Hi everyone, I thought I would post about the ballbusting I got a couple days after the first one, since I have a little time. Now I have been into ballbusting for about six years but did not actually do it until recently with my wife, who took to it rather quick. That's all in my other post though. My wife really enjoys busting my balls, though she is still on fence about it, meaning she is not really ready to admit that she loves kicking her husband in the family jewels just for sport, at least not yet.
A few nights after our first ballbusting session we were talking about it, how it seemed kind of surreal and how much fun she had, I asked why it was fun but she wasn't sure why really. I asked her if she wanted to kick me in the balls again, and for as long as I have known this woman I have never seen her blush, turned red and said "Actually I really kind of do". In nothing but my boxers and her in underwear, I find my self about to be dropped by my wife again. Now I will say this again; when you stand before a woman and spread you legs just so she can kick you in the balls for entertainment is super sexy. All I think is I cannot believe I'm going to let her kick me in the manhood, and this time I was a lot more nervous because I learned real quick that last time when my wife bust balls, she does it hard. She kicks with the intent of putting me on my knees. She asked if I was ready and I told her your never ready to get kicked in the balls. A couple of deep breaths and what seemed like an eternity I told her to go for it. She smiles, looks me In the eye with that sparkle as she pulls her foot back to break my balls. Now for me at this point time seems to slow down a little as her foot accelerates to my manhood, and gives me just enough time to fear what is about to happen before pain explodes in my balls and shoots up my spin. I try to stand up but just can't. Through the waves of pain I hear her laugh, and then ask if I'm ok. I love how she ask if I'm ok after she has floored me, and I also love how she always asks if I'm sure I want her to kick me in the nuts. I started to loose count after about 15 kicks, all but two floored me. I couldn't go any more and she knew it so she asked if I could take one more, and of course I said yes. When she kicked me, she messed up and didn't get the desired drop and she seemed disappointed. She asked if was done and I told her she could take one more. Now I'm starting to believe that my wife wants that last kick to really hurt, like she knows it is the final blow, the one that puts me in agony. I told her to make it good and she did. One minute I'm standing, the next I'm on the floor griping my balls, squeezing my legs shut. It was the only thing I could do as waves of pain just kept shooting through me. I could hear my wife laugh and say " Ok, now your done", and I was. That final kick she gives always takes everything out of me, just utterly defeated. Come to find out she wasn't done, as I was getting ready to perform my husbandly duty ;) she reached down and grabbed my swollen balls and kept trying to squeeze them, losing he grip. She pulled me on top of her nuts in hand and was able wrap her hand around one and started to squeeze. It was already tender and swallow and now she was crushing it. Almost unbearable. After we were done and resting on the bed she pointed out that my balls were red and how funny it would be to punch me in them. If she had I would have cried. The day after that I was surprised, because my balls were now pretty bruised up, but they were only a little sore. I didn't want to show my wife at first, fearing that she would freak out. When the subject came up in the shower a couple days later and she said she wouldn't have freaked her out, that I she wasn't squeamish about brushing my balls. She asked me to show her and I did, which then starting to flick them with her figure asking me if they hurt when she does that. Which is hot in itself, the fact that she didn't mind bruising them up if wants too. We talked about it and a she told me she was kicking a lot harder this time, not full force but closer to it. She told me that the only way she would kick full force is if she intended to do permanent damage, so basically someone she wouldn't mind neutering, so I won't be asking for that anytime soon, because after feeling the power of some of those kicks, I'm sure my balls would not really stand an chance. So there it is people let me know what you think, questions or comments are welcomed. If it seems haphazardly thrown together I'm sorry, I'm writing all this from a phone.

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Comment by KingMe on July 23, 2013 at 6:44pm
I completely understand what you mean because that is how I am. I try to take it, and sometimes it takes more then one kick to drop me. But it doesn't happen often. I do hope that you get that wish granted, I really do. It would be an awesome story.
Comment by Tender Boy on July 23, 2013 at 12:57pm

If you tried what I want to try, which is to get kicked in the balls until I am overpowered by it, you probably wouldn't cry like a bitch (LOL) because as soon as you can't take any more, that's when you fall to your knees and the kicks stop, at least until you've had a chance to recover.

