I was standing in the kitchen getting water when my wife calls to me, I look up to see her walking toward me very casual like and smiling at me. Not a mischievous smile, just her regular happy smile. As she got closer to me i went to respond with a "what's up. That was untill she plowed her knee unto my nuts before I even know what happened. Nut shots are worse when you don't expect them. Which I am learning all to well. Once my wife realized she really enjoyed kicking me in the balls, she started to do It randomly throughout out the day, when I wasn't paying attention. She is no longer shy about going for the balls, quit frankly she is the opposite. She is starting to bust my balls whenever there is chance and an opening. She ran up behind me a couple days ago and kicked me between my legs out of the blue. If I'm standing there talking to her and she is sitting down, she will punch me in the nuts. First time she did it winded me. As she is becoming more comfortable with it, l find myself getting knees in the balls constantly. When ever my jewels are exposed or open to a foot, fist, or knee she capitalizes. She always manages to find a way to rest her foot on my balls incase she wants to bust me. All very erotic and I love it. She has only put me on my knees once recently and it was on purpose, most of the time she is only hitting me medium force. I know when she decides that she wants to drop me because she asks me to turn around and spread my legs. When ever she kicks like that I know I'm going down, and if I don't she will kick harder until I do. Doesn't take much to put me down when she is trying to. I am definitely interested to see how much this evolves with my wife, as the ballbusting mistress slowly comes out. Keep you posted ? :)
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