Over a year and a half ago, my gf who loved ballbusting broke up with me after 3 years together. It's been a slow time since, not having much luck in the bb world. A few months ago I met a girl who's significantly older than me (I'm 23, she's 31) out at a bar. Turned out we live in apartment buildings across from each other and have been hanging out sporadically (mostly going out to bars) ever since. She's stayed over at my place a few times, and while we've gotten sorta "hands on", haven't gotten to sex yet. 

She recently found out she's moving across the country in a month. At the same time, things have sorta escalated between us sexually, and we got into a pretty kinky text conversation over the weekend where she said she'd love to take control of me and tell me what to do. She emphasized a lot about being open sexually with each other and expressing what we each want. So today, after some very detailed "sexting", I took the plunge and opened up to her about it. The conversation went something like this, with the unimportant parts removed:

Me: Can I also tell you something that I've only ever told one other person, in the name of being open and all that?

Her: Yes you may

Her: Also include something you have never told anyone and that would be even better...

Me: Well I don't know of anything I've never told anyone buuut as for the other thing, I too like it a little rough...down there. Where most guys wouldn't normally like it too rough...

Her: Rough as in?

Her: Because I may be able to cater to that...

Me: Errr as in some kind of hitting maybe  [note: I was really nervous at this point and was basically conveying it, hoping she would pick up on it and not judge me too much, which explains why I sound like an idiot here]

Her: Ahh, I thought you were talking about your "member".

Me: Well yeah, that. But mainly the balls though. So...

Her: You like your balls smacked?

Me: Yeah maybe :/

Her: Hmm, that could happen.

Me: Is that kinda weird to hear?

Her: No, not really. However, what kind of beating do you like?

Her: like dominance/subordinate type?

I went on to explain that I don't like heavy dom/sub type stuff and the conversation from there went off to other things not ballbusting related, but she seems interested in giving it a try, if only for my sake. We're meeting up this weekend, probably Friday, so I'll keep you guys updated if you're interested. I just wanted to post this because I know the introduction to busting is usually the hardest part, and I always appreciate seeing how people go about it to see what works and what doesn't. So hopefully someone else out there will appreciate this. My main advice, establish an openness with each other, make sure you're each ok with letting the other know personal things about yourself, and just throw bb in there. If you lump it in with everything else you're opening up about, then it's likely to be perceived as just another thing about yourself, and nothing out of the ordinary.

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Comment by Smack My Nuts on April 2, 2014 at 11:41pm

Thanks for the follow up.  I can see why it felt embarrassing at the time with the ending and all, but definitely hot to hear about it.

It was also neat to hear Pik's story.

Comment by FatSmurf on April 2, 2014 at 11:30pm
Ah yeah, that night. That was an interesting night to say the least (in both a good and bad way). Afterwards I was feeling bummed about the night in general, so I wasn't all that motivated to write about it. Though it did have it's good moment, especially in the busting aspect.

So the night came that we had arranged to hang out. We ended up hanging out for awhile and drank quite a bit (a lot actually). Things ended up getting a little steamier, and we went to my room. It went from making out to more sexual stuff. I wasn't sure if she was going to just go for ballbusting stuff since we had already talked about it, but she was playing with my balls a little rough. Really just more aggressive fondling than actual hitting. So I told her she could be rougher with me, but she seemed hesitant at first.

Earlier in the night, when we were hanging out, I was joking around with her and giving her a hard time about some stuff, to which she light-heartedly punched me in the arm a few times over. So I told her to do what she was doing to my arm earlier to my balls. She seemed taken back by that a little (which was weird since I we had already talked about it in that conversation I posted here originally). So she started open hand slapping me while she was laying next to me. She took to it extremely fast, and said how she really enjoyed my reaction each time she hit me. At one point she even pulled my hands away when I went to protect myself and told me to put them behind my head. That was really hot.

So that lasted maybe 5-15 minutes (it was almost a year ago now so the little details are hazier), and then things started going downhill. I'll try to avoid getting into too much awkward detail, but we then were about to have sex. But, of course, thanks to a combination of a glass or two of whiskey too many, using a condom, and being tired from how late it was I found it tough to stay up for long enough. She did oblige me and do some more busting as I tried to remedy the problem, and we did manage to get a few solid minutes in, but it ended up not being a lost cause.

So it was an unfortunate end to the night, despite the great start. And then, after she left early the next morning, I didn't end up seeing her again until the night before she moved away. So like I said, it was a bizarre experience, and I have mixed feelings about it overall. Just keeping my fingers crossed and eyes open for another similar situation that I can hopefully have better luck with.
Comment by Pik Hansen on March 31, 2014 at 4:51am

Would like to hear the follow up too! And thanx for the story btw, because you're completely right: It's always good to hear how other guys introduced their gfs to bb and managed not to sound like freaks while telling her.

My "trick" was to talk about it later the same day when she had given me a light smack in the nuts (most girls tend to do that to their bf at some point; may also be just a fake kick/punch, but it's enough to start the conversation). I told her how hard it was for me to hide my boner from public eyes when she smacked me on the train, told her that I'm not at all into SM/spanking/other kinks, but that this is a special thing, and that it's due to my nerves in the nuts somehow being connected directly with the rod, somehow activating something, making it grow when the balls are kicked. That same evening she couldnt resist testing whether this was true or not, and as we were lying in bed she smacked my balls several times, eagerly awaiting my response and of course she was thrilled to see it working. Over the following days she gradually noticed that I can take a lot more than she had ever thought and also that the harder she kicks, the harder I get, which keeps her motivated. She has been smacking/kicking my balls during sex ever since.

Comment by Smack My Nuts on March 31, 2014 at 12:29am

We never got a follow up to this.  How did things turn out?

Comment by Daniel A. on May 5, 2013 at 11:34am

too bad she's moving! 

Comment by Tender Boy on May 4, 2013 at 11:01pm

Good luck with it Fatsmurf.  She sounds like a very cool and open-minded person.  I hope it goes well for you.  Let us know how it turns out.


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