So if you drop from the first kick, that's fine, it's over unless you want it to continue.

My issue is that I don't drop to my knees, at least not from the first few kicks, even full-force ones.  My balls do hurt, and it's not easy to handle it, but I am able to handle it.  I guess in a way that's good, but what I want to experience is not being able to handle it, where a woman kicks my balls hard enough (or, more likely, repeatedly enough) that the pain is intense to the point where I can't help but fall to my knees, where I can't stop it from happening, where I am not in control (and she is), where it's not even a choice for me but to fall to the ground curled up from the overwhelming pain in my testicles that she just gave me.  It would be totally thrilling to be on the receiving end of girl power like that, even though my balls would be in agony.

It's also my personality type not to give in easily.  :)   

So even though I want to end up on my knees, overpowered by a woman kicking my balls, I know I'll try hard to resist.  I know it sounds contradictory, but that's how I am.  :)   What this means is that the pain will have to get really intense before I fall to my knees, because if I am able to remain standing, I will.  So it's likely going to take multiple kicks, be very painful, and seem like it will take forever even though it will in reality only be a short time.  And that's simultaneously exciting and scary, but that's why it's appealing.  This is also why I say that I'll have to ask my Domme to kick quickly and not give me any breaks or time inbetween, so I won't have time to think it over or chicken out, and it won't extend the struggle more than needed, since the goal anyway is to have me down on my knees unable to stand up because of the pain in my balls, not so much the process of trying to resist it while we're getting there.

My Domme is kind of expensive though so I have to save up some more cash first.  Maybe I will try to find another woman who charges less.  :)

Comment by KingMe on July 23, 2013 at 3:17am

I know i am very lucky to have a woman like her. Your right Half the fun is knowing she enjoys it. My wife is not very big at all 4'11 130 pounds, tiny but built pretty sturdy. Her hips, ass, and leg are all curves. Her legs are strong. Not like freakishly huge or anything, but i have felt her flex her muscles in her legs and they are like stone. I remember playing around with her when we where in high school and she but me in a scissor lock, just messing around. I though she was going to break all of my ribs lol.

The thing you said about your dom was pretty hot, getting kicked repeatedly in the balls with no breaks sounds fun. If you could do that, you would be my hero, because i would cry like a bitch. I must admit i would definitely  like her to go full force sometime and just wreak me. Getting hit in the balls for me hurts ALOT, and it drains me, but when the pain fades, I want to be hit in the balls again but want it to hurt more. It would be nice to be kicked until i begged for her to stop. Thanks for that link i will check it out.

Comment by Tender Boy on July 22, 2013 at 8:43pm

Nate, you are a seriously fortunate guy to have a wife who's as enthusiastic as yours is to play with you and bust your balls so you both have fun.  She seems really great, and it sounds like you can let her take the lead and explore however she's comfortable kicking you because she seems totally motivated all on her own.

For me personally, half the fun is in knowing the woman wants to kick my balls and likes doing it.  It sounds like your wife really enjoys it which has to be very exciting for you.

I am just curious, is she big or strong for a woman?  It doesn't really matter, I am just wondering.

You asked what full-force kicks are like.  Let me start by saying that one thing I've learned here on this website is that men's reactions to being ball-busted vary dramatically, with some guys having a high tolerance for it, and others not.  And each individual has his own way of reacting to the pain.  Some drop to their knees, some don't.  Some are vocal, some silent.  Some are ready for more right away, others need time to recover.  Some get aroused from the pain immediately, others need the pain to subside first.  So I can tell you what it's like for me but your experience may well be different so please keep that in mind.  

Also, if you're already at an "8" out of "10" then the 10's won't be dramatically different from what you've already experienced.  I normally advise starting easy, and slowly and steadily increasing the strength of the kicks so you can find the level at which you are comfortable without hugely overshooting it, but you're already doing that so you're good on that score.

