All Blog Posts (794)

Drunk model assaulted officer after lingerie show

THE start of Lauren Elizabeth Genger's night was spent wearing lingerie as she walked the runway inside a Kings Cross nightclub. It ended with her wearing handcuffs in the back of a police van.

The model was convicted yesterday in the Downing Centre Local Court of assaulting police after she punched an officer in the face and then kicked him in the groin in the early hours of July 28.

The 25-year-old from Chatswood had spent the night modelling in the Victoria's Secret Lingerie…


Added by Andrew R on August 25, 2012 at 3:42am — 2 Comments

just got busted with six inch platform heels

I saw my domme tonight for what would be our third session. Just as my second session was more brutal than the first, this session was more brutal than either of them. Two things to keep in mind when reading this: my domme is a soccer player and she doesn't let me take a break during the session, the abuse is constant. This session she spent half the time kicking my nuts and half the time stepping on them and crushing them. She wore blue platform heels with a six inch pencil thin heel. Since I… Continue

Added by charles stone on August 22, 2012 at 12:06am — 1 Comment


I had been dating this cute, sweet girl now for 5 months. And during the time we used to joke sometimes about ballbusting, or giving pain. She sometimes said she like that, but more as a joke kinda way, so never took it too serious. And then Last week I went to a small beach holiday town with her to have a litle break from the working life. I took my surfboard because there were gonna be some small pretty waves on the Dutch shore.

Pretty relaxed holiday. And one night i was…


Added by Adriaan on August 19, 2012 at 7:17pm — No Comments

Wednesday nights

For about 12 weeks on wednesdays my girlfriend of the time and me had a date night with a twist, she would basically decide over the week if she was happy with me or not, based on things i'd forgotten to do, times i'd been late etc... She wouldn't tell me but after we'd had sex and she was satisfied she would bring me right to the edge, if she wasn't happy it would be announced with a punch or knee or grab, followed by a ballbusting and a blue balling. It was one of these nights she pulled a…


Added by Chris Edgeler on August 8, 2012 at 11:20am — 1 Comment

First Bust as a Teen

Thought I would share my first hard bust as a teen exuse my English it isn't the best.  this story happened at Tokyo but I can translate what was said in English

I was about 15 almost 16 years old and was with this guy I was dating was really the first serious BF I had, so I was in that puppy young love at least I thought i was at the time

We had been going out for about 5 months this one day at school at lunch he was flirting around with another girl saying how…


Added by Yuka San on July 29, 2012 at 4:07am — 3 Comments

Memorable Busting Experiences

Hello, I'm a pretty new memeber, I've been fortunate to have numerous memorable busting experiences and i hope it is ok if i share.


A couple of years ago i was hanging out with a girl i was dating,we were both naked and enjoying a bit of gentle foreplay, i started making fun of her, nothing serious, just a bit of banter (about her having crazy feet because they couldn't stay still and seemed to have a mind of their own), playfully she squeezed my willy quite hard and said to…


Added by Chris Edgeler on July 15, 2012 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

ballbusted by dominatrix

Just finished a ballbusting session with a dominatrix. She wore a very short, tight black dress and 5 inch metal heel stilettos with a pointy toe. She kicked, stepped on and stomped on them for an hour. She used the pointy toe and the heel to do the damage. My nuts are so swollen! They are still hurting. She wasn't cheap but worth every penny.

Added by charles stone on June 15, 2012 at 11:37pm — 13 Comments

Balls as arch support

I was with a co-worker who is a 31 year old female. She has a nice body, and a nice feet. It was a couple of months ago when she saw me looking at her shoes. She always wears shoes to work, so I never saw her feet until this day. This is what happened.

She confronted me about looking at her feet/shoes. She told me that she had seen me look at them quite often, and wanted to know what was up. I told her nothing. She didn't believe me. She smiled, told me that I have a foot fetish,…


Added by Scott Montgomery on June 12, 2012 at 2:41pm — 12 Comments

Early morring bust

Sunday morning we were both woke up at about 5am and she was really horny. She rolled over in bed and started to bust me with her knee. This got me going and before long she was hitting so hard my whole body moved with every  hit. At that point I told her a couple more and I would pop. She said oh no in me now and stopped busting. It was some wild sex and after a little while when we moved to a different position she nailed me a couple of more times as hard as she could, as you can guess I…


Added by william svitak on June 11, 2012 at 10:21am — 1 Comment

Jogger simulated bust

This happened a few years ago. I was looking out of my window casually, overlooking a square, when a petite Chinese woman came jogging passed. She met a Chinese man there she knew, and they started talking, right under my window.  The man was maybe twice her size, and looked pretty physically fit. Of course, I have no idea what was said, but after a few second she laughed, raised her leg up really high, and simulated kicking him in the face a few times. It was hot because her jogging shorts…


Added by Rami Mizrahi on June 6, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

I Got Busted Today!

