A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Our relationship grew stronger and our sex life grew more kinky as Helen began dressing the part of the dominatrix. She didn't kick or knee me. She was content with being in control. I craved the pain of a solid knee or a kick or both, but I couldn't let on that it was my fetish. I had had a girlfriend who knew it, and when we argued or fought, she held off doing it just to make me suffer. I had to make Helen believe it was always her idea, it was always a surprise move, and I never…
ContinueAdded by Myron Cumberland on August 23, 2021 at 3:20pm — No Comments
I met Helen in a coffee shop. When I walked in, she was arguing with a group of guys at the table next to her. They were wearing MAGA hats, and she was giving them holy hell for their fashion choice. I was only half listening as I waited for my turn in line until one of the guys insulted her. Her comeback was so quick and spot-on that I laughed out loud. I like clever women. She looked up at me and smiled. It was my turn at the counter, so I shyly gave my order and fumbled with my…
ContinueAdded by Myron Cumberland on August 23, 2021 at 11:13am — 1 Comment
In a recent post, I discussed a “near miss”, a kick in the nuts that never happened, but could have, no should have happened. The near misses stand out to me almost as much as the busts that occur. The reason for this is because they allow my mind to take control of what could have happened. I will share another “near miss” in this blog post.
I went to high school with a girl named Kelly who was two grades older than me. Kelly had a way of letting the boys know that she…
ContinueAdded by David on August 20, 2021 at 9:37pm — No Comments
The type of bb that turns me on the most by far is non-consensual, particularly when done in self-defense or to punish a pervert. Nothing turns me on more than the thought of a hot girl leaving the gym in tight yoga pants, some guy grabbing her perfectly round and taut ass, and her turning around, looking him in the eye, placing her hands on his shoulders, smiling at him, and then slamming her knee into his nuts, causing him to fall to the ground and lose his lunch.
On the other…
Added by Jim Johns on August 17, 2021 at 1:03am — 10 Comments
I have been lucky enough to have been married at two different times to women willing to kick me in the nuts. I am still married to my second ballbusting love of my life, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking about past busts. Some of the memories that creep into my mind the most are the near misses, the busts that never were, and the ones that could have been. I will share one now, and if popular, I will share more. These are real situations and not day-dream fantasies.
Added by David on August 15, 2021 at 7:03pm — No Comments
Hello yall, welcome back to Why I love Ballbusting - part 2. Last time kind of went a little into Why I love BB so much. It is a very sexy an empowering thing for me to do and I absolutely love it doing it. I kind of went into how it makes me feel, but I want to dive more into the why it makes me feel that way.
Part of why it makes me feel so sexy is because when I am busting his balls, I am literally the centerpiece of everything in his mind at that point.
ContinueAdded by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 10, 2021 at 12:00pm — 10 Comments
So tonight I was looking for something on FETlife about BB and stumbled on this sexy story and oddly enough it's about me and its from 2012 and I definitely remember the moment.Caroline Jones and I have been BB partners for years but we rarely get to play all that often nowadays but maybe 2 or so times a year minus COVID. Anyway Its a super sexy story so enjoy.
Oh and she is a…
ContinueAdded by dvhour (Site Owner) on August 9, 2021 at 2:00am — 3 Comments
ciao mi presento mi chiamo gino e sono un ladro professionista, specializzato in rapine e...furti nelle case e non disdegno ogni tanto di visitare qualche negozio.....dopo l'orario di chiusura....in quella sera di novembre...avevo intenzione di "visitare" un negozio di sartoria e accessori femminili all'interno di un complesso commerciale.....qualche nuovo smartphone da comprare al mercato nero con il ricavato non sarebbe stato male.....con calma aspettai l'orario di chiusura stando seduto…
ContinueAdded by karatehose on August 6, 2021 at 2:24am — No Comments
I love BB. Pretty self explanatory right? I am going to be getting into feelings and thoughts, what I think about BB, some of my favorite busts, questions that get asked often, and random tidbits hear and there. So I hope you enjoy.
First and foremost, I absolutely love ballbusting. Why do I love it you ask? Let's look at that a bit shall we? We all know that busting balls can be considered taboo for the average person. We are told that a guy should never be hit in…
ContinueAdded by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 3, 2021 at 6:02pm — 11 Comments
So since my wife discovered my enjoyment of ballbusting, we have had quite a few adventurous nights. She is not always in the mood for that particular variety of fun, and so sometime there are long dry spells, which only make the next busting all the more sweet, when out of the blue she decides to have some more fun at the expense of my nuts.
