I was told I should post this. People asked multiple times what I like about ballbusting. I have answered that I like the "thankful drop". dvhour said tonight that he noticed men and women regard the topic differently. Might be. So here is my point of view. Lets start with the thankful drop :)
The person wishes to be busted, its consentual, and when he has enough and goes down, he's glad.
Yes, there is pain in his face but deep inside theres an individual saying "Thank you, that you did this for me."
People that want to be ballbusted are just different, not kinky or crazy or insane to me, I regard bb to be just another form of sex, what is it that you want from Sex? Person A wants to fuck. His goal is joy. Well but person B is different, he needs it another way, he needs some pain. Whats his goal? joy.

So how can ballbusting be not romantic? Since the goal is joy, in both fucking and busting, these tihngs are proven to be the same. They are methods and ways to achieve the same thing. Also, who says sex is always romantic? You can have rough fucking or romantic. You can have beastly busting or romantic. Especially kneeing because its a bit like a ride on the knee. I was agreed by 2 people that it can be romantic and they are no bust-virgins like me.
Also, these differences in the things are so romantic, so dramaturgic. To say, almost full of emphaty "you cant for it, youre different, i'll give you what you need..." is pure drama, i love it.
I posted this because I felt like why should bb be an extreme. It's just an alternative way to joy. Hence it is something sensual. And nothing freakish. We should not let us put us into that corner. And we also should not want to be dragged into the extreme corner. I don't feel extreme or freaky and I can't say I felt like talking to freaks when talking with the people on this board, just normal human beings. I'm as sensual as the average wallflower sex type of person, I am healthy in my feelings and deeply respect the feelings of the person I'd bust, I was asked questions like if i'd like to hurt him or be sadistic. No. Im sensitive. So are your balls. And i like to be sensitive, and not a stone. That is why ballbusting is - or can be - romantic to me.

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Comment by Foo Bar on May 10, 2011 at 5:41pm
I like your term "thankful drop", I think I know just what you mean. When a girl drops me, and I am writhing on the floor in pain, I do often get this incredible feeling of gratitude. I love looking up at her from my knees and thanking her for the kick. For me, romance is an inseparable part of BB.
Comment by Kisame on April 11, 2011 at 5:12am

So gaaanz folgen kann ich dir hier nicht, aber ballbusting kann auf jedenfall romantisch sein ;o)

Als ich meine erste BB Erfahrung mit 12 hatte, war das mit einer 11 jährigen und mein damals erste Liebe. War leider nur so eine Urlaubsgeschichte aber ich hab das heute noch vor Augen wie sie mich im arm fest hielt und mir in die Eier tratt damit ich ihr wehrlos zum knuddeln zur Verfügung stehe *g*

Comment by Anton Behrend on March 7, 2011 at 6:20am
I think ballbusting can be very romantic. The whole situation of presenting yourself to someone and to enjoy the pain received by this person is quite a romantic concept. It is also a lot about trust and affection. For me the ballbusting experience is best with someone that i like and respect.
Comment by nyte on January 8, 2011 at 2:24am
well thought and well said.
Comment by Chris on March 23, 2010 at 9:53pm
:) You have a good understanding of yourself and others. You are right, there is no reason for bb to reside at the extremes. In fact, that is why this particular site exists, so I am glad you found it.
Comment by Knave! on March 14, 2010 at 3:43pm
I agree totally. For me if it's not romantic, it loses something. Well, it loses a lot :)
Comment by carl b on March 14, 2010 at 3:15pm
Boy did you hit the nail on the head (so to speak). That is the best statement on BB I have seen to date.
Comment by None on March 12, 2010 at 11:08pm
Well, then... I would like to hear a bit about what you'd like in BB as well.
How would you advise making it sensual?
Comment by Tom on March 8, 2010 at 5:44pm
Hallo Marina,

danke für deine Ausführungen. So habe ich bb noch nie gesehen. Aber du hast vollkommen Recht damit.
Ich bin eigentlich ein sehr zärtlicher Mann, der gerne streichelt, küsst und kuschelt.
Wenn ich mir Bilder ansehe, die mit foot- oder shoejobs zu tun haben oder mit cbt und bb Praktiken, kribbelt es ziemlich stark bei mir. Und ich kann es kaum erklären warum das so ist.
Einmal fasste ich meinen ganzen Mut zusammen und erzählte einer Bekannten, dass ich footjobs mag - und wir hatten beide sehr viel Spass dabei. Leider wohnt sie über 500 km weit weg.
Wie kommst du als Frau zum Thema bb?
Hast du schon viele Erfahrungen sammeln können?
Ich würde mich freuen von dir zu lesen, Marina.

Liebe Grüsse

Tom :-)
Comment by Ry on March 5, 2010 at 11:02pm
As I have started for the first time accepting my fixation towards ballbusting as a normal, integrated part of my whole person, as opposed to some freakish abnormality, your words in this post and the poem you put up are very powerful to me. For a whlle I would think "What is this I'm spending all this time thinking about... it has nothing to do with the act of sex." In reality, it's just one more of the many expressions of joy that we seek. It's nice to view it as having that artistic, poetic quality to it, as I have for too long associated it more with kitsch. Keep writing your beautiful words, and may you find some balls to bust soon!


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