A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Time to start my KITG debut with a bang.
Josh wants to become the best karate master, but there’s one black belt that’s always in his way—his sister Lizzie and her deadly feet.
Even Josh’s #1 fan, his mom, cheers for him every step of the way as more and more friends and family join the fun.
Fetishes: Ballbusting, Trampling, Socks, Dirty Feet, Victory Posing.
Release Schedule: Chapters will be released every Monday/Friday. There are 45 chapters in total. I'll be releasing these in batches of 2 or 3 until I catch up (as of this posting, Chapter 14 is released elsewhere).
Author’s Note
I’ve been working on Egg Breakers since December 2018 and began releasing it on July 31st.
Thanks to my beta readers—OneAuthor, Duck12345, and Vanquished. Their input and commentary has been invaluable, and helped me make this story the best it can be.
Thanks to all the stories I’ve read over the years which inspired many of the scenes—especially Caligula’s amazing ballbusting stories.
* * * * * * * * * *
Table of Contents
* This section will be updated as more chapters are posted.
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Egg Breakers
Chapter 1
“Smell it! Smell my foot!”
She twisted my arm, grinding her foot in my face as I jerked around.
“Smell it and it’ll all be over!”
I gave a quick sniff and started gagging.
She couldn’t stop laughing as she released my arm.
I rolled away and leaped in front of the TV. “That wasn’t fair! You faked a kick to my groin and—”
“It’s just practice. Even a little white belt could’ve escaped that one.”
I tightened my green belt and threw a few punches in my sister’s direction.
“Just because you earned the next belt doesn’t mean you actually got better.”
“Did you see how cool I looked?”
“Yeah, real cool.” Lizzie rolled her eyes. “But you can’t wear it all day and night!”
“Watch me.” I would never take it off in a million years.
I launched lightning-fast kicks in the air, then unleashed an awesome kick towards her.
“How long did it take you to get your black belt again?”
She swatted away my leg. “You still have a long way to go, sensei squirt.”
I threw another kick at her.
Lizzie plopped on the couch. “I think that’s all for today, squirt.”
“But sensei says practice makes perfect.”
“Get out of my way. I’m trying to watch TV before mom gets home.”
“You know you’re not supposed to be watching that!”
“Shut up!” She threw a pillow at me.
I punched it out of the air.
“Go to your room and practice up there.”
I took a long bow in her direction, then picked up the pillow and gave her a smirk.
“Don’t you dare!”
I crouched down, prepared to run. “But mom wants pillows on the couch, not the floor!” I aimed right for her face.
“You little weasel, I’ll get you for that!”
I laughed as I sprinted to my room, locking the door behind me. I grabbed my lucky yellow belt off the dresser and tied it around the doorknob. No way she’s getting through that.
My pillow stared back at me, and I imagined it was my sister’s face. I gave it a one-two punch, then leaped on my bed and kicked the pillow to the floor. She would kill me if I actually did that, and mom would probably pull my ear off too!
I tossed my pillow back into position and dove onto it. Wow, what a workout. Becoming a karate master was hard work.
Mom woke me up by knocking.
“Dinner!” The doorknob jiggled. “And how many times do I have to tell you, don’t lock this door!”
“Lizzie was attacking me! She was watching that show she wasn’t supposed to! I told her!”
Mom jiggled the doorknob again. “Dinner’s ready. Come on!”
I rolled off my bed and untangled my yellow-belt lock, then wrapped it around my head and headed for the table.
Lizzie burst out laughing when I turned the corner. “What’s that on your head?”
“Don’t you know a karate master when you see one?” I bowed towards mom, then threw a punch at Lizzie and sat down. “What’s for dinner?”
“Your favorite.” Mom finished putting some chicken on my plate. “We’re so proud of you for getting your belt today.”
I spun out of my seat and bowed again.
“Masters don’t bow to everyone,” Lizzie said.
“Well this one does.” I tightened my green belt, then threw a kick at her, hurting my toe on the table.
