All Blog Posts (794)

The Dinner Party No2

 Maybe I should say a little about Sue, Karen and the other woman, who's name I really can not remember. All I know about her is she is a air hostess and was really a friend of Karen's. Karen is a friend of Sue's from school. She is also the most sadistic of the 3. Sue is a long time friend. I meet her when I was 16, she was a office temp at the place I was working. We both started on the same day. We did date for about 6 months, but we parted good friends. We always found it easy to talk to…


Added by Osiris37c on April 12, 2012 at 7:32pm — No Comments

After the Party is Over No1

The time I will tell you of was after a party that I had been to. Almost everyone had gone home. But the host and two of her friends and me were still drinking. I was flirting with of the host's friends. We went to the bedroom and after we had both striped off and started with the foreplay, the host and the other woman came into the bedroom. As we had all been drinking I never take any notice. I was aware of them watching us. By how I as on my back on the bed with the woman on top and my…


Added by Osiris37c on April 12, 2012 at 7:30pm — No Comments

All girl 10 year school reunion No4


First I should say that Sue was a friend that I first meet when I started my first job. We started on the same day, Karen was her friend from school. Both had had given my balls a bashing before. So that is the background to this event.

Sue have called asking if I would like to go round for coffee and a chat as her and Karen had something to ask me. She laughed and said that my balls would be safe this time, as she know what I was thinking. Not that I would mind. As I went…


Added by Osiris37c on April 11, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Tequila And Ballbusting Don't Mix Well

It was Saturday afternoon and i called a very close friend of mine who is really into ballbusting, also.  This is not uncommon for me and her to do on the weekends.  We usually do dinner and drinks and then go back to my house for ballbusting and the eventually sex.  she is not my mistress, but she knows how much i like ballbusting.  she is a Japanese girl that is very beautiful, but she is only 5' 3.  I am 6' 2 and it really excites both of us that for being such a small girl she can drop…


Added by seth johnston on April 11, 2012 at 4:00am — 4 Comments

Groin Kicks to be made illegal in several U.S. states.

On Tuesday, March 27th Governor Marcelleno proposed the "Personal Physical Safety Act" against unfair means of violence used in a manner other than protecting one's self. Other states have proposed similar bills including New Jersey, Florida, Texas, Massachusetts, California and at least 11 other states. Marcelleno was reported as saying the goal for the Bill was to prevent unnecessary violence and promote social equality. While it is currently being treated as just a bill, The Personal… Continue

Added by Sean on April 1, 2012 at 9:08am — 1 Comment

My best ever bust

I’ve told how I had my first experience of being busted in my profile. I’ve experienced all sorts of busts since then, from the best to the worst. The best of them all happened on my honeymoon. The sensations were incredible and heightened by the occasion.

As soon as we were alone in our room, Mike and I got right down to it. Clothes were torn off and thrown across the floor as we fell on the bed. We’d deliberately avoided each other for the week before and could barely keep our hands…


Added by Peta Worth on March 14, 2012 at 2:46pm — 6 Comments

Hot nuts in the summertime.

I've been asked over and over again to post this story from my past from one of the dear members on this site. I'm finally capitulating and posting it.

One hot summer day about 5 or 6 years ago, my bf (now husband) and I were BBQing on his back deck. His busybody/nosey next door neighbors were spying on us, leering through the privet hedges; it was so obvious they were looking at the two of us. His old neighbors were an older couple that had to know every ones business. As I…


Added by Jessika K on February 28, 2012 at 11:52am — 21 Comments

Ballbust Memories from Some Online Forum Post 2006

((((((((((((Some assholes deserve a straight kick right in the balls. Hahaha, so last night I gave this dude’s nads an old school powwow with my platform wooden shoe. It was awesome. This guy has been poppin up in bars and bothering me for some time. First off he doesn’t know how to dress. Just fuggun stop with the hot topic fishnet armwear already. And his…


Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on February 26, 2012 at 12:27pm — 1 Comment

Ballbust Memories from Some Online Forum Post 2007



ah so yesterday was a horrible day, i didnt even get a chance to drink.. *tear* and me and my boyfriend got into a huge fight and i started throwing his shit out the window and he tried to ditch me out in the middle of nowhere and i kicked him in the balls and totally fucked his face up.. haha ...he should know better than to fuck with a…


Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on February 26, 2012 at 12:15pm — No Comments

Ballbust Memories: from some online forum 2010


Today I did something I've never done before, and it was rather exciting. I got an adrenaline rush by doing it, and it made me realize some things about myself. It awakened something inside of me that I never knew was in me to begin with, and I feel a little hesitant to talk about it, but I feel I have to tell someone.

