All Blog Posts (794)

'X' Marks the Spot... The Groin That Is

Another story from a female martial arts instructor... I'm sure she did not intend it to be read as a BB story :-)

Chris, my dojo's other instructor, was recently asked what the main difference is between his old style of Jiu-jitsu (Shorinjikan) and Can-ryu (our style). His answer was as follows: "It's not Can-ryu if there isn't some kind of groin strike involved." I…

Added by Tali S on December 16, 2011 at 3:24pm — No Comments

Office Diva Kelly Blackmails a Co-worker into Ballbusting Stress Relief Meetings

Not too long ago I had a real life encounter where I kicked a co-worker in the nads.

As I sit here in my office remembering that experience my creative fantasies got flowing and I just HAD to write this fantasy out...


I'm sitting in my private office, legs crossed as I concentrate on the computer screen ahead of me.  As usual, I'm dressed as sexy as an upscale business woman can get away with; a…


Added by Kelly on December 16, 2011 at 10:57am — 7 Comments

Illegal use of the hands

The 4th of December 2011 was a beautiful autumn day in this part of the world, ideal for outdoor athletics. A group of us were playing a pick game of American style flag football (7 on 7). A playful Susan (me) was lined up behind the Quarterback as halfback; the play was to be a wishbone option out to one of the fullbacks and to sweep right, a play from 1900 Yale or Princeton. Obviously I had other ideas and thoughts (he he he). The Quarterback had his back to me, and he was…


Added by greeneyedsusan on December 5, 2011 at 6:15pm — 19 Comments

When Knee Meets Groin

I didn't write this story... this comes from a blog of a martial arts instructor, a 4th degree black belt... and a woman :-)

 In my Jiu-jitsu classes, groin protection is mandatory. When I do my MMA training, however, I don't typically wear my cup. I usually wear a rash guard and a pair of grappling board shorts.

Well last night, I brought along one of my Jiu-jitsu students to my MMA training session so that I would have a partner that doesn't outweigh me by 130 lbs.…


Added by Tali S on December 2, 2011 at 9:16am — 5 Comments

Middle School Busts

I am curious to hear the stories of people getting busted in middle school - that magical time where you are just discovering the opposite sex, a lot of the girls are bigger and stronger than boys, and where most of us first experienced busting.  Here's my story - please share yours.

Back in middle school, this girl named Becky started a fight with me.  We were lined up to leave for the day, and I'm not sure how we got on the subject, but she informed me that she could "waste" me…


Added by Beatup Byagirl on November 30, 2011 at 7:39pm — 1 Comment

Skinny Dipping Bust.

I got inspired by some of the stories on here.


I was out camping with a lot of friends. Beer, Bonfires, fishing, ATVs and BBQs, it doesn’t get any better than that. I was skinny dipping in the river along with several members of our camping party. It was a great feeling swimming in the nude with friends. As you can figure, there always has to be one person that has to ruin a nice, naked afternoon in the sun.  The one guy in question  came up to one of the girls and stuck his…


Added by Sharon on November 17, 2011 at 10:45am — 8 Comments

True Story

When i was 18 years old i was playfighting around with a good friend to me. We stood in the garden and kicked at each other. Ann-Sofie said if I was not polite maybe she…


Added by Weak dude on November 12, 2011 at 9:40am — No Comments

Kicked by Doc Marten Boots.

I was at a pub with one of my college girlfriends. It was a cool late winter or early spring evening; I was wearing my college hoody, jeans and my Darcie style Doc Marten boots. I happened to be sitting near an open seat at the end of the bar. A very scary looking guy sat next to me in the open stool, he had his hood over his head, very odd and mysterious. When he spoke to me, he didn’t make much sense because of his accent and his high level of intoxication, it was very garbled and slurred.…


Added by Emerson on November 5, 2011 at 10:30am — 25 Comments

Not exactly ball busting

Not exactly ball busting but a technique that has served me well since I learned it.  When I was 19 and in college I was sitting around the dorm one night with a bunch of other girls.  The conversation became more sexual as the night wore on and the beer was consumed.  We discussed guys, their equipment, sexual techniques, how to be a memorable sex partner, etc.  I finally mentioned that all guys seem to want blow jobs and in general I had no problem with it except some guys got rough.  They…


Added by debbie desouza on October 28, 2011 at 1:14pm — 8 Comments

One of the most sexy busts I can remember.

Back in my student years I had a crush on one of my colleagues, let's call her V. V was very tall and beautiful, red hair, I usually don't like read haired girls, but she was an exception. But thing's weren't going to happen between us, so we managed to stay just friends. On the other hand, she had a smoking hot roommate, with dark curly hair, let's call her J. She was not very tall, but was with athletic body, she jogged, she was going to the gym regularly, as a kid she even trained karate…


Added by Lord Blade on October 28, 2011 at 11:16am — 3 Comments

Three knees at a club.