“Sit down now!” Mom angrily stared at the drinks almost splashing out of the cups.
“Lizzie made me do it.”
“Stop blaming Lizzie and eat your food.”
I grabbed a chicken leg, giving Lizzie a smirk across the table. “You know, this leg looks a lot like Lizzie’s foot.”
She kicked me and I jumped, banging into the table again.
“Josh! Enough!” Mom slammed her fork down.
“But she—”
“But nothing. Eat your food.”
Lizzie was smirking across the table. I would have to give my pillow a few extra punches tonight.
“Mom,” Lizzie said, “can me and Tony go out tonight?”
“Pike’s Peak.”
“You know I don’t like—”
“But it’s our one month anniversary, and he said it’ll be special.”
I reached over and grabbed the gravy. “One month? Wow, your longest boyfriend yet!”
She kicked me under the table.
“Josh!” Mom ripped the gravy out of my hands and poured some onto my mashed potatoes. “Stop making a mess.”
She yanked the yellow belt off my head. “No more roughhousing at the table. Clear?”
“Yeah. Is that clear, master?” Lizzie giggled.
“But…” I sat down. “Yes, mom.”
Mom placed my yellow belt on the back of Lizzie’s chair. “Sure, you can go. But don’t stay out late.”
I smashed my fork into my mashed potatoes. Stupid Lizzie, always getting me in trouble.
Lizzie blasted through her food, then gave mom a kiss. “Bye, squirt.”
She tried to kiss my forehead but I masterfully dodged. “Ew, keep your germs to yourself!”
She rubbed my hair and ran for the door as I looked across the table, staring at my yellow belt.
“Mom, thank you for the delicious food. Can the karate master now go up to his room to master even more karate?” I bowed in mom’s direction.
“Finish your plate, then only for a little.”
I wolfed the food down, grabbed my belt, tied it around my head, and headed straight for Lizzie’s room.
I closed the door, silent as a mouse. I took my yellow belt and tied it around the doorknob, then looked around for something, anything.
I hid her favorite pen, but not before using it to scribble a mustache on her boyfriend’s picture. I scrambled stuff inside her desk, and even farted on her pillow.
As I headed towards the door to make my escape, I spotted her dirty clothes on the floor.
I grabbed her black belt off the hanger, putting it on as I opened her laundry basket.
Practice makes perfect!
I picked up her pants, then dropped it and karate kicked it with the skill of a black-belt master.
I balled up her shirt, threw it in the air and punched it.
I pinched my nose while picking up her dirty sock. Woof, I can’t believe she wears these things! I wondered if it smelled like her disgusting foot. I gave it a sniff and gagged.
After dropping it, I kicked it across the room.
Huge miss.
I grabbed her other sock. How do you get a sock so dirty? Probably walked outside in them to get the mail. Mom always tells her not to do that.
I tightened my new black belt, preparing for the best kick of all time.
“Josh!” I jumped. “Bed time!”
I threw the sock into the laundry basket and slammed it shut.
As I closed the closet door to leave no trace, I noticed the sock that missed. I stuffed the sock into my pocket. Perfect! She’ll think a gremlin ate it.
Tying my yellow belt back on my head, I snuck into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Mission success!
“How was practice?” mom asked as she stood in the doorway.
“Great, mom. Just great.”
Tomorrow, Lizzie would probably be walking around with one sock on all day with the mustached freak.
Chapter 2
I woke up and checked my belt—still green.
In my dream I had my black belt on, karate chopping my way through hundreds of bad guys, unleashing sweet kicks left and right—nobody could stand a chance. And at the end, my fist was heading right for Lizzie’s face.
What a great dream, too bad it ended.
I pulled her dirty sock out of my pocket. I had to hide it where she would never find it. Where would a gremlin hide things? I stuffed it under my pillow, then gave it a few punches for good measure.
As I turned the corner, Lizzie was already eating cereal, and my plate of scrambled eggs was in its usual spot.
