I’ve told how I had my first experience of being busted in my profile. I’ve experienced all sorts of busts since then, from the best to the worst. The best of them all happened on my honeymoon. The sensations were incredible and heightened by the occasion.

As soon as we were alone in our room, Mike and I got right down to it. Clothes were torn off and thrown across the floor as we fell on the bed. We’d deliberately avoided each other for the week before and could barely keep our hands off each other during the ceremony. We took every chance we got to touch and rub ourselves against each other at the reception. I was told later that some of our guests got horny just seeing us in action on the dance floor.

By the time we got to our room, we were so aroused that our first married coupling couldn’t wait. We were both physically strong and strong-willed. Our sex life had been aggressive right from the start, with each of us striving for the upper hand. Honours were about even, I’d say. But I hadn’t planned busting Mike on our honeymoon. No way was I going to do anything that might spoil my fun.

As we rolled on the bed, Mike pushed his leg over my thigh and I spread my legs in welcome. As he started to climb over, he rammed his knee hard into my crotch with one sharp thrust that crushed my exposed nerve endings. I howled and doubled over, rolling away from him to protect myself. But he pulled me onto my back, pushed himself between my legs and dragged my hands away from my crotch, pinning them to the bed. With me taken by surprise and winded by the bust, he quickly mounted me. I managed to gather myself enough to buck and curse and swear at him, but it didn’t put him off his stride. My genitals were on fire and each time he crashed into my crotch it was like needles being driven into my flesh. Eventually I managed to wrench my arms free so that I could hit and scratch him. But my pain and struggling seemed to feed his strength, he was never so potent as he was that night. Every thrust seemed to lift me off the bed. And it began to have its effect on me too as my orgasm began to build. The pain was still there but now it began to mingle with the first warm tantalising pleasures of an orgasm. Pain and pleasure each seemed to make the other more intense until I couldn’t distinguish them. Soon I didn’t know, or care, whether I was crying out in pain or pleasure or both. When I finally came, my body was racked with spasms and it felt like an explosion going off in my head.  I collapsed in a bath of sweat as Mike finished off.

After that I abandoned my self-imposed bar on busting him. We both returned home bruised and battered but having experienced some of the best sex of our marriage.

As we talked afterwards, he told me that he hadn’t planned the bust, it had been spontaneous. We tried to relive it afterwards, to recapture that first fuck and mind-blowing orgasms. But it never worked quite the same again.

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Comment by Johnny BB Goode on March 20, 2012 at 5:14am

Great and very sexy story Peta!  Mutual busting and reversal of roles can be very erotic.  Glad to hear you enjoy it as much as you described above. 

By the way, nice writing skills.  Very descriptive and flavorful!  :)

Comment by Smoo on March 19, 2012 at 8:21am

I totally get enjoying both "winning" and "loosing" with this!  I have to say, Mallory posted a question to all about what it feels like, including the CB aspect.  I'd be very curious to hear your response should you be willing!
I think my last question is simply how often you two actually try and bust each other?  Is it a regular thing or something you just do on rare occasion?

Comment by Peta Worth on March 17, 2012 at 11:10am

Well, Smoo, that tricky. On the one hand I always wanted to win and be in control but on the other hand there was a lot of pleasure (sometimes more as in my post) from being on the "losing" end. I don't really understand what's going on in my mind myself. It can seem so contradictory.

Comment by Smoo on March 16, 2012 at 9:55pm

I know this is getting away from your story a bit.  Was kinda curious if you find either more enjoyable - when he busts you or when you bust him?  Does either have any better luck when busting the other?

Comment by Peta Worth on March 15, 2012 at 4:53pm

Thanks, Smoo. Yes we were into it right from the start. Each struggling for mastery over the other. Sometimes one of us was on top and sometimes the other.

Comment by Smoo on March 15, 2012 at 3:26pm

Wow, hell of a story!  *Two Claws Up*   :)  Nice to hear about some of the gals taking hits too - gotta keep things equal opportunity.  Love it!  Kinda curious - were you two into busting each other pretty much from the get go or was it something that developed over time?


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