My experience with full-force kicks was with a professional Domme who was experienced with ballbusting and had very strong (and pretty) legs.  She could kick hard and once we worked up through medium to stronger kicks and she saw that I was OK, she really let me have it.

The pain was very strong, and I let out a "Unnnngh!" kind of groan, but somehow it also makes me smile and (almost) laugh a little because I felt really happy when she was kicking my balls since it was my fantasy come true.  Now, I also felt a little scared before each kick.  Somehow the anticipation of the pain was scarier than the actual pain, which was surprisingly manageable.  It was actually a kind of relief right after the kicks struck my testicles - despite the pain - because now it was a known quantity.  But then, after a short pause, it was time to anticipate the next kick… Of course that is part of the thrill.

I did not drop, even though she gave me about three full-force kicks and about two dozen medium-strong kicks as well (say about a 6 on a scale of 10).  But maybe that is just me, for whatever reason my body does not respond to ball-kicks by dropping.  I feel the pain but I remain standing and just experience the feeling and it's pretty awesome.  It hurts, but it's exhilarating.

She congratulated me on "taking a ten"!  I think she was surprised that I could handle it.  My balls hurt for only a minute or so, and then felt pleasantly achy for about five minutes longer, and then just felt great, like energized, alive, awesome.  But this may just be me.

I should mention that I like my ballbusting to be intense but relatively short.  It's a really energetic activity and I love it for about 5-10 minutes, but after that I start to feel drained, and it's not as much fun.  I say this because I know some people's style is to go with lighter kicks but make it last a long time.  I am the opposite: I like full-strength, the girl not holding back at all, but only do it for a little while.   

I would like to experience what it's like to be kicked hard enough that I really do fall helpless to my knees, overpowered by the sensation and pain.  For me I don't think a single kick can do that, but I am sure that if I can have my Domme kick hard and repeatedly, without giving me a break between kicks, she'll get me there.  That prospect is scary especially because I know that I'll try really hard to resist the pain and remain standing (which just means receiving more and more kicks) but it's also kind of awesome, and I want to try it.

Your wife wanted to know if there's anything that can crush your balls during sex.  Yes, there is.  Check out this fun toy.  You can apply as little or as much pressure as you want.  Let her control the tightness and you'll really have a fun-scary-awesome time.  Good luck and have fun!  Let us know how it goes.

Comment by KingMe on July 22, 2013 at 3:16pm
Good advice Vulcan and thanks. Tender boy she is getting into it more and more, and I don't really bring it up to her because she has no problem doing it on her own. She told me to turn around and spread em a few nights ago out of the blue, that was all her, and those kicks from behind hurt the most. Ironically that is one of her favorite ways to kick me. On a scale is say an 8, she said she was kicking a lot harder, not her hardest but pretty high up there. I will ask her to kick me harder when she more comfortable with it. At this point she still discovering all the things she can do to my nuts. Last night she asked if there was something that could crush my balls while we have sex, but not sure of anything like that. Any ideas? Anyway when she gets more comfortable Ill ask. I will have to build up the resolve to ask her to give it to me full force, even though I really want her to. It's still scary to take a shot to the pills like that, since what I felt so far is pretty intense. It will definitely happen just got work up to it. Can't wait for her to devastate me that though. What is it like full force?
Comment by Tender Boy on July 22, 2013 at 5:45am

Good for you Nate it sounds like it's really going well.

On a scale from 1-10 how hard is she kicking you?  If it's, say, a 7, then have her try an 8 and see how it goes.  If you can handle it, then try a 9.  You don't have to jump all the way to full force (10) in one go.

But just so you know, I've been kicked full-force by a woman with very strong legs and although it hurt, I was totally fine afterward.  So it can be done, if you want to try it.

Comment by volcan51 on July 21, 2013 at 11:42pm

Just take your time and enjoy it, your wife looks like a trustworthy person. When you believe you were down, she guess you with stand more and then grab you by the nuts, you actually take it without die or recieve damage, so i only can advice you to let her free. It looks like even when she kick hard or do other things she knows what i't's doing.


As coment it was a damm good story.


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