I bowed towards mom. “The master has arrived for breakfast.”
Mom nodded, and continued washing dishes.
I sat down and peeked under the table. Two socks. Damn.
“Like what you see?” Lizzie wiggled her toes.
“Ew! No!” I jerked up and ate some eggs. “I just thought I saw a chicken leg down there.”
Lizzie kicked me. I kicked her back before mom turned around.
“Mom, these eggs are delicious, just what a master needs.” I took another bite. “Is Lizzie going to be watching me again?”
“Yes, after karate practice.” Mom turned to Lizzie. “And no more watching that show. I told you how many times already.”
Lizzie glared at me. “Did a little weasel tell you?”
“I know everything that happens in this house.”
“Yeah,” I smirked, “she knows everything that happens in this house.”
I moved my leg just in time to dodge her filthy foot from touching me, then brought my plate to the sink. “I’m going to go practice in my room.”
I ducked out of there before I would get the usual speech about how important it is to brush before school, but I overheard her telling Lizzie for the thousandth time. Serves her right. I grabbed a pillow and punched it onto the other couch as I made my way upstairs.
A few minutes into practice, Lizzie stormed in. “Were you in my room!?”
“When? I’ve lived in this house my entire life. I’ve been in all the rooms!”
I was mid-kick when she grabbed my leg and threw me on the bed. “Last night, you little weasel.”
“Nope. Why would I do that?”
I tried using my green-belt escape techniques, but she smacked my hand away, rolled me over, and locked my arm behind my back.
“Ow!” I struggled. “You’re hurting me!”
She dug her knee harder into my back. “You know what happens to little squirts who go where they don’t belong?”
I tried rolling over, but she pressed my cheek hard against the bed.
“You’re so going to get it tonight.”
“Mom! Lizzie just hurt me!”
“Brush your teeth,” mom yelled from downstairs as Lizzie let me go. “You’re going to be late!”
She stomped out of my room as I smashed the pillow off my bed while rubbing my arm.
I couldn’t wait for tonight.
* * *
Mom dropped me off from karate practice. I was pooped. I even asked sensei to show me some secret moves to use on way harder opponents—I couldn’t wait to practice them on a live target.
“I should be back before bedtime,” mom said. “Listen to Lizzie.”
I bowed towards mom, waved, then ran inside and held my breath.
“Is that my little green belt?” Lizzie asked as soon as the door closed.
I knocked Lizzie’s rancid sneakers off the shoe rack as I placed mine neatly.
“I have a surprise for you.”
I tightened my belt and turned the corner, ready to practice my moves on her face. My jaw dropped as I saw the greatest action figure ever. “Is that…”
“Where…” I ran over and fell to my knees. “Where did you get that?”
“Well, you said you wanted one for your birthday.” She smiled. “So me and Tony got it last night.”
“I thought they were all sold out!” I picked up the box like it was the most delicate thing in the world. “Did I ever tell you you’re the best sister in the world?”
“Maybe.” She leaned over and pointed to her cheek.
I gave her a kiss and a huge hug. “Can I open it now?”
“Nope.” She plopped on the couch and turned on the same show as yesterday. “I have to return it.”
“Return it! Are you crazy!? You can’t return the greatest action figure ever!”
“Well, Mr. Mustache needs a dumb doll for his brother.” She kicked her feet up and rested them on the couch pillow.
I felt my blood boiling. I ripped the pillow out from under her foot and was about to smash her with it.
“But there’s one way you could get it.”
I gripped the pillow. “Anything!”
“If you can beat me in a sparring match, I might be able to convince Mr. Mustache his brother doesn’t need it.”
“Deal!” I threw the pillow in the air and did a spin kick, launching it onto the other couch.
Lizzie rolled off the couch as I tightened my belt. “Maybe you want to go upstairs and wear that ridiculous yellow belt on your head. It might help you stand a chance.”
As she bent over to pick up the box, I so wanted to unleash a secret move on her back—but sensei said there’s always honor in fighting fair!
