Tequila And Ballbusting Don't Mix Well

It was Saturday afternoon and i called a very close friend of mine who is really into ballbusting, also.  This is not uncommon for me and her to do on the weekends.  We usually do dinner and drinks and then go back to my house for ballbusting and the eventually sex.  she is not my mistress, but she knows how much i like ballbusting.  she is a Japanese girl that is very beautiful, but she is only 5' 3.  I am 6' 2 and it really excites both of us that for being such a small girl she can drop such a big guy to the floor so easily.  She thinks it is the funniest thing in the world. 

So after a great dinner we were headed back to my house.  We had both been drinking margaritas with our meal.  So on the way to the house i stopped to get something to drink back at the house.  I bought a bottle of tequila to keep the party going.  once we got back to the house, she went to the bathroom and i started cutting the limes and pouring shots.  She is a small girl, but she can handle her liquor.  So we did a few shots, together and then started to kiss.  This is the point she usually strips me down and will start to bust me.  But, she wanted to do more shots.   After the shots it progressed quickly to her kneeing and kicking me in the balls.  She gets frustrated sometimes, because i can take alot and she feels like her kicks aren't doing much.  So she stripped me down to my underwear and kept kicking me.  one thing she really likes to do is blindfold me when she kicks me, because she says i flinche too much.  So she blindfolded me and was kicking me pretty hard, but i still wasn't falling on the floor like she wanted.  we were talking one night on webcam and she wanted me to hit my balls with something.  I put a handful of change in a tube sock and nailed myself a few times for her, but i was not doing it extremely hard.  She got the great idea to try this while i was blindfolded.  I didn't see her swing it, but i instantly felt my knees give out and hit the floor hard and passed out.  over the next few minutes she tells me i was in and out of it while she was slapping me to try to wake me up.  When i really came to, my entire world was hell.  I was so dizzy.....I may have hit my head on the floor too.....but the pain in my balls was nothing like i have ever felt and i have taken my share.  I then felt very sick...she helped me to the bathroom were i began to vomit.  While i was in the bathroom she called a doctor, because she felt so bad about it.  I told her i didn't want to go to the emergency room, however very soon after my balls were hurting so bad, i was still feeling sick, and they were very swollen i told her to take me.  I told the doctor that i fell skateboarding...lol...but the swelling was so bad they had to stick needles in both of my balls to drain the fluid and then another needle in both that was similar to Novocaine to numb them.  they couldn't give me pain pills because i was drunk, but they gave me a prescription. 

I was supposed to visit with my grandparents for Easter Sunday, but i had to cancel because i couldn't move and was messed up on pain pills...and the day after that they were still kinda swollen and uncomfortable....i really don't want to be a buzzkill on this site at all...but i really care about the members....PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU ARE BALLBUSTING!!!

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Comment by BallsOfSteel on May 28, 2012 at 5:51am

Hey Seth, you are definitely not a buzzkill man. I applaud your concern and hope you are enjoying a full recovery from your drunken BB session. I use to drink. I know how hard and crazy we would play back then (at least I think I remember). I want to thank you for opening up the awareness to the group. Sometimes we get so caught up in the act itself that the consequences of our activities can place us in harms reach. I am also 6'2", a bodybuilder and runner. My girl is 5'6" and thin (a runner). I would never even consider her to be a threat to me what so ever but man let me tell you about her ability to prove that Dynamite definitely comes in small packages. When we play with fire... Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Juls Henderson on April 12, 2012 at 9:17am

Hope you feeling better, though up on to the part about the ER you seem to be living the dream.. :)

Comment by Dave on April 12, 2012 at 1:07am
Wow. Sounds like she really put her .02 cents into that session. j/k. Glad to hear per Mal's post you're making a full recovery. Hope all is fun, safe and sexy in your future endevors as that incident sounds like it was literally a little too close for comfort. Get well soon bud. Cheers!
Comment by Mallory {The Boss} on April 11, 2012 at 11:36am

You're so not a buzzkill, Seth...it's important for us to remember that our fetish

can be seriously dangerous, so I sincerely thank you for sharing your story with

us. And very very glad to hear (in chat) that you are nearly all healed now  :)


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