Believe it or not this happened last friday. I was in Saginaw, MI and went into Lover's Lane, an adult beautique, in the middle of the afternoon. The girl staffer there seemed friendly, so I asked her if they had some Ballbusting in the DVDs. She said no but that the strip club up the road might have something like that. I wondered if they would be open at 3:00 in the afternoon. She said,"Yes".
Before I go any further let me say that I had no expectation of what the day would bring.
I arrived at the strip club and went into the beautique. As soon as I entered I saw a girl in a babydoll outfit and assumed she was the attendent. So I said,"Hi". She didn't respond because she was working the peepshow in the back. The attendent was a large black man who seemed distracted with paperwork. More girls were coming in, checking themselves in the mirror or otherwise circulating around. All quite scantially clad. Of course, all the female activity had thrown my initial plan to the curb. I carefully peeked back and forth between the girls and the stand of DVDs on sale in front of me. Suddenly, a topless girl came charging in, she jumped up at the attendent all wound up about sexual harassment. I glanced her way and she winked back. She continued ranting about some guy that had offered her a spot in a porno.
I hadn't found anything even closely related to Ballbusting in the DVDs but they were all on sale for 5.99, so I picked one and headed to the counter. The topless girl had a question right then. "Do you think I'd make a good porno?" "Sure," I responded. "Maybe we'll make a porno of you," she retorted. "It would never sell,"I laughed.
I continued checking out. Right when I was about to leave, she was right in front of me. She was wearing one of those plastic championship belts they sell to kids at Walmart. I smiled, thinking how corny the scene was. This may have added fuel to the fire, I'm not sure. "What character should I play on stage?" she asked. "How about a dominatrix," I responded. Immediately she grabbed me in a headlock and said,"Like that?" "Yeah!" I said in stunned amazement. "You stay right there." she demanded, "I'm not done with you."
Do you think there is any chance I would leave? If you think so you don't know men that well.
She came charging back from the mainstage area. "Where is he!" Catching me in the corner of her eye,"You come here, Now!" I complied. "Bend over and touch your toes." She grabbed me in a reverse headlock and gave me a blistering spanking. Stunned yet a bit thrilled I thought to myself, 'She might bust me one if I ask...'
"Will you kick me?" I asked. She whirled around,"Hey everybody he's asking me to kick him in the balls. You are all my witnesses."
She seemed to prefer the full force blast to the gonads approach without aiming. With the first two kicks she buried her stripper shoes into my right thigh (leaving bruises behind I would later discover). I told her she missed so she corrected and landed the third. I doubled over. She took off back to the mainstage. "I love my job!" she yelled.
Stunned, dazed, yet thinking I could take more, I staggered up to the very bemused attendent. "Do I owe her anything for this?" I questioned. "It is up to you," he chuckled. I thought to myself that I'd pay at least 20 if I had asked for the spanking alone, and it was a doozy. So I said,"I'll give her 20 if she can put me on the floor." "Do you want me to tell her the attendent asked?" "Sure".
I started thinking,'She'll kick me relentlessly until something is broken (possibly my pelvis) the way she has been going at this...I'd better rethink this'.
In less than a minute I heard a whoop from the room next door. She, the attendent and two other girls, one with a cameraphone came charging back (I don't know where the pics ended up). I pointed to an open spot in the back of the beautique. "No! I'm not doing it there, I want you up here!" she pointed to a spot on the floor in front of the counter. I laid down on the floor, face up, legs open, hoping my thighs would take less punishment if aiming were easier.
The kicks came in rapid succession, each with plenty of force. My dick and balls bounced around like they were caught in a pinball machine. The girl without the cameraphone asked for and got a kick that she buried in my groin muscle. The on target hits were stunners the misses were painful too. I asked for one last kick. By this time she was aiming. Dick and balls flew.
I staggered to my feet, gave her the promised 20 and limped away. "You come back anytime,"she said glowing with authority.
I am not sure about company policy or if she broke the rules as an employee. But after the practice she got on me I pity any man who pisses her off.

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Comment by Harvey B on November 5, 2013 at 6:57pm

Hey there are fun places in Michigan ! You got lucky with that girl. Did you ever see her again ?

Comment by Zwyx on June 5, 2010 at 12:31am
Shoot man, make some separate journal posts on the wondrous occasion. Don't just leave 'em off as quick comments. :P
Comment by Gene Ray Simmons on June 4, 2010 at 4:33pm
Well, I did it again. I went to another stripclub, this time the Deja Vu in Lansing, MI, and got my balls royally busted. This time "Venus" was the dancer who did me. She said, "I can be really mean", and she was. My balls were in intense pain. She had no problem locating them with the first strike then hitting them dead on with the next. I'm going to be sore for awhile again...I think my sperm count will be going down,
Comment by Gene Ray Simmons on May 19, 2010 at 10:45am
Mostly poked but jabbed a bit too. There's nothing quite like a stripper's high heels squishing a pair of balls. We'll maintain some intermittent contact but it is mostly based on what she is in the mood for and what my balls can take that will determine the next time.
Comment by Zwyx on May 18, 2010 at 1:02am
Gouged? As in, pierced? Or lovingly poked? That's awesome to hear that you saw her again. You guys should exchange contact information, and schedules. :P
Comment by Gene Ray Simmons on May 17, 2010 at 4:26pm
Well, I went back to the stripclub and "Monet" was there. She was thrilled to see me and said, "I need this today." She proceded to take me into the peepshow area told me to get on the floor and the ballbusting commenced. She is a bit stronger than I remember, and more deadly accurate. She kicked hard, kneed me as well and gouged my scrotum with her heel. She did hold back a bit, I think she's strong enough now to inflict permenent damage. My balls are really sore and will be for days.
Comment by ballshot lover on January 22, 2010 at 4:28am
yeah man awesome story
Comment by Charles Drew on January 15, 2010 at 11:00am
Thanks for sharing. Great story!
Comment by playfight on January 15, 2010 at 8:50am
great,tell us when u visit her again


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