Do you remember how I ended last post saying writing this wouldn't last as long as writing part 3? I lied. Also in the last post, I told you about my vacation in '06. We pick up next in May of the next year. I was 17 at this point (In case you're wondering, I was born at the end of summer of '89), and I was part of my school's ROTC program. There, I was a member of our shooting team, as was a girl henceforth referred to as Brittany. She, being almost a year older than me, was a few inches taller than me. She was also few pounds overweight, but pleasantly so, so that just made her all the more attractive (which means she didn't have a pot-belly, she just had some meat on her bones). Her hair was brown and slightly curled. but was still long enough to cover her shoulders.

One weekend, the entire shooting team piled into a van to drive up to a shooting competition a state away. She wore blue jeans and a blue polo shirt. When we first got into the van, I sat in the seat behind her. I, like I always do when I sit in a van for a prolonged time, decided to mess with someone, and I chose her. About every 10-20 minutes or so, she would lean forward for whatever reason. Whenever she did so, I would reach over and grab her bra strap and snap it back. Fortunately for her, we stopped to get gas after an hour. When we got back in the car, she sat next to me in the bench seat in the back. When she pointed out that I couldn't reach her bra strap with her next to me, I responded by flicking her ear. I did this so much that she eventually had to lean over so I couldn't reach my ear. By doing so, she exposed her back and bra strap. I capitalized on the opportunity.

As soon as the bra strap hit her back, she spun back to me. Her polo was unbuttoned, so turning like she did revealed her cleavage. Turn out her bra was black, and was barely able to hold her breasts in normally, with the sudden rotation making one pop out inside her shirt. Before I could get anything other than a glimpse, she brought her elbow into my groin. Pain erupted through my body, and I leaned forward grabbing myself. She then leaned on my back like an arm rest and didn't let me up the entire rest of the drive.

About three hours later, we'd gotten to the hotel we were staying in overnight. I, and some of my male friends on the team, decided to go the pool there. They all hung back a few minutes for whatever reason, so I went to the pool alone. When I got there, it was only me and Brittany. I, ever the fearless person I am, got in and went over to talk with her. She asked me what I'd seen when she had her wardrobe malfunction. I told her what I'd seen, and asked if she would oh so kindly show me the other one. Boy was she ticked.

Because this happened in a swimming pool, a regular strike was out of the question. She instead went with a grab. She started to squeeze off and on for a few minutes, all the while talking to me about how much she wanted to knee me full force, with a particularly vivid description to boot.. We were good friends, so she wasn't really mad, more playfully interested. She eventually had to release me when my friends finally showed up, but kept her eyes on me. I didn't really noticed, because I can't see without my glasses on, but a friend of mine did and told me later.

That was later in the year (her senior year), and just so happened to be the last competition. Long story short, we never really saw each other too much after that. I considered trying to meet up with her a month or two back, but I haven't had the chance yet. I'll try to get in contact with her and set up a session, which I'll write about for you.

Until then, I'll just have to tell you a story from my senior year of high school. Also in her senior year was, let me think for a second, Debra. Debra had a similar build to Brittany. She was 5'6" and around 160 pounds (although quite a bit of that was her breasts), and she was gorgeous. Our relationship was... complicated. She was a mix of a sister, a friendly bully, and a casual sex partner. You probably don't quite understand what she was to me, but neither do I. She was weird, but in a good way.

At one point a couple months after we met, It was the last Friday of the month. At my high school, that meant it was pep rally day. Debra and I both managed to slip out from the crowd and hide in the history/physics wing (our school was laid out weird). Once we were safely hidden away in a secret room, we got to talking. Eventually, the conversation got to her breasts. Between her flashing me when we first met and her constant use of her bra as a hiding place, I'd seen and felt her breasts before. I felt like feeling them again, so we made a deal. In exchange for 5 seconds of under-the shirt groping, she got two solid kick to my balls.

I stood a few paces away with my legs spread wide. She ran up and swung her foot into my balls. That hit hurt like none I had felt before it. I sank to my knee holding myself while she waited patiently for me to recover. When she realized I wasn't getting up, she had me lie on my back as she took another swing. Her foot lashed out toward the point where my legs met. I sat up instantly and tried to grab my groin, only to find her foot lingering there, still compressing my balls.

"This wasn't in the deal" I managed to say. She replied with "I'm changing the deal, if you don't mind. Don't worry, you'll get something else as well." She stayed stepping on my nuts for another good minute or so before letting up. They were a great sixty seconds though, as her socked foot gently mushed my sack (part of the deal was no shoes). In the end, the reward was worth it as I got 5 minutes groping time.

After that five minutes, her hands slipped to my pants again. In one hand she grabbed my shaft and in the other my sack. She began stroking one and squeezing the other, and continued to do so until, well, you can guess. Before I could finish returning the favor, the end-of-school bell rang and the teachers started making their ways to the rooms. All things considered, I was glad I skipped the pep rally that day.

Footnote: This is the end of my ballbusting memoirs. Hope you guys liked them. Also, you might have noticed a few months back that I posted the first third of this by accident. I took it down after a few days because It wasn't finished. Also, I talked to Brittany, but she declined a BB session. Well, now that I'm done with these memoirs, don't expect anything else from me, especially not an interview in the discussions section.  Because I will definately not start one in a couple of days.

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