All Blog Posts (794)

The first time I was ever busted

some of you would have got some of this story in chat but here I will tell the entire story in detail.

I've been busted about 4 or 5 times in my life NEVER have I asked for it this was the first time it ever happened.

I was in year 6 would have been I think 12 and a half years old/


At this age is when I started to get curious about girls beating up guys and was always thinking of it, I was thinking about what it would feel like to be kicked in…


Added by Hurts! on August 11, 2013 at 5:01am — No Comments

A ball squeezing

I saw one of the posting about getting kicked or squeezed, and thought I'd share an experience with you all. I loved being kicked, but the most pain can come with a squeeze, and it can be very intimate. My wife showed me that just recently. Now my wife has squeezed my balls before, but never like this. We finally had time to get it on, which is not as often as we would like because there is constant traffic through my house, between friends, family, and a 3 year old, someone is always… Continue

Added by KingMe on August 9, 2013 at 2:33am — 3 Comments

Ballbusting Antics

I was standing in the kitchen getting water when my wife calls to me, I look up to see her walking toward me very casual like and smiling at me. Not a mischievous smile, just her regular happy smile. As she got closer to me i went to respond with a "what's up. That was untill she plowed her knee unto my nuts before I even know what happened. Nut shots are worse when you don't expect them. Which I am learning all to well. Once my wife realized she really enjoyed kicking me in the balls, she… Continue

Added by KingMe on August 5, 2013 at 3:04pm — 3 Comments

Bruised Balls

Hi everyone, I thought I would post about the ballbusting I got a couple days after the first one, since I have a little time. Now I have been into ballbusting for about six years but did not actually do it until recently with my wife, who took to it rather quick. That's all in my other post though. My wife really enjoys busting my balls, though she is still on fence about it, meaning she is not really ready to admit that she loves kicking her husband in the family jewels just for sport, at… Continue

Added by KingMe on July 17, 2013 at 3:26pm — 7 Comments

My wife worked my balls over pretty well

Note: this happened like five days ago, but it's written as if it just happened because I recorded a voice note on my phone that evening and only transcribed it tonight (as well as cleaning up the sentence structure and adding some extra detail in places where it was lacking).  So, from here on out, this is all talking about what "just happened" but it really means last Wednesday or Thursday (I didn't write down which).

My wife just gave my balls…


Added by Smack My Nuts on July 9, 2013 at 1:05am — No Comments

busted and milked (true story)

Last night my lady friend (FWB) came over. She's a small Asian woman - a foot shorter than me and half my weight. I gave her a massage and we made out for a while.. me on top, sometimes holding down her arms. A lot of the time she's very submissive to me.. but not always! She broke away from the kiss and told me mater-of-factly, "get into position, I'm going to bust your balls." I asked her what position she wanted me in, and she said kneel.

She sat at the end of the bed, and…


Added by Foo Bar on July 5, 2013 at 7:55pm — 3 Comments

First Ball busting session

Hi all, I am pretty new to the website and I don't really have a whole lot of time to be on here. It's funny because I have only been a member for a little while, and this site is the reason I had a very surprising ballbusting session last night.

            Now I have always been into ballbusting but I never had a BB partner, it just happened randomly most of the time, and I could never grow the nerve to ask a woman to do it, and after I got married I never thought that I could ask her…


Added by KingMe on June 19, 2013 at 11:18pm — 9 Comments

A memorable bust :)

                 Hi, at first i would like to say that i am proud to be a member of this site.


                         So i use to meet this girl for sex, then i introduced her to ballbusting and then we introduced that in our list of activities. Let me tell you how a meeting like this would be like: I use to meet her, then she would start with some squeezing, slapping on my balls, then i would strech my balls all the way on my abdomen on the left…


Added by Alin on June 18, 2013 at 5:08am — 2 Comments

Kitty Gets Her Wish

Sometimes I would forget that he was a ballbusting video star, even though I had an assortment of his videos that he so kindly shared with me over the first year of our friendship. His videos were…


Added by Mallory {The Boss} on June 4, 2013 at 6:24am — 18 Comments

6,000 Miles of Erotic Agony


This is a fantasy that has literally been years in the making... ever since I used to take the train to visit Grandma in Wyoming.

The shortest version of the story is that I live in California and tomorrow we will get on a 3 day train ride to Washington DC for vacation... I plan on keeping him tied up ALL THREE DAYS for thousands of miles (don't worry, photos/videos to come).

I have a sleepsack, a straitjacket (by Maxita) with matching "boot"… Continue

Added by Alice In BondageLand on May 31, 2013 at 3:36pm — 1 Comment

30 mins Busting session with my best friend

As I mentioned in title, I have had a 30 mins busting session with my best friend last Saturday, May 11, 2013 :)

So I have known this girl for approximately 2 years now, she is a mixed Asian girl; half Japanese half Chinese just like me. She's about 5ft 4, a very sporty and active girl; with the most beautiful legs I have ever seen in my entire life, nice toes, nice shape, nice curve. 