When I was still in university, me and a bunch of friends decide to go to a club. We had more than a few drinks and there was a really tall (maybe it was because of the heels she wore) blonde and sexy girl. She was dressed in tight grey jeans, which made her awesome ass even sexier. She had a white top which along with her bra barely covered her, I think, C cup sized breasts. She had at least 6 or 7 inch white high heels on, that made her legs extremely long and sexy. Then I think I had a thing… Continue

Added by Lord Blade on October 27, 2011 at 4:37pm — 2 Comments

My school busts... I managed to remember.

I had been busted a few times before... at school, when I teased the girls. These are some of the times I remembered. I found the stories in a file while cleaning my old hard drive. While reading I remembered the old days and added some details that came up, so here they are: 


Once, I think it was in 5-th grade, I was chasing this really hot and skinny girl with dark currly hair ( All I remember, she was wearing tight blue jeans, which made her sexy ass even sexier, white…


Added by Lord Blade on October 27, 2011 at 1:25pm — 1 Comment

Few years ago... with a russian girl.

Few summers ago, I hit on a hot russian tourist for a month... damn she was hot. I remember one night we were in her hotel room, I was trying to get her in bed, but she wasn't in the mood. So I began teasin her, she didn't liked it at all and asked me what was my problem... I remember saying " I just want some action " Then she smiled, came closer to me and whispered in my ear " Here's a lil' of bit action " whith this words she grabed my showders and rammed her knee hard into my balls... I…


Added by Lord Blade on October 27, 2011 at 12:31pm — No Comments

Blue Balls at the Beach!

Years ago, in New York, I had a Portugese girlfriend that loved to surprise me with a swift kick to the testicles. One summer, she also found out that she loved something else... Teasing me, mercilessly, and giving me a good set of the classic "blue-balls". One trip to the beach had me begging for relief of my pain, however, instead of relief - she replaced the pain of "blue-balls" with a pain quite a bit more memorable.

It started one Saturday morning when I woke up, next to my,… Continue

Added by Tyler McNaughten on October 18, 2011 at 12:17am — 4 Comments

Busting the Young Stud at Work: A True Story - Part 4 (M/M)

Hello all! As promised, here is the last busting experience I had with 'Justin', the young stud at my job from a few months back. Unfortunately, he took another job in the company and is moving out of the area, and though we are still friends, it's unlikely there will be any more ball busting between the two of us - well, at work at least! Sit back, relax, and enjoy.


Justin was looking hot today. Not to say he didn't normally look good, but he'd just gotten his hair cut,… Continue

Added by bbmal10 on October 3, 2011 at 10:57am — No Comments

Busting the Young Stud at Work: A True Story - Part 3 (M/M)

Last night Justin and I had a few beers after work. It was fun and we ended up bull shitting most of the time. Nonetheless, I kept my eye open for the opportunity to bust him. It came about 4 beers in when he was sitting back in his chair (again) with his legs nice and spread. By now I'd think he'd learn to stop giving me these clear shots to his groin. Perhaps it was the beer that made him feel relaxed - the beer was clearly having an effect on me, but still I managed to keep my wits and…


Added by bbmal10 on October 3, 2011 at 10:52am — No Comments

Busting the Young Stud at Work: A True Story - Part 1 (M/M)

The story below is all true, as I've seen them from my perspective. Only the names have changed. I hope you enjoy.


It all started about 2 months ago when I was paired up on a project with the new guy at work. He was young, just about to turn 22 and fresh out of college. My first impression of him was good. He seemed like a bright guy and was very polite, and it didn't hurt that he was good looking to boot.

Since I was going… Continue

Added by bbmal10 on October 3, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

Busting the Young Stud at Work: A True Story - Part 2 (M/M)

Here's a quick update that continues on my previous story about the young stud at work.


I got another good bust in at work today. I've been purposefully leaving myself open lately to see if he'd take the bait and try to bust me, but so far, no luck, so I decided today was the day to reintroduce a little more ball busting into our relationship.

We were sitting next to each other, carrying on a conversation. I kept my legs… Continue

Added by bbmal10 on October 3, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

Kick from MA Class

(Updated 6/5/21 w comment at bottom)

This is a kick I took in my karate class back in Mid 2007.  It happened while sparring a woman I had become friends with through class and had even developed a bit of a crush on.  She was in fair shape: maybe 5'3", dirty brown (then) straight hair, athletic figure especially for a mum in her mid 40s.  Id seen her in shorts and t-shirts so I knew she had some nice tone in her arms and legs as well.  Anyways, we ended being pared up for free sparring. …


Added by Smoo on October 3, 2011 at 12:00am — 16 Comments

I Did It Again – Subway Nut Crunch on Homeless Guy

This literally happened today....I sent out the story earlier today right after it occured (while my panties were still wet :P hehe jokes...kinda) to my Elite Fans but here's a freebie for my friends on KITG


I had to take public transit today... I usually avoid it, but I'm heading to a busy area downtown and it just makes more sense than driving and paying a fortune for parking.


As soon as I got on the subway I remembered why I hated it so much. It was jam packed with…


Added by Kelly on September 29, 2011 at 7:07pm — 3 Comments

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