I didn't write this story... this comes from a blog of a martial arts instructor, a 4th degree black belt... and a woman :-)

 In my Jiu-jitsu classes, groin protection is mandatory. When I do my MMA training, however, I don't typically wear my cup. I usually wear a rash guard and a pair of grappling board shorts.

Well last night, I brought along one of my Jiu-jitsu students to my MMA training session so that I would have a partner that doesn't outweigh me by 130 lbs. During the session we worked on the knee kick. To do this we held up a padded stomach protector to our bodies while the other person drove their knee into the pad.

We were using a Muay Thai style knee kick for which you lean back in order to drive your knee harder using your hips. This worked quite effectively. It was particularly effective when my partner's knee slipped down the pad and landed square on my unprotected pelvic bone.

I yelped in pain and dropped in a similar fashion as you would expect a man to drop, clutching the effected area. My coach immediately ran to my side rolling me onto my back telling me, "Bring your knees up to your chest and breathe, Lori."

I knew exactly what he was doing. "Mark, I'm not a man! There's nothing down there that that will help!" The collective laughter of everyone in the room ensued.

My coach was acting on instinct. He was trying to get me to do the only revival method he knows for a kick to the groin. By rolling me on my back and having me raise my knees, he would have helped me to lower my testicles back into their rightful position, theoretically relieving the pain. I couldn't help but be amused by this even in the state of unbelievable pain I was in.

What is really ironic is that in every martial art style I've ever trained in, I wore my cup out of force of habit. MMA is the only exception. But after this incident, I will be operating under the following mentality:

"It's better to have a cup and not need it than need a cup and not have it."

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Comment by volcan51 on August 17, 2013 at 11:56pm

Lori O' Connell, she has write a lot of self defense, she is actually 5 dan

Comment by Cryptus on February 22, 2012 at 4:10am

Femals and grionprotection!lol

If they dont feel it the dont believe it!!!

Comment by Triskel of CBA on February 22, 2012 at 2:30am

Hilarious. Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Tali S on December 16, 2011 at 3:06pm

Seth, better safe than sorry :-)

Comment by Smoo on December 10, 2011 at 11:37am

Great post!  It's always good just incase - as I also learned in my own karate class.  How about you in your class - stay safe or are you 'livin' on the edge'?  :-P


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