December 20th was Pat's 24th birthday. I'm sure a lot of you know what birthday punches are - the high-school tradition of punching someone whatever number of years they just turned. It was a fun excuse to beat up our friends. I was never huge into celebrating with birthday punches - I mean, I survived my way through it when people did it to me, but, for the past few years at least, I'd pretty much forgotten about them entirely. Then, when mentioning Pat's birthday to someone else on this site, there was a joke made which ended up becoming our new take on a birthday punch.


To celebrate, I was making cupcakes. It had been my original plan that Pat would see the cupcakes, but, before he could have any, he would have to endure his 24 hits. He was unaware of this. Of course, as things usually end up, our plans for that day ended up changing, ending us up at his house with the cupcakes. To my benefit, however, at least nobody was home. Eventually we found ourselves in Pat's room.


I had previously told him briefly about what I had wanted to do, and had elaborated when it was clear it wasn't going to happen as planned. After having spent some time in his room, Pat brought up the subject of him still getting his birthday hits. I laughed and asked if he was ready for them, even though I could tell he was eagerly awaiting.


Knowing he had to get through 24, I obviously was not going to start off with a hard kick - I would be able to do the rest :P I made it through the first 4 with slaps, getting a little rougher on number 5. The next 4 were a little more grabby, with a punch at number 10. We progressed all the way to 20, me using a little bit more force each time, until we finished up with 4 gradually harder kicks, and one hard knee for the year to come. The entire encounter had been increasingly funny as well - Pat flinching every time I went to hit him and taking a little more time to recover after each blow. By the end of things, I couldn't stop myself grinning and giggling, and Pat ended up holding himself and laying on the floor.


Other events ensued before the night was over and I went home :P But, I think this will be a tradition we keep for years to come ;)

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Comment by Emerson on January 11, 2011 at 11:32am
You were introduced to birthday punches early, i didn't see this until college while in ROTC and with the Lacrosse team. Great twist to the birthday hits tradition.
Comment by Rigoletto Mobile on January 1, 2011 at 1:05am
Excellent story Brianna!  I hope every guy can be as lucky as Pat was on their Birthday!
Comment by whywait4it on December 27, 2010 at 10:29am

Don't forget to give him a "ball drop" on New Years!

Comment by Brent Taylor on December 25, 2010 at 2:33am
amazing post. thanks for taking the time to write it up. there is just something so much more hotter about ballbusting when it seems the girl may be into it almost more than the guy is.
Comment by Beaten13 on December 24, 2010 at 7:36pm
Well done Briana. I'm glad to see you went through with it. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.


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