Because it is her first time ever busting a guy in the balls (she's the…


Added by Kenny Chen on May 11, 2013 at 12:30am — 8 Comments

Successful Intro to Busting

Over a year and a half ago, my gf who loved ballbusting broke up with me after 3 years together. It's been a slow time since, not having much luck in the bb world. A few months ago I met a girl who's significantly older than me (I'm 23, she's 31) out at a bar. Turned out we live in apartment buildings across from each other and have been hanging out sporadically (mostly going out to bars) ever since. She's stayed over at my place a few times, and while we've gotten sorta "hands on", haven't…


Added by FatSmurf on May 1, 2013 at 2:00am — 6 Comments

Failure to Comply - A true story from my dungeon

I took a hold of his soft, pink delicate scrotum in my left hand from behind him. I had positioned him on the cold floor on his hands and knees, his wrists bound and legs spread wide either side of him so he couldn't use them. He had no way of preventing me from accessing all areas, his worthless cock twitching in anticipation, dribbling with pre-cum through the end of his securely locked CB3000, despite the fact he knew he was in trouble. He would be severely punished for his failure to…


Added by Mistress Deadly Desires on April 23, 2013 at 2:00pm — 7 Comments

Once in a lifetime...almost!

Once in a lifetime...almost!

So there is a woman who I met through some mutual friends a couple of years ago. From the first time I saw her I was interested but due to her having a boyfriend and being at the tail end of a divorce I didn't make any move. Now at this point bb was not my intention, I never bring it up until I am comfortable with someone and we have developed some trust, I just thought that she was everything I wanted in a partner. Beautiful, intelligent, independent,…


Added by Jim Dickens on April 14, 2013 at 1:11am — No Comments

my aunt

im not to good at this

i went home for spring break.took acouple vacations days off of work.well i went home and growing up i was raised by my aunt sara.after coming home i wanted to surprize her and i did just that i snuck up behind her and scared the crap out of the same time she gave me a back heel kick to the was one of the hardest bust ive ever had i went down to  my knees so turns around kinda pushes me over. grabs one of ankles then puts one of her feet…


Added by david on April 5, 2013 at 5:44am — 15 Comments

Not kicked but busted

I have seen this woman, a massage therapist for some time, on this occasion it was not just a regular massage. I was laying on my back near the end of my 90 minute massage when she asked  me if there were any area's I wanted further attention to. I just somehow got the nerve up and asked her that if she new the Thailand testicle massage that would be great. She looked me square in the eyes and one word came from her, REALLY? I replied, well it doesn't hurt to ask. She then smiled and looked…


Added by Scott Montgomery on March 1, 2013 at 4:53pm — 2 Comments

session with Virginia Ballbuster Vetty Vapor

Hey all,

I just had an awesome session with Vetty Vapor.  You can join her yahoo group for pics, links to clips, and info about sessions.

Also, here's a link to a small clip of some of our ballbusting session

First of all, this girl is hot.  She's 25, works out all the time (she benches 135 for sets of 10),…


Added by Beatup Byagirl on February 28, 2013 at 8:47pm — No Comments

Worst pain in my life (CB) not kicked but hit

It was like a few weeks ago. I took Tennis as my after school class. Was a beginner not a professional. Okay it was like a singles match against seniors. So Seniors VS Juniors. Pretty awkward though. Just waiting for my turn. And 1 minute later it's my turn to go for a shot. So, this small Senior of mine came out and Versus against me. So I was hmm not bad. She was like 145cm i guess. I'm 160cm ASIAN! Then my senior gave a one huge hit at the tennis ball it was so…


Added by ILoveCuntBusting on February 27, 2013 at 6:47am — No Comments

Shot for shot!

     My wife and I are going through IVF(in vetro fertilization) to get pregnant.  This process requires that I administer intramuscular injections daily to her but cheek, and every 3 days it’s two injections.  So I made a deal with her.  If she has to get shots in the but every day for us to have a baby, I should be required to endure daily shots(kicks) to the balls, so we both have some discomfort from the ordeal.  She liked this idea a whole lot.  So we made the terms.  On the single shot…


Added by Mike on February 19, 2013 at 11:31am — 3 Comments

1st time seeing a Pro Dom

February 13, 2013, my first time seeing a pro dom in my life.

She is a young & beautiful dom; half Chinese half Caucasian, strong legs and good at what she does. 

I was extremely nervous when I entered in the room, everything looks new to me. Not knowing what she will be doing to me, I was already getting a hard-on and my heart was pumping so fast.

As soon as she walked in, she asked me, "Do you feel like being punished?" She started talking to me and…


Added by Kenny Chen on February 13, 2013 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

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