All Blog Posts (794)

MISTRESS - a variation on a common theme

Added by Piece Chalief on April 25, 2023 at 3:59pm — No Comments

The Easter Nuts Busted - Short Version

Hey guys. So the short version from Easter Weekend. Might post the full version on my site.

It was late, the kids in bed. I rolled onto my dear husband (DH) and was expecting him to be hard but no luck. I mean it was late and it had been a full day but I was horny, no way was I walking away empty handed.

My hands reached down, into his boxers and wrapped around his balls. I had his attention very easily. 

So obviously he got handsy with me. But I felt a bit playful so I…


Added by Tara J on April 23, 2023 at 2:00am — No Comments

The 100 Slap Attitude Adjustment

Last time Moon visited me, she tried a new technique on me: the 100 Slap Attitude Adjustment.  It's something we had chatted about before her visit.  She was very enthusiastic to try it, so we agreed that if I was even a little disrespectful, she had the right to adjust my attitude.

It was during the work week, so we were both working on our laptops in my living room.  We'd had some silly disagreement about breakfast that day, and Moon was still pissed.  She's like that - it's not the…


Added by Foo Bar on April 16, 2023 at 2:00am — 2 Comments

2nd Story - By Request - The Jerk Pukes (Short?)

Ok so a few members have already asked me about this one since its on my profile. I made a guy puke, I don't think he passed out, he was still sobbing when I walked off. How does that work guys? Would the 'passing out' happen right away or after a while?

So this one happened in high school, feels like a long time ago but I remember it like it was yesterday. I knew the guy, we weren't friends because he had a reputation for being handsy.

This was technically after…


Added by Tara J on April 6, 2023 at 12:31am — 6 Comments

First Story!! Creep at the water park (Short?)

Sorry this is my first story I'm sharing, don't know how long these are supposed to be but in my head it feels like a short story. I'm thinking of opening a Patreon page, we'll see.

This happened probably like 15 years ago, I was at a waterpark with friends. We had been there for hours going down slides and floating a lazy river thing. The sun was out and at mid afternoon we decided to lay out in an area between a wave pool and the concessions area. 

I volunteered to…


Added by Tara J on April 5, 2023 at 11:14pm — 1 Comment

Easy Cum, Easy Go

So, I realize it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here and if you’re reading this as the first time seeing any of my blogs then just stop reading now and go back and read the previous ones first because this won’t make a lot of sense without context. 

You’ll remember how my husband FINALLY after all these years got a vasectomy. And it really did improve our sexual relationship, which I didn’t think it was possible to improve, to be honest. We were great before, but we…


Added by Shannon Johan on April 3, 2023 at 10:03am — No Comments

What 7 Things every girl should know about ballbusting.

What 7 Things every girl should know about ballbusting.

1 It hurts everywhere: A kick in the testicles hurts the head, arms, stomach, makes them nauseous, makes it difficult for them to breathe and can even render them unconscious

2. It hurts them psychically: It not only hits their privacy, it hits them in the soul. They have a feeling of being gutted, emptied and abandoned, all at the same time. It is a pain that breaks the barriers of time and space.

3. They take time…


Added by Erik Snowe on February 26, 2023 at 2:37pm — 4 Comments

Ballbusting Rehabilitation. First chapter draft. Any thoughts welcome.

He was hooded and shackled, naked, standing alone. He had been stripped and guided into place with electrified prods. Now he stood nervously waiting. This wasn't how he imagined his sentence would go. 

His mind flicked back to the judge giving him the options. Ten years in normal prison or a year in a new rehabilitation centre. He was starting to regret the choice.
He shuddered involuntarily. Well too late to back out now. It was warm in here. His breathe circulated in…

Added by Trev Howser on January 27, 2023 at 5:04pm — 1 Comment

A Bet at Hooters

Ashley hated her job. She hated the skimpy uniform, and her stupid perverted manager Derek. If rent wasn't stupidly high, and she didn't have student loans up to her eyeballs she wouldn't be anywhere near this place, but here she was stuck making ends meet working at Hooters.

The worst part was how Derek encouraged the customers to "get a little handsy" if it meant extra tips. Ashley had gotten away with a few nut taps on some customers that got a little too excited, but she…


Added by Richard on January 24, 2023 at 6:26am — 1 Comment

Ballbusting or SSRIs? The story of the 29-year-old ballbuster.


