A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
The purpose of this tab is to provide you with a subtab link of where you wish to go. Please either use the subtabs above or these links below to get to where you wish to go. Enjoy!
Chat - This tab is for chat exclusively! Come out meet your people :)…
ContinueAdded by dvhour (Site Owner) on December 8, 2021 at 9:00am — No Comments
The purpose of this tab is to provide you with a subtab link of where you wish to go. Please either use the subtabs above or these links below to get to where you wish to go. Enjoy
Reabuststories - anything posted in this section should be real…
ContinueAdded by dvhour (Site Owner) on December 8, 2021 at 8:51am — No Comments
I'm on a quest to be more responsible and proactive in the collective GroinBusting and Genitorture communities by providing relevant information and tips regarding safety and health. Lets face it, my primary fetish ballbusting is a dangerous kink if not respected by its participants. Too often we play and don't think about the things that can go wrong. Its great to roam free and carve our own brand of play but be mindful of the fact that even lifestyle…
Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on December 8, 2021 at 7:30am — No Comments
When I left college I missed out on university. I needed to resit an A-Level so I resigned up for that course the following year. I was still determined to go to uni but it would now be a year later than planned. Because I was only going to re-do one subject I had lots of spare time on my hands. My parents pushed me to get a part time job. My cousin suggested I volunteer at an old people's home. She'd worked there recently and left so knew they were looking for someone and she could…
ContinueAdded by Adam Turner on November 22, 2021 at 12:53am — 3 Comments
If you have read my older stories you know that my wife is a major ballbuster. She loves everything about busting. She love to ballbust and she love to see guys getting busted by women. It actually turns her on. And she is always surprising me with busts and the things she says after busts. Well last weekend she did again. She busted my balls and her actions after where unbelievable. Man I love her so fucking much. Anyway here is the story:
We live on a small farm and we do all…
Added by Ted on November 11, 2021 at 7:30am — No Comments
Tengo una primita pequeña apenas tiene 9 años y nos quedamos jugando en el segundo piso, por lo cual me dice que le gusta un chico pero que el que le gusta es un abusivo y que le gusta pegarles a los otros niños, y me dice que si yo le podria decir que hacer por lo que yo respondo que buscara defensa personal y me pregunta que es eso? Y le digo que es un entrenamiento que ayuda a mantenerse a salvo y al responderle eso me pregunta que hatia yo si me llegan a pegar, y le repondo que si es…
ContinueFriday night games were the worst. We had to travel long distances and were always coming home in the dark. But that wasn't so bad since it gave us ample opportunities for mischief on the bus ride home.
I was in the marching band and much to our delight, the cheerleaders had to ride on the bus with us (instead of the filthy football players).
On this particular night I was sitting alone in the second row, left hand side, and Jamie and her other cheerleader friend Nicole were in…
ContinueAdded by Willie on October 20, 2021 at 3:46pm — No Comments
a principio de mes de octubre mi hermana me dejo a su hijo por lo que yo le ofreci ver una pelicula , nos acostamos en un sillon de mi casa el mas largo, y nos acomodamos frente a frente el con sus piernas hacia mi y yo con mis piernas hacia mi, pusimos una manta pero solo el se cubrio las piernas bajo ma manta y yo las tenia arriba de la manta y estire mis piernas y entre en un estado de concentracion a la pelicula, cuando termino la pelicula me di cuenta al mirar alfrente a mi sobrino que…
ContinueHey y'all, tired of me yet? I hope not. Welcome to more of the mindset that is me and Busting Ball's, part 3.
You know, every time I finish one of these I am always thinking "I could have added this", or " I could have talked about that". I honestly have no idea on what I am going to talk about until I start getting into it. The last one had a different tone to it, so will try and mix it up a bit on this one.
Let's start with what else goes through…
ContinueAdded by Melinda the Ball Breaker on October 14, 2021 at 11:00pm — 10 Comments
Me & my friends went to a Comic-Con in Phoenix, Arizona. My friends and I are standing in line to get in the main lobby of the building.
I'm chatting with my buddy, and then he bumps me on the shoulder and points behind me. I look over and there's a Silk suit cosplayer standing right behind me with her back to us, chatting with her friends.
After I see the Silk cosplayer my friend was pointing to I then turn back to my buddy and start chatting…
ContinueAdded by Richard on October 13, 2021 at 4:35pm — 4 Comments
At the risk of repeating myself in the stories shared so far I have to tell you my wife absolutely loves to bust balls. So that will show how the story came about. It’s only a short one but it was to class a bust not to share the story.
