All Blog Posts (794)

New Years Morning Take Two.

On New Year’s Day, in the pre wee hours of the morning, 

I found myself sitting on my friend’s couch contemplating

on whether I should drive home or catch some sleep on the

couch I was sitting on.

As I sat there, one of the other people spending the night

came over to talk, we exchanged conversation about each

other for a few minutes.

I found out that he was an old rocker from the late 1980’s,

a middle aged local Hair Band drummer…

Added by Tina on January 17, 2013 at 11:30am — 14 Comments

My Ballbusting Memoirs: Part 5 of 4

I'm back and I've got exciting news, fellas. I've got some more ballbusting stories to share that you'll have to read to beleive. I'll start at the beginning, a few months ago.

I was out at a fast food joint, waiting for my chicken nuggets when in walks Susan. Susan was a girl I knew back in high school. Back then, she was hot. Not hottest-girl-in-school hot, but hot enough that I had to settle for admiring her from a distance. Years later, and she had it. She had large breasts and a…


Added by Joe Metal on December 13, 2012 at 10:54pm — 2 Comments

New -Clothed- BB Videos! Enjoy the preview gifs....;)

Domina Nyx has a fresh piece of meat before her: this slave travelled from another state to be played with, and she has never kicked, punched, or even touched him before. He thinks he can handle her devastating kicks…but she decides she's going to "break him in, Domina Nyx style". Wearing her most vicious boots, she toys with him, letting a few…


Added by Domina Nyx on December 9, 2012 at 5:54pm — No Comments

Busted at the strip club! M/F

Hey guys, so I haven't added much content to the site and feel like I should start, heres my first story :)

Last night I went out with a few friends for cheap beer at a local strip club,

the girls were amazing, better than ever, and they were loving the crowd :)

then I decieded that I wanted a private dance,

so i find a sexy red head that had made eyes at me for most of the night,

she even came to say hi and sat on my lap, so she knew what was up....…


Added by Richard Wildchild on December 6, 2012 at 6:15pm — 4 Comments

Brutal Ballbusting Session

In every one of my posts I start by saying I just got busted worse than last time. It is true, my domme admits she amps it up every session. Tonight's session was no different. This was the only time that during the session I was genuinely concerned that I might lose a nut.

My domme looked great as always, wearing her red platform shoes with a six inch heel. I had asked her to wear them since they have a squared off toe so she can really hit my balls hard. (I don't know if I want her… Continue

Added by charles stone on December 3, 2012 at 11:29pm — No Comments

My first story here: A good squeeze!

I was answering a message from "A..." here when she asked me about squeezing balls. I just remembered this time I was in the bus stop with my friend "L..." I'll just ctrl-v the story here then sorry for any english mistake (:

There was this time when I was with a friend of mine, L... and stuff, and I was texting some friends. He asked me to see my phone and I let him. Seconds later he said "Hey I'll read your messages" and showed me he was in the SMS Box. There was…


Added by Sarah Z. Kursk on November 14, 2012 at 9:30pm — 9 Comments

Why guys don't do balance beams

When I was in high school we had a gymnastics team – girls only.  I was always under the impression that balance beam was adopted in women’s gymnastics to replace rings in men’s gymnastics (which is an upper body strength event really not appropriate for women).  Thus the men compete in horse, rings, bar & floor where as women compete in horse (vaulting rather performing on the horse), balance beam. uneven parallel bars & floor.   If you study the male & female form its pretty…


Added by debbie desouza on November 7, 2012 at 7:34pm — 3 Comments

My domme has outdone herself yet again!

There was supposed to be three other girls coming up from the city for this session, but none of them were able to make it. Perhaps next time. While that was a letdown, I still had a fantastic session with my domme. She was beautiful as always, in a short, tight black dress and six inch red platform heels. They had more of a square toe, so I knew her kicks would feel like a hammer. I sat on the floor, making my balls available for her to kick or step on. I was right about the shoes, her kicks… Continue

Added by charles stone on November 5, 2012 at 11:35pm — 1 Comment

My Fight Continued

After the teachers broke up the fight, I got suspended and so did Jacob. I don't think I gave his name, but now I wish to catch you up. Our suspension lasted a week and than we were back at it. I was pretty pissed off that he had beat my balls so badly. In truth to me, it was like he won the fight. I didn't have to practice today, so I was wearing some white fleece pants and a white graphic T btw I was going commando. I was heading to the library when I saw Jacob go into one of the…


Added by Alex Boi on November 5, 2012 at 5:11pm — No Comments


Ok, so I've been into being busted for a while but been too afraid to tell my wife. I finally told her it was my fantasy and she was suprisingly open to it.

She hasn't been able to work up to a knee or kick but things have gotten more interesting in the bedroom. Her preference is to squeeze and slap and just recently she suprised me with a few punches.

