My wife and I are going through IVF(in vetro fertilization) to get pregnant.  This process requires that I administer intramuscular injections daily to her but cheek, and every 3 days it’s two injections.  So I made a deal with her.  If she has to get shots in the but every day for us to have a baby, I should be required to endure daily shots(kicks) to the balls, so we both have some discomfort from the ordeal.  She liked this idea a whole lot.  So we made the terms.  On the single shot days I would have to take 3 kicks, in the technique of her choosing that day, and on double shot days it would be increased to 5.  I have a pretty high tolerance, as we have been actively ball busting for  about a year and a half.  This being the case, if she feels that 3 and 5 aren’t enough on any particular day she can increase the number as much as she wants, till she feels I’m in adequate pain.


     The first day of injections, I went to the kitchen to prep the shot.  My wife went to the freezer to get an ice pack to numb her but cheek. After about 15 minutes she told be she was ready and stood in the kitchen leaning over the sink.  I stuck her with the needle, she winced a little bit, injected the medicine, massaged it in, and put a Band-Aid on the tiny hole left by the needle.  All and all, it wasn’t too bad.  Since she had iced it first, she was very numb and barely felt anything.


     Now it was my turn, she had me get into the same position she was in, leaning against the sink, only my legs were spread wide, and I had no ice pack to numb my area.  She asked “are you ready,” and before I could answer she swung her leg like she was kicking a 50 yard field goal, and made perfect, brutal contact with my dangling orbs.  She kicked so hard that my feet came 6 inches off the ground.  My legs got week and my knees instinctively came together to protect my aching balls.  I managed to stay on my feet, although a bit wobbly, and she said “that’s one, two more to go, spread those legs!”  I did as I was told, and WHAM!  The next shot was just as hard, but since my nuts were already weekend, I had no choice but to drop to the ground, and curl up in a ball, gasping for breath.  She gave me about thirty seconds to recover, and told me to get back up for number 3.  I struggled but managed to get up again, assumed my position, legs spread, red, swollen balls hanging in plain view for her to aim at.  She then unleashed the 3rd and final kick of the night.  This one left me curled in the fetal position, clutching my balls, and writhing around uncontrollably.  She loved this reaction, and stood over me laughing as she said, “I think I got the better end of the deal, and I am going to really enjoy doing this ever night.  I think tomorrow we will do knees, since you are going to be a bit tender down there.”


     This has been going on for a month now, and we just found out the the IVF worked, and she is pregnant.  Unfortunately for my balls, the injections have to continue for another 2 months.  I am starting to regret making that deal with her because, doing this every day gives me no recovery time at all.  My nuts are always swollen and tender, even though she does mix up the techniques from hard ones to light ones, and the double injection nights usually leave me in a heap on the floor for a good 20 minutes before I can drag myself over to the couch for the rest of the night.

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Comment by Anthony on January 13, 2015 at 8:28am

So awesome!!

Comment by Mike on February 21, 2013 at 6:47am
I intentionally always make the offer lopsided in her favor, putting me in much more pain than is necessary. That's what makes it so much fun! We keep a tally. If for some reason we fall behind, like she is to tired to kick me, or I'm still to sore from the day before, that just means I owe, and I will have to pay up!
Comment by Andrew R on February 20, 2013 at 9:46pm

Excellent story. I love the idea of making deals like that but you must be careful that it is not lopsided (I'm sure if your offer is too low - she will up the ante, but if it is too high, you just have to suffer it!)


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