“You look a little nervous,” she said as she walked over to the TV and dangled the box high in the air.
“I’m not, you are!”
She dropped the box. I ran towards the TV and tripped, hitting the ground hard, and expected to hear my dreams crash into a million pieces. When I didn’t hear anything, I opened my eyes and looked up.
“Lost your footing, squirt?” She had caught the box in midair, and placed it down gently.
I gripped the carpet in my fists. “I knew you would catch it. I was just seeing how you would react.”
Lizzie giggled and nodded as I stood back up, then got into her defensive stance.
I got into the new secret stance sensei taught me. There’s no way it would lose to her.
She just giggled again, taking two steps towards me.
I kicked at her, expecting her to dodge like always, but it actually hit! “Looks like you’re rusty!” I hit her other leg. “Maybe you’ve been spending too much time with that loser boyfriend and not enough time training to become a master like me!” I kicked her a third time as she stepped back.
I was already thinking multiple moves ahead, just like sensei taught me. This time, I wouldn’t let her escape.
I threw a punch towards her body. She moved—just as me and sensei trained. Time to go in for the kill. The present was as good as mine! I watched her dodge—the opening I was waiting for. I released the secret move—I spun, aiming right for her head.
My kick hit air. She was gone.
Next thing I knew, I was staring at the ceiling. She came walking into my view.
“Give up yet, weasel?”
How did the move fail? Sensei told me it always works!
“Did little green belt think that would work on me?” She pressed her foot on my chest. I grabbed her leg and tried to move it—it was as solid as a tree trunk. “That move leaves your legs wide open.”
“You only dodged it because I’m tired! I had lots of practice today!”
“Not enough!” She giggled as she moved her foot higher up my chest. “Give up?”
I pushed against her leg. “Please don’t give it away, Lizzie.”
“Did these little chicken legs just beat you?” Her foot slid a little higher.
“Please don’t give it away…”
“Did you move my shoes again?” She wiggled her toes on my neck.
“I’ll move them back!”
“Good weasel.” She used my chest as a step and grabbed the box, then stepped on my stomach as she headed for the couch.
“You only won because my belt was loose.”
“Whatever you say.” She kicked a pillow off the couch, I knocked it out of the air. “Need to rest?”
“Not on your disgusting foot-pillow!”
I grabbed the pillow as I stood up, and aimed right for her face. She lifted the box, using it as a shield.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Now be a good little brother and put that back under my feet.”
I threw it on the ground. Mom is definitely going to hear about this when she gets home.
After running into my room, I buried my head in my pillow and screamed, then threw it against the wall. I kicked the crap out of the pillow, imagining it was her and her stupid boyfriend. His brother was going to steal my gift!
As I placed my pillow back on the bed, I noticed Lizzie’s sock was missing.
I gave my pillow a sniff, and it smelled like Lizzie’s atrocious foot-pillow. Good thing mom found the sock and did the laundry—hopefully it’s not permanently stained.
I threw the pillow back on the floor as I plotted my revenge.
Chapter 3
I turned the corner to find eggs in my usual spot—and that no-good toy-stealing sister too.
I bowed towards mom and took a seat. Mom never even turned her back from the sink.
“No good morning today?”
“No, mom.” I glared at Lizzie, expecting a kick—it never came. “It’s a horrible day.”
She just kept lifting that spoon to her stupid face. And drinking that glass showing her stupid teeth. And clinking the spoon in the stupid bowl. She’s the worst.
“Did you sleep real stiff, like a doll?” Lizzie clinked the spoon again.
I smashed my eggs, wishing that was her face. “No, dear sister. I just had nightmares about that show. You know the one.”
“Lizzie!” Mom flung the towel over her shoulder and sat down with us. “No more TV for a week.”
One final clink from her spoon. I gave her my biggest grin.
“Okay, mother. I wasn’t going to watch TV anyway.” Lizzie glared at me as if she was staring through my soul.