Well folks I finally took the plunge.  As I sit here typing out this blog post my balls are feeling happy and every so slightly achy, in a very good way, because today they got well and thoroughly kicked and kneed by a really great woman.

Woo hoo!!!

Unfortunately I do not have a partner for BB, so for months now, especially after becoming more active here on the site, I've considered an alternative, which is to visit a professional domme, a woman who typically provides erotic…


Added by Tender Boy on May 31, 2012 at 4:58pm — 7 Comments

Mike's first bust

Mike was the first man who fucked me. The first real man that is. All the others had just been kids, guys around my own age. I saw him on my first day of training in the army. He was an instructor and I wanted him the moment I saw him. Given the chance, I’d have gone down on him and gobbled his cock on the parade ground. He kept shouting at me to keep looking straight ahead, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his body as he moved around in his tight-fitting uniform. I didn’t take in a word of…


Added by Peta Worth on May 30, 2012 at 1:05pm — 1 Comment

PLEASE HELP - A Youtube stalker threatening a Woman with Death & Hate Speech due to her BB video response

There was a poster on Youtube named Brittany, she recently deleted her videos again after a four year hiatus. Her stalker has been harassing her and just recently posted a very threatening video reply to her old video again. I tried to report this to youtube, but they won't do anything about it. They are so hypocritical there, they have no problem deleting a ballbusting video....but it's ok to invoke violence to a woman who was just messing around. I was wondering if I could call on to my…


Added by Tyler Durden on May 30, 2012 at 1:30am — 7 Comments

My Cbusting Memoirs: Part 1 of 1

You might remember me from last year when I posted my ballbusting memoirs. I'm back now, and have decided to post my Cbusting memoirs. Instead of posting these two at a time every other month, I've decided to save time and just post them all here at once.

The first time I ever saw a girl get hit in the crotch was back in England, in about 2nd grade, if memory serves. Her name was Emily, she was just about my height with shoulder-length brown hair and practically always wore the same…


Added by Joe Metal on May 28, 2012 at 11:21am — No Comments

Pay the rent on time or pay

Maybe I should have seen this coming.  It was the late summer of 2001 and I was renting an duplex in Oregon.  It was hot - no AC - just fans and I like being naked indoors anyway.  There was a loud rapping on the door so I put on a t-shirt and opened the door a crack.  It was the landlady and I was two days late on rent.  I said I was sorry and went to write a check and as I turned to give it to her I realized she had come through the door with the cane she used to walk.  She was about 80 -…


Added by a. francis hays on May 10, 2012 at 12:55am — 2 Comments

The twist of fate

You’d think that a girl who gets off busting balls would be like a pig in clover in security work. Sadly, management don’t like their clients going home with the imprint of my knee on their jewels. But there was one time that I’ve chatted about to some of you. This is what happened.

It’s not uncommon for guys to come onto me a bit. They don’t mean any harm. It’s all in good fun and we just flirt a bit. But this guy was different. He homed in on me right from the start. Trying to stare…


Added by Peta Worth on May 4, 2012 at 5:13am — 1 Comment

party poopers

so the other night me my bf and two friends went to a party and this jackass kept being rude to everyone their. he came up to me and tried hitting on me but was just cocky gross rude and obnoxious. anyways skipping all the in between i kicked him pretty hard. although his eyes didnt do anything special he did make a really funny face lol. he then stood almost all the way up and said "that didnt hurt" then he tried walking and fell over holding himself haha. I left right after but my friend…


Added by Shalea K. on May 3, 2012 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

A Nice Kick outside a Convenient Store.

Early last year, in February,  I was walking along side of a convenient store near my house; some little creep called over to me “hey chickie”. I actually tried to ignore him and walk away and into the store just hoping he would leave me alone. He then said "Come on, stay a little while, we can have some fun together" then he grabbed my elbow. I turned around quickly, smiled at him because he was smiling at me and then kicked him in the balls. He fell into a bunch of stacked milk crates,…


Added by Grace on April 26, 2012 at 7:41am — 7 Comments

Tough female cousin

Ok, so I have this really tough cousin, who was one of the toughest girls in our school. One day back when I was a sophomore in HS (she was a freshman, but same age as me), she was fighting with her little bro, and when I went to pull her off him she turned on me. She came at me threatening to f me up and shoving me backwards til I couldn't back up anymore cuz there was a spare bed behind my legs. I tried to say I wouldn't fight her, but then she really made me look like a b1ch by…


Added by Beatup Byagirl on April 18, 2012 at 11:33pm — 2 Comments

After the Dinner Party No3

Anyway the next time. That was about two day later after the last time. I had a call from the host her name was Sue and we had been friend for some years. She asked if I could go round and see her and have a coffee and a chat. It was something that we often did. She said that Karen one of the other woman was with her. Karen was the one that put her clit in my face. It was a hot summers day so only had jeans and a t-shirt on. On getting to Sue's place I went to the back door as always and the…


Added by Osiris37c on April 12, 2012 at 7:36pm — No Comments

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