Years ago, in New York, I had a Portugese girlfriend that loved to surprise me with a swift kick to the testicles. One summer, she also found out that she loved something else... Teasing me, mercilessly, and giving me a good set of the classic "blue-balls". One trip to the beach had me begging for relief of my pain, however, instead of relief - she replaced the pain of "blue-balls" with a pain quite a bit more memorable.

It started one Saturday morning when I woke up, next to my, sexy, g-string clad girlfriend snuggling up against me -- her smooth soft thigh sliding up and resting against my naked balls. Predictably, my penis sprang into a raging erection and I immediately slid my arms around her and tried to kiss her, awake... She giggled and kept her eyes closed as I moved myself above her, straddling over her legs and reaching for the sides of her g-string to pull it down.

Quickly, her knee shoots up; catching me square in my dangling vulnerability... Knocking my testicles up and forward against my bouncing erection and causing me to howl in both surprise and agony as I instinctively lurch up to escape her knee - clutching at my injured manhood and collapsing along side her, on the bed, with a loud groan.

Her giggles erupt into laughter. "Oops" she says, tring to contain herself, "aww, did I hurt you?" "OOoohh my BALLS!" is all I could reply, which only sent her into further hysterics.

She reaches down, to my still half erect cock and gives it an encouraging stroke or two, as I continue to cup my aching testicles with my left hand. My penis responds to her touch which prompts her to purr "I guess I didn't get you too bad now, did I?" I shake my head as if to say "no" as she moves my hand and begins carressing my testicles: messaging at first and then almost probing with her fingertips as if to inspect their well being. "These certainly seem full and ready, don't they?"

I nod, eagerly, hoping I may soon get some relief from my intense sexual arousal... Her index finger and thumb encircle the base of my scrotum, making a ring as she proceeds to gently pull my balls away from my body, letting her other fingers wrap around them as she gives them a playful shake... "These are nice and swollen, alright, but I think it's more from the little 'accidental' jolt I gave you, as opposed to being full of cum. You'll need a little more time, before you're 'ready'!" To which I let out a deep, gutteral groan.

Still maintaining a firm hold on my testicles, my evil Goddess maneuvers herself above me, swinging her full breasts in my face and positioning her nipples near my eager lips... "Lick them" she says while tightening her grip and, of course, I quickly obey.

"Oh pleeeeeaaaase..." I moan. "Please what!?" she snaps. "May I please have sex with you!", I beg... "Hmm, let me think about it." she says, stroking me...bringing me to intense arousal. "Uhm, I think not... You don't deserve it and besides... It's time to go to the beach!" With that, she releases my penis, and deftly administers a very firm SLAP to my already swollen plums. "OH FUCK!" I scream, clutching my tender balls with both hands and rolling away from her. "Ohhh damn it, what was THAT for???" I plead. "That", she says, "was to help make your hard-on go down so that you can fit into your swimsuit". And with that, she hops off the bed, gives a swat to my naked ass and saunters off to the bathroom with a wicked giggle. "Hurry up and get dressed, we leave for the beach in 20 mins." I look over my shoulder to see her give me a self-satisfied wink as I let out one more groan and summon the strength to slowly sit up...


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Comment by Anthony on November 30, 2011 at 2:58pm

i absolutely love when my blue balls get busted is so nice


Comment by Foo Bar on October 31, 2011 at 7:22pm
Great story - I love your gf's playfully bitchy attitude!
Comment by balzac on October 31, 2011 at 9:45am
Very nice! looking forward to next part
Comment by Mz Jhoana on October 22, 2011 at 5:41pm
ur ex is one smart missy! great story pa. =)


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