While on a weekend away few weeks ago the bust happened. Now it’s quite common for my wife to bust me in front of friends but she and I usually just pass it off a joke because nobody needs…
ContinueAdded by Ted on September 24, 2021 at 10:36am — 4 Comments
Esto paso hace unos 2 añoscon mi ex, todo paso en su casa , parecia un dia hermoso pero todo se fue al carajo cuando le reviso el celular y hablaba de conversaciones en las que decia"es muy sexy solo la quiero para hacer el amor" En ese momento en el que yo leei eso me enoje muy pero muy fuerte pero no lo demostraba con mi cara, fui a su casa toque la puerta de su departamento y nos fuimos a un motel a hacer el amor, pero lo que no sabia el es que ese dia quedaria esteril, me puse ropa…
ContinueAdded by Catalina on September 23, 2021 at 8:34am — 4 Comments
Hace un par de meses me tope con un problema en mi trampolin ya que se encontró mi novio en pirnas abiertas y no me resisti a no pisarlo nadie me impide pisarlo por lo que me fui a vestir muy sexy con un pantalon muy apretado pero que muy apretado mis piernas grandes y mis tetas gigantes como siempre, procesedi a ponerme un top muy apretado tambien y me fui al trampolin y vi que mi novio segui en piernas abirtas…
ContinueAdded by Catalina on September 22, 2021 at 10:05pm — No Comments
It's been almost eleven months since she walked out of my life. Writing about her has forced me to relive that last night with her. What if I had let her knee me? Or, when I blocked it, had I excited her by protecting myself so much that she wanted sex? Were her tears real? I know women can turn on the waterworks at will. When I told her it was over, was it her plan to punish me? When she had punched, kicked, slapped, and kneed me in the past, and she wanted sex, the only way I would…
ContinueAdded by Myron Cumberland on September 10, 2021 at 2:11am — No Comments
so as i already wrote a bit about my best friends in my profile
there was this first time i hit one of them..
and a few days later it was one of our holiday vacations
i remember we talked online icq was still a thing ...
and we talked about how i used to do choir when i was very young
he laughed about it and asked if he could mock me again when we were supposed to meet at his house tomorrow morning.
i answered "yeah.. but not to much or ill get you…
ContinueAdded by Jane Tanskii on September 5, 2021 at 5:55pm — 8 Comments
I wanted to take Helen in my arms and sooth her racking sobs, but part of me suspected a trick to get me close enough for a swift knee. She looked so vulnerable, though, that I had to take the chance. I took her by the hands and guided her to my sofa, where we sat down. She melted against me and wept. I stroked her hair and told her she'd find someone else, someone who'd agree with her politics. She looked up at me with tear-filled eyes and said she didn't want someone else. I almost…
ContinueAdded by Myron Cumberland on August 30, 2021 at 2:30am — 3 Comments
I left the rally via Uber. I waited until Helen left the room before I limped out the door to call it. It was hard standing outside. The late October wind had picked up, and I had forgotten my hat inside. I wasn't going back in to be mocked. I had had enough of those ugly women grabbing their crotches and yodeling, then falling to their knees for Helen's amusement. Also, my post-bust wood was very visible, and I really didn't want to be teased for my fetish by…
ContinueAdded by Myron Cumberland on August 29, 2021 at 8:30pm — No Comments
As the election neared, Helen grew more distant. To her, I was the enemy because I didn't follow her leftist herd mentality. I'm just not into politics. If and when I do vote, it's by flipping a coin. She believed everything the media said about the president, and I didn't care. My apathy enraged and disgusted her. One would think she'd bust me more because of that, but our dates became fewer, and I seldom spent the night. When I was over there, she'd insist we watch cable news, which…
ContinueAdded by Myron Cumberland on August 29, 2021 at 5:42pm — No Comments
Sigh...this will be the final installment of the Helen saga. There's a lot of pain, mental and physical, involved. As a feminist, Helen was very much into far left politics. I myself am apolitical. But I saw the opportunity to get into political squabbles that would lead to me getting my rocks off with angry kicks and knees, then mind blowing sex. How wrong I was. Watching the debates, I kept making snide remarks about the idiocy of the Left's candidate. That earned me a hammerfist…
ContinueAdded by Myron Cumberland on August 26, 2021 at 10:00pm — No Comments
Once she realized she loved busting my balls, Helen took every opportunity to engage me in either playful wrestling, where she would "accidentally" knee, punch, and kick me(never too hard)or fights that escalated into shoving matches that she won because she would knee me(again, never too hard). I would stagger around, holding my nuts and groaning while she laughed delightedly. Afterwards, she would apologize and seduce me by bending over and swaying her hips. The make-up sex was…
ContinueAdded by Myron Cumberland on August 26, 2021 at 12:00am — No Comments
As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.
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