I have this friend who is a masochistic, foot fetishist. I don't judge, I think its healthy that he knows this about himself, and he…


Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on February 26, 2012 at 12:08pm — 1 Comment

My Ballbusting Memoirs: Part 4 of 4

Do you remember how I ended last post saying writing this wouldn't last as long as writing part 3? I lied. Also in the last post, I told you about my vacation in '06. We pick up next in May of the next year. I was 17 at this point (In case you're wondering, I was born at the end of summer of '89), and I was part of my school's ROTC program. There, I was a member of our shooting team, as was a girl henceforth referred to as Brittany. She, being almost a year older than me, was a few inches…


Added by Joe Metal on February 15, 2012 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Dvhour's Ballbusting Memoirs Vol. 1

Hello my name is dvhour, I am the creator of USBBonline and KITG. I'm an 11+ vet in the online BB community... I've had well over a hundred mild to medium to very rough consensual forms of BB experiences (spanning 5 countries)... I'm not bragging... I am just stating facts as I recount my BB memoirs... I am both humbled and thankful that I have had such an amazing string of good fortune and a chance to experience all of this.


Today I'm in my 30s, I do not have any children…


Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on February 12, 2012 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

Playful fun with hubby.

It’s funny how certain events and choices will affect other people. For instance, I was in private chat with Mallory and the idea came up that I should bust my husband’s balls, I wasn’t planning on doing it, but I liked the idea of it and it sent my mind scheming. I told Mal I was going to bust my husband for her and post the story. My husband and I already planned to head out to dinner once he got home from work, but little did he know I was also scheming and planning other fun activities…


Added by greeneyedsusan on February 11, 2012 at 7:30pm — 21 Comments

Why Women Wear Groin Protectors

One more post copied from a blog of a female jiu jitsu sensei. Inspired by men and women of this site who are routinely surprised that ladies also wear cups when doing martial arts...

First-time students at our dojo often ask me, “If this is a self-defense art, why wear a cup? You wouldn’t wear one on the street.” To this I simply reply: “You’ll find out why when you get on the mat."

In my jiu jitsu dojo,…


Added by Tali S on February 10, 2012 at 4:04am — 5 Comments

Taking Advantage of a Situation

Saturday night I had a fetish event I attended. I was dressed to kill or kick as it turned out. Tight black dress, turned out that in certain lighting it is nearly see through, fishnets and my uber sexy zebra print shoes with the red accents and fastenings. Even my faux fur snow leopardy coat was a hit among the trans-sexuals... lol.

Anyway... I went with my friend Em and immediately arriving we were doing our social butterfly routine. Across the room I spot a fellow who is an…


Added by Coraline Jones on February 6, 2012 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

How to Make dvhour Quiet

On Tuesday I finally got to spend some time with my bb buddy, dvhour. He and I have been doing this for about a year I guess.

If you knew him personally you would liken him to a very bouncy puppy, full of energy and enthusiasm. And he never stops. Well that is until I start busting his balls. Suddenly, he becomes very quiet except for the moans as my stockinged feet massage, mash, squish and grind my heels into his balls. I don't hold back. 

We're lying on the my couch facing…


Added by Coraline Jones on February 2, 2012 at 10:30pm — 8 Comments

Ballbust Memories: Christine (Some Online Forum Post 2011)

Interesting article. Thankfully, I can't relate. I'm caught off-guard by compliments, but I've had few enough incidents of guys being creepy/stalkery that I'm not made nervous by it.

Then again, it could be that after the earliest incident of a guy obnoxiously catcalling me, I kicked him in the crotch.…


Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on January 26, 2012 at 12:19pm — No Comments

Ballbust Memories: Carol (Some Online Forum Post 2011)


I kicked him in the nuts, because he said he had balls of steel and said try it. So I did and 

I proved his theory wrong. 




Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on January 26, 2012 at 12:00pm — No Comments

My First time Ballbusting

I cheated durring my first time of ballbusting, sadly I couldn't find anyone in London so it resulted in me getting an escort. I had never had a ballbusting session prior to this, so i didn't know what sort of pain to expect. Might I say the escort was stunning, nice long legs, stilleto's, dark eyes, tanned skin and brunnete hair. When I asked her are you into ballbusting she said 'yes, I've done it before'. I asked if she could go easy on me as it was my first time.

We were…


Added by Sanjay Singh on January 22, 2012 at 1:49pm — 2 Comments

Getting my way.

This is a very silly but true BB story coming from yours truly. :)

Philip visited with me for a few days this past week and I was very fortunate enough to do some ballbusting with him. We were a bit bored and since my mum was present we couldn't shoot any videos so we decided to play some video games. Philip is very fond of the game COD: Black Ops which I like, but wasn't in the mood for. So I slipped my hand into his pants and squeezed his balls really hard and told him that…


Added by Nadz on December 20, 2011 at 10:20pm — 18 Comments

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