Any tips on how I can encourage her to explore her inner dominatrix?

Added by Nor7 on November 2, 2012 at 10:57pm — 3 Comments

Brand New Videos and Future Plans

I came today to share a few brand new clips from my clip store, and ask for your opinions about future videos. 

First up: A brand new hard ballbusting with a new slave. This was a super exciting clip to film...I was off almost all summer, so it was really the first time I've done a hard busting since June or July. The guy was rolling around on the floor at some point, so I just spread his legs and kept kicking. The full clip is available at  …


Added by Domina Nyx on October 20, 2012 at 2:56am — 7 Comments

Rugby player loses testicle after final defeat

He must have been functioning on adrenalin.   I’ve probably kicked guys as hard as he was hit and they went down and stayed down.  The difference was that Wood was in the heat of battle and my kicks/knees are unexpected and catch the victim by surprise.

Rugby player loses testicle after final defeat

Mon October 8, 2012

(CNN) -- British rugby league player Paul Wood has lost a testicle after a collision during the English sport's showpiece final at…


Added by debbie desouza on October 10, 2012 at 6:40pm — 1 Comment

Time well spent

I think I don't blog often because I don't have enough things to say. Well, I've learned that's not true. I have a lot on my mind all the time and I finally think it's time I shared some of it with anyone who cares to read my rambling thoughts :)

Join me!

Lately I've been in a really great mindset. I chalk it up to a number of factors, not the least of which is my incredible girlfriend who sustains and champions me every day. It was she who gave me the courage and the…


Added by Knave! on October 5, 2012 at 1:32pm — 9 Comments

Speedo Ballbusting

Hello, I want to share this story. I was 17 at the time and on the swim team for my school. As part of the dress code we had to wear a speedo I don't know if you have ever wore one, but they are tight all around and everything is visible. Well I would wear mine as underwear in school save time for swim team practices. One day I was in the restroom and had just got done using the urinal and had put my dick back inside my speedo when a guy that I had been having some issues came up and punched…


Added by Alex Boi on October 4, 2012 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

Busted by wife

Its been a while since my wife busted me but she came through big time saturday morning. I woke up about 8am and noticed my wife was gone, I could hear her walking around outside the bedroom. Then she came in the bedroom, saw I was awake and said "good morning, now get down on the floor!" Knowing what was coming I quickly obeyed her. She grabbed her white platform mules with a six inch heel and carried them with her as she walked up between my legs. She dropped them on the floor and stepped… Continue

Added by charles stone on September 30, 2012 at 10:24pm — No Comments

Don't mess with my frozen custard.

Several people suggested I post this as my next story so I'll listen to what they have to say, hope you all enjoy it.

On Labor Day weekend (first weekend of September) a group of us, myself, my husband and friends spent a pleasant Saturday at Wildwood beach.  Two of the guys we were sharing a house with were a nuisance to me pretty much all day. It was my husband that put them up to this, he was egging them on and they just kept on bothering me. Personally I think he wanted to…


Added by greeneyedsusan on September 25, 2012 at 3:17pm — 13 Comments

I have the best domme in the world!!

Saw my domme again tonight. She is unbelievable. I am going to start this post by telling you how my session started and how it ended. That will give you an idea of what happened in between. It started with my domme saying, "I am going to f**k you up." It ended with me having busted blood vessels in my forehead from screaming so badly during the session. Something else, huh?

She put on black platform shoes with a 6 inch heel. I love these shoes for a few reasons. One, they are just hot.… Continue

Added by charles stone on September 17, 2012 at 10:45pm — 2 Comments

The Supermarket

This is not really a good bust, but I enjoyed it.

I always go shopping at the Supermarket and am always asked if I would like help out to my car. I always say no thanks due to I'm not so old or unhealthy and really don't need the help. Some months ago a young pretty woman asked me if I needed help and then whispered Please. I not knowing what to say said sure, why not. She pushed the cart while I watched her and wished the store didn't make these woman wear such ugly shoes. While she…


Added by Scott Montgomery on September 15, 2012 at 4:39pm — 1 Comment

badly beaten balls

Saw my domme for the fourth time tonight and she picked up the intensity again to make this session the most brutal. Again she wore her blue six inch platform heels with the pencil thin heel. I love those shoes! She started kicking me hard and kept it up for ten minutes until my balls started swelling up good. With my balls swollen and tender she took this opportunity to step on them and crush them between her shoe and the floor. Again as she's crushing them she's laughing at my pain. She… Continue

Added by charles stone on September 5, 2012 at 10:35pm — 8 Comments

New video series

Some friends and I are starting up a new video series finally! If you're in the milwaukee area and would like to get busted, or to bust yours truly, drop me a line! :D


Added by Knave! on September 4, 2012 at 6:44pm — 2 Comments

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