I stared back, smashing more eggs. “You can’t go two seconds without watching!”
“It’s my loving brother’s birthday. How can I watch TV on a day like that?”
My eyes never left hers.
“What a great sister, isn’t she?” Mom patted my arm.
“Yeah, just great.” I stabbed the fork into my eggs.
“And that means my little karate master can practice more!”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” mom said, “Lizzie can help you train all day!” I glared at both of them. “Maybe I should’ve thought of this punishment sooner. I’ll have two karate masters in no time.”
“Great idea, mother.” Lizzie kissed and hugged mom, then tried kissing me, which I dodged, so she rubbed my hair instead. “See you tonight, karate boy.”
After Lizzie left, I gave my eggs one final stab. “Why did you have to do that?”
“Do what?”
“Lizzie. TV. Torture.”
Mom reached over and kissed my forehead. “Because you’ll even have your greatest fan cheering you on today!” She sat back and placed both feet on the table—her pink socks said ‘Number 1 Fan’ along the soles.
“You’re home? Now that’s a great gift!” I kissed mom on my way to the sink. “So why don’t you send Lizzie away. Forever.”
“Did something happen between—”
I ran to my room to get some practice. I tightened my belt, picked up my stinky pillow, and gave it a one-two… nine-ten punch. Maybe if I trained real hard today, mom would make Lizzie go out. I didn’t want her anywhere near me.
“No stupid headband today?”
I punched the pillow at her, she swatted it away as she stepped towards me.
“Little squirt, little squirt. Now what do I do to a little squirt.” She flicked my forehead. “You do know all me and my friends talk about is that show. And if I miss my show,” she towered over me, “little weasels get hurt.”
I tried planting my feet. “Maybe you should’ve listened to mom. She knows everything that goes on in this house!”
“Because of a certain, little, weasel.”
The back of my knees hit the bed. Each time she spoke, she got bigger.
“Maybe one is hiding in here?” She flicked my forehead and I fell on the bed. “Maybe I should stomp it dead!”
I was about to scream for mom when her foot crashed into my stomach. My breath disappeared. The most pain I ever felt.
“I think I got it.” She twisted her foot.
I grabbed her leg, trying to move it. It didn’t budge.
“Kids! It’s time to brush your teeth!”
“Okay, mother!” She squished me as she turned towards the door. “I’ll make sure the birthday boy brushes real good!”
“Did I ever tell you two how great you are together?”
Her foot slid across my chest and pressed down harder. I could barely breathe. “We love you, mom!”
I grabbed at her leg again, but it was already gone. I rolled onto my stomach, groaning into my bed.
“See you after practice, weasel.”
* * *
I told sensei how his secret move didn’t work. He laughed and told me it leaves your legs wide open. Why didn’t he tell me that in the first place? So I had him teach me better moves.
I practiced super hard today. Everyone was trying to go easy on me because it was my birthday, but it just made me train 10 times harder. I won all 3 of my practice matches, and even broke the arm off the training dummy, although that old thing was going to break any day now—but it was probably birthday luck.
“Did you hear your greatest fan cheering for her birthday boy?” mom asked as she was driving.
“Yeah,” I breathed real heavy, “it was embarrassing.”
Mom recreated her cheers again.
“Stop,” I stared out the window, panting, “you’re embarrassing me! Everyone driving can hear you!”
“And now for the fourth win of the day,” mom said in her best announcer voice, “Birthday Boy Joshy Woshy vs. Black Belt Lizzie!”
I gasped. “No. I can’t even move another muscle.”
“Don’t be silly, sweetie. My little karate master can beat any challenger!”
“I said no!”
“Watch your tone with me, young man.” Mom lowered the mirror and looked at me. “Want me to pick up some of your favorite chicken?”
Chicken did sound real good right now. Heck, chicken was great any time.
As we walked into the house, the table was already set for three. Mom complimented Lizzie on what a wonderful daughter she has. I so wanted to kick Lizzie under the table, but I could barely move a muscle as I ate.
“You missed it, Lizzie,” mom said. “The great Joshy Woshy beat all his opponents.”
Lizzie laughed. “Oh did he now?”
I stabbed the fork into the food as hard as I could. “Yeah, but the birthday boy is all tuckered out. I think I’m heading to bed early today.”
“Don’t be silly,” mom said.
“Yeah, Joshy Woshy.”
I kicked at her leg, but hit air.
I pushed my plate away. I was stuffed. Couldn’t take another bite. The fork was getting too heavy.
“The fourth match,” mom started announcing, “the greatest karate master ever! Josh—”
“Stop! You’re embarrassing yourself!”
Mom looked around. “But there’s no drivers here.”
Lizzie finished her plate. “May I be excused, oh great and wonderful mother?”
Mom nodded and watched Lizzie clean all the dishes before heading upstairs.
“Isn’t she just the most wonderful daughter?”
“Yeah, great.” I rolled my eyes, trying to think of a way I could stick it to her, and then it clicked. “Mom, can I watch TV?”
“Weren’t you going to sleep?”
“Changed my mind.” Maybe I could find a way to turn on that show and blame Lizzie. Perfect plan.
“Okay, but not too long. You have to brush your teeth soon!”
I dove onto the couch and turned on the TV. I had a good hour nap until I was woken up.
Mom was making embarrassing trumpet noises and carried Lizzie’s giant tournament trophy over her head. Lizzie walked behind her in her full karate gear—black belt, gi, and even her giant red foot pads.
“In this corner, Black Belt Lizzie! The crowd goes wild!” Mom made more trumpet noises as Lizzie posed near the TV. “And in this corner, Joshy Woshy!”
Lizzie chuckled as I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
“And the karate master awakes!” Mom held a pretend microphone to my mouth. “How do you think you’ll fare against the amazing, stupendous, absolutely unbeatable Lizzie?”
I smacked mom’s hand away. “Mom, I’m really too tired.”
“Well yeah, you just woke up.” Mom moved the microphone back. “So, what does the great Joshy Woshy say?”
I smacked her hand away again. “I said no.”
Mom gave me a stern look as she leaned in. “There’s your favorite kind of ice cream for the winner.”
My ears perked up. It was the rare kind from when we went on vacation years ago. She must’ve spent a fortune on it.
She shoved the microphone in my face again. “So?”
I grabbed her hand and screamed into it. “And the great Joshy Woshy arrives!”
Mom cheered and clapped. She was loud enough to be an entire crowd. It was like we were in a full stadium of rabid fans.
Lizzie laughed. “Joshy Woshy, who thought of such a ridiculous name?”
Mom wrapped my lucky yellow belt around my head and gave me a huge kiss on the forehead.
I wiped it away as I turned red. “I’ll have you know, a wonderful mother came up with it today.”
“Well then, oh great Joshy Woshy,” Lizzie smirked, “I’m shaking in my boots.”
I got into the other corner and turned around to see mom strutting around with the trophy above her head.
“Round 1. Ding ding ding!”
Lizzie came right for me and kicked me in the stomach. I instantly fell.
“Ouch.” Mom winced. “And Lizzie isn’t holding back.” She booed, then started counting down from 10 like this was pro wrestling.
I gripped the carpet. I couldn’t even see her leg when she kicked. Maybe I was still too tired.
After I stood up, mom cheered.
“Come on, Joshy Woshy, is that all you got?” Lizzie raised her arms and spun to pump up the imaginary crowd.
I kicked her in the butt and she almost fell into the TV.
“And Joshy Woshy lands a perfect blow!” Mom gave me a stern look. “Although he has to watch the furniture.”
Lizzie whipped around. She was fuming. She stepped towards me as I threw kicks and punches, but she knocked every one away like it was nothing. I couldn’t gain any ground.
“And Joshy Woshy has her on the ropes!” Mom laid down on the couch, resting her feet on Lizzie’s foot-pillow. “