I figured I'd try my hand at writing up a story about one of my experiences from a couple of years ago. It turns out that it ended up being pretty lengthy. I wasn't sure about the level of detail that most people would be interested in, so I erred on the side of perhaps being overly inclusive. Also, I have tried to "keep it clean", so to speak, so some of the word choices may seem a little forced.

In the Spring of '07 I began dating a very attractive girl of Italian-American descent. She and I had been friends for quite some time, then progressed to friends with benefits, then developed feelings for each other and began a relationship. She has a great bubbly personality, is intelligent, and has a good sense of humor. Physically, she was relatively short--about 5'2"--130 pounds with a nice bubbly butt and really very beautiful size 6.5 feet. I know that not everyone here is into feet, but I am so I needed to include that detail.

In my town, it seems like over the summer in particular, there are a large number of festivals celebrating different ethnicities. On this particular night in July of '07, my girlfriend and I had met some friends at the local Italian Festival. My girlfriend lives right in the neighborhood where the festival took place so we were able to walk to things quite easily and in turn, without concern for drinking and driving, we drank quite a bit over the course of the evening.

Anyway, at the end of the night we walked back to her house and hung out for a while. Prior to heading upstairs to bed we kind of slow-danced around her living room a little bit, kissing and exchanging banter. I said something playful that I knew would agitate her and suddenly she assumed the "Crane Technique" stance from Karate Kid with the requisite accompanying "Whaa" karate noise. In response, I answered, using perhaps my best Mr. Miyagi impression to date, "If done right, no can defense", and stood in front of her with my legs spread. If you're thinking to yourself that it's not possible that someone would be enough of a dork to quote Mr. Miyagi in this situation, and in turn, that this story must be flase, I assure you that I definitely have a dorky side when it comes to '80's movies. Anyway, back to the story: to my surprise, she executed the jump kick and landed her beautiful French-pedicured left foot right in my crotch! I was shocked at how hard she had kicked, a little bit relieved that she had only hit my penis rather than connecting with my balls as well, but extremely turned on and intrigued by the idea that she wanted to kick me in the balls with such force. So I stood there and opened my legs again. She once again assumed the one-footed stance that Daniel Larusso so effectively used to put an end to "pride of the Cobra-Kai" Johnny's grip on the All-Valley Karate Championship and fired a full-force kick into my crotch. Needless to say, I continued to encourage her to kick me. Of the approximately dozen kicks she threw at me in the living room, I'd say about 4 or 5 caught me pretty square. Surprisingly, I was able to take the kicks pretty well and I remained very aroused, both mentally and anatomically.

After a short interval she said, "Let's go upstairs." When we got upstairs I was expecting that we'd just have sex like normal, but instead she said, "I'm going to change into these shorts so I have a better range of motion on my kicks." (She had up until this point been wearing denim capri pants). When she said that, I really got excited. Once upstairs she delivered approximately 6 or 7 really hard "crane kicks" into my balls. I flinched on a couple and she missed on a couple, but the second last kick caught my left testicle really square causing my knees to buckle but I did not go down. Her last kick she put a little extra into and it caught me right underneath both of my nuts driving them full force up into my pelvic bone. I gasped for air and fell to my knees, buckled over in a good deal of pain. I think at this point she knew that she had caught me really well and pulled me to my feet and took my shorts off. Much to her surprise and mine, I was still anatomically prepared to engage in intercourse.

In Seinfeld-esque fashion I will "yada yada" the sex part because my guess is that most people aren't overly interested in that. But I will say this: after kicking me, and without any foreplay to speak of, my girlfriend was quite urgent about the initiation of love-making and was extremely receptive to my entry. This led me to believe that the ballbusting had been quite a turn-on for her too.

She and I broke up in the summer of '08 without any subsequent ballbusting activity. There is a sequel to this story with her that actually occurred this past summer if people are interested in me sharing that.

Thanks for reading! Sorry it's so long.

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Comment by Charles Drew on January 9, 2010 at 12:18pm
Thanks playfight. I may write about our other incident from this past summer.
Comment by playfight on January 7, 2010 at 2:43am
great story.iell us more about her and ballbusting,u tell her about bb
Comment by Charles Drew on January 6, 2010 at 9:01am
Thanks Travis! Glad you liked it.
Comment by Zwyx on January 4, 2010 at 9:28pm
Excellent story. Oughtta be longer. :P


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