This story takes place during one of those longer dry spells.
My wife was taking some after-hours classes after work,…
ContinueAdded by Terry Tepper on July 19, 2021 at 3:00am — 6 Comments
Hey guys and gal's, how is it going? It's been awhile since I posted anything and for that I am sorry. So I am just going to dive into it and talk about my favorite Ball Busting holiday's.
Holidays are some of the best times of the year, even more so for me when I add BB to the equation. These days I try to hold special Ball Busting sessions to mark the occasion and give him something to look forward to (or fear). Now these aren't in any particular order so I am just going to list…
ContinueAdded by Melinda the Ball Breaker on July 15, 2021 at 1:50pm — 5 Comments
Slightly too long to put as a status so I'm throwing it here instead.
SO was rushing to get to work this morning wearing a nice dress. I whistled at her as she walked by and teasingly lifted the dress up as to try to peek underneath. Didn't even manage to lift it very high before she turned around and punched me in the balls. I hunched over grabbed the counter to stay on my feet. She smirked at me and just said "see you later sweetie" and left out the door.
Added by tsm89 on June 28, 2021 at 1:00pm — No Comments
This happened to me one hot summer, way back when...
Christine was the youngest of four kids. She had three older brothers. For her it was both a blessing and a curse. The blessing was that if anyone gave her a hard time, her brothers would come down on the poor guy and either beat him silly or at least scare the crap out of him. Needless to day, almost no one gave Christine a rough time.
The curse was that her brothers also tormented her in their own way - but that didn't last…
ContinueAdded by Willie on June 25, 2021 at 5:20pm — 2 Comments
Looking to find out if this has happened to anyone else on here.
My wife and I have a good sex life which involves a lot of busting. She loves doing it and I love her doing it.
I was pretty good at taking blows to my balls but not anymore. We haven’t been doing ballbusting much over the last few months due the loads of different issues in life. But none of them linked to our health thank goodness.
Any way yesterday we where at home and for the first time in…
ContinueAdded by Ted on June 24, 2021 at 4:29am — 7 Comments
So I read this story by Suzy just now and the fact that it said something about the Stories section of this forum being a bit dormant,prompted me to share one of my cool little incidents with you all.
This happened quite long ago back in uni,at some formal function/party.Not a dance or anything ,just everyone dressed up and standing around or sitting round several of the various round tables scattered about in the canopy tent,mainly waiting for the food to be served, becausewhy else…
ContinueAdded by Lord Plums on June 19, 2021 at 1:30am — 4 Comments
I would like to recount my meeting with Mina.
A ballbusting session from craigslist I want to remember and treasure forever.
Lets start with the young lady in question.
I knew from the pictures she was going to be beautiful.
I wasn't prepared for the reality.
Petite, slender, in huge heels still a little shorter than me. She was wearing killer heels, black leather pants and a black top. With gorgeous brown hair, shoulder length and the cutest array of tattoo's, she…
Added by Trev Howser on June 9, 2021 at 8:55am — 2 Comments
While it's true that I'm on the side of the fence that thinks ballbusting and castration are not the same thing, I came across this yesterday while casually shopping for a knife on Wish. and thought someone might get a kick out of it. Check out the name of the eshop I was in...…
Added by SoreLoser on June 2, 2021 at 3:08pm — No Comments
It's a small world after all.
Let's face it. Lot's of us here have a few different and usually quite circumspect ways of hunting kickers.
I was always a fan of the odd craigslist post. Though more often having a ballbusting specific dating profile on Tinder and Pof reap rewards in the form of testicle kicks from giggling girls willing to try something for a laugh (and usually a little thank you cash.)
I do love the randomness of an anonymous post and not really…
ContinueAdded by Trev Howser on May 21, 2021 at 10:30am — 4 Comments
Her and I had met up a couple times before to test the waters. She had drilled me with a couple knees before but nothing much. We had been talking for a while about getting together but covid had delayed the plans a few time. With a couple negative tests in hand, we planned it out and got together last Thursday.
After chatting a bit about life, we found the couch to talk out the busting plan for the day. She wanted to get some content created for her OF feed. I was happy to be having…
ContinueAdded by John Franks on April 26, 2021 at 12:35pm — 8 Comments
In case you haven't seen it I have my own blog. I have been requesting an update in that Links section since 2019 but no one seems to curate that thing anymore. I understand, running website minutae can be dreary :'D
But anyway I usually write a new blog every Sunday so you can check it out here:
Added by BallbustingStacy on April 25, 2021 at 9:20pm — 2 Comments
As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.
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