Health & Safety: 25 years of groin transformations, written by Jellynuts.

I'm on a quest to be more responsible and proactive in the collective GroinBusting and Genitorture communities by providing relevant information and tips regarding safety and health. Lets face it, my primary fetish ballbusting is a dangerous kink if not respected by its participants. Too often we play and don't think about the things that can go wrong. Its great to roam free and carve our own brand of play but be mindful of the fact that even lifestyle sports and activities have rules, precautions safety and health tips. My aim is not to scare people but rather get them to be more thoughtful and respectful of what they are getting themselves into.

The following document below was Written by jellynuts on a Fetlife forum thread inquiring about medical health and safety. Please visit our Learn tab above to learn more on these topics

Dvhour (creator of USBBonline, Kicked in the Groin and Dutchfootgoddess )

Written by jellynuts on Sunday July 14, 2013

I am over 40 and, depending on your point of view, have been begging / letting women grind, stomp and trample my balls under foot (usually bare heels) for twenty-five years or so.

In my case there has definitely been a major transformation to the state of my body as a result.

I believe the worst damage has taken place when my balls were trampled while bound TIGHTLY with rope or string or something.

  1. My erections aren't as big or hard or as common as they used to be. I'm as horny as ever, but my penis is smaller, doesn't get as hard, and doesn't get hard as often.
  2. My balls are permanently swollen in size, always a bit tender even if it's a year or more between ballbusting sessions, and hang pretty low, because they have been roped off tightly, and abused badly in that state for long periods of time, even inserted into women for their pleasure (and my displeasure, and crushing).
  3. My penis size in general, it used to be an "outty" even when limp, now it is very very small and generally inverted, as in I've seen bigger clits. Most of the time, even when aroused, you could tie my balls off and my "erect" penis could fit inside, hidden away. I find a lot of Dommes only want at my nuts anyway so having it slip inside a tied off package (with my balls protruding out at the end) suits them fine in general.
  4. I used to be able to have actual sex with a woman (not that this ever interested me a whole lot compared to the kinky stuff) but find that I can barely manage a sufficient erection now, and the overwhelming (and somehow inappropriate sensation of equality with a woman) excites me so much that I don't last longer than maybe ten seconds anymore. I used to have sex for maybe ten to twenty minutes.

I do best when serving in whatever capacity is desired, including pleasuring a woman with a dildo tied to the end of my tied-off ball sack, so it pains me immensely with every thrust and counter-thrust, and I can pleasure her as much as she wishes. Simply put, if two adults are looking for a creative way to pleasure each other, there is always a way.

I find a lot of people in this group asking about whether or not there are women legitimately interested in hurting men's balls, with their feet, or this way or that.

That's sort of the wrong question.

Caring and intuitive lovers with compatible sexual interests exist for almost every area of interest, including this one, but the big issue does not revolve around "checking off common areas of interest on a form" but finding that you are compatible as people... and to some extent, CHOOSING TO BE a compatible, caring, attentive lover, an approachable person in the first place, not interested exclusively in satisfying your particular sexual tastes, but also in meeting someone, TALKING TO THEM, about something OTHER than sexual fantasies (sometimes) so they have a chance to judge you on more than just whether or not "you like to have your nuts smashed". They can probably guess that just by seeing that you're a member of this group.

Try saying who you are, what OTHER things you like, maybe even the part of the world you live in.

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