the malicious smile still binding my gaze, i saw a glance of seriousness as she mustered the power in her thighs and one by one gave me three hard knees in the balls,this time the pain was too much too be held, i think that look fooled me,maybe my rudeness wasnt totally lost on her afterall,the first knee went straight in my balls and for a second i didnt knew what to do,i was a stunner, man,knees seem nice only in videos, real thing is sick,before i cudhv went down, the second one made me jump a bit and crushed the already painful tendors,now there was nothing more to do ,i was a shivering ragdoll going straight down,the third one hardly made contact with the balls,moreover in didnt had force, she had put all of it it the first 2,i didnt/cudnt care that below me was a dusty sidetrack of a dirty highway,went down and laid there, head touching ground,drolling, dogie style pose,i cudnt see her reaction but she was quite alert now,she asked"a..are u . ok?",i wasnt,cudnt get up for a min or so,she too came on her knees, an old man was now watching us puzzelled,maybe he had mised the action.Had difficulties walking back:)

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Comment by Rigoletto Mobile on April 1, 2011 at 11:12pm
Yes, you are very lucky you found an Indian woman to bust you.  I know how hard that can be.  Being busted by an South Asian woman is certainly a dream I have.  :)  Congratulations, Rahul!
Comment by Chris K on March 28, 2011 at 9:06pm
that sounds like a great bust!


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