Added by John879 on January 11, 2023 at 6:46pm — No Comments

A knee for good luck!

Back in high school my best friend was panicking before a final exam he was spiraling and everything.

I tried to tell him he will do great (he did do great! ) but there was no one to talk to! he went all hyperventilating and his face got all red.

I couldn't really talk to him he was completely out...

I took a shot and did something I knew usually gets his attention.

I put my hands on his shoulders.

Looked him dead in the eyes.

And lifted my knee...…


Added by Jane Tanskii on December 2, 2022 at 2:54am — 11 Comments

Bb exprerience 2021 2022

hello all, this 2021 and 2022, 

i tried new things, in BB, and also focus on drawing or editing bb picture..

i do try to draw bb inspired from movies and anime

i bought a cup (groin protector)  few years ago , and test some knee weak to medium

with the cup and without the cup..repeated kneeing me , tires the girl..

i also bought orchidometer, i,m curios about measuring the testicles size, they might shrink, or swollen after some ballbusting…


Added by Maskedguy 1.7 on November 3, 2022 at 12:17pm — 1 Comment

verbal y patada

bueno esta es una historia real, paso en mi casa en una fiesta de mi hermano, yo la verdad no queria ir porque la verdad es que ese dia estaba estudiando y bueno, uno de los amigos de mi hermano se le ocurre traer a su hija para que juege con mi primo pero mi primo de 12 años no llego hasta como las 9 de la noche, cuando llego sus padres lo dejaron y fueron a jugar a mi cuarto y nos encerramos para jugar playstation, en eso jugamos mortal kombat en el que me escoji a un tipo que se llamaba…


Added by Catalina on October 19, 2022 at 8:32pm — 2 Comments

Love been a male!

I was at my sister-in-laws house last Saturday when the bust happened to me. My wife (who I have told many stories about her love of busting) and myself where invited over. A female friend was visiting from aboard who we hadn’t seen in a few years because of the whole covid thing and because we’d bought a new house also she does loads of travelling for her work. So anyway it was great to see her. 

Bit of passes story on our friend. We travelled with her around a bit of Australia…


Added by Ted on October 19, 2022 at 9:30am — No Comments

Shown up to be not so strong

Short and sweet story here. Please read me older stories because then you’ll understand my wife is a ballbuster. She loves doing it. 

So anyway the story, back in the summer months we went to a music & arts festival. We go to a lot of these and I’m quite good with my hands and figuring out how to put stuff together. So we set up our camper and I helped my female friend set up her camper and side tent. Then 2 other female friends needed help with their tents, campers,…


Added by Ted on October 13, 2022 at 4:41am — 1 Comment


If some female friend or gf were to bust my balls (warning they’re big and often hang low - some women prefer smaller ones so FYI). 

if anyone were to, I’d want it to be a completely unexpected surprise. Either not looking or my eyes are focused on something else or from behind. I have to be caught unawares because I’ll never let it happen on my own. Or a trick knee when expecting a hug or kiss. 

i haven’t been hit there in many years. I’m sure I’m pretty sensitive down there. I…


Added by Winkin on October 7, 2022 at 7:22pm — 2 Comments

Looking for Story

Hello, anyone have a saved copy of Derek Blake's story: Ballbusting Nightmare

I found an archival link:

However, Part 1 and 2 are not saved…


Added by Erika Gosti on October 4, 2022 at 8:34pm — No Comments

My step sister (real CB story)

I'm writing and uploading this late because I just got back from the bar. Apologies in advance for any typos, again I just got back from the bar. 

I posted some blog posts that I called my "ballbusting/cuntbusting memoirs" back when I was in college (which was 10 years ago? God I feel old). Now, those were real stories, but I definitely embellished the details a bit. Every story I mentioned actually happened, just not the exact way I wrote them. This story, though, I'm…


Added by Joe Metal on September 23, 2022 at 2:59am — 1 Comment

Kink Party (AKA how I got busted by five different people in one night)

There’s some backstory here, so I’ll toss an asterisk prior to the “fun stuff”. Feel free to skip to that if you don’t want to know about how I discovered this kink party, and some of my thoughts leading up to it. I did meet a lot of cool people, have a lot of cool conversations, and see a lot of cool scenes, many involving masochists and sadists, that I’ve left out, just because it’d take me forever and a half to write EVERYTHING up.

A while ago, I met with someone from…


Added by bbandstuff on September 11, 2022 at 5:29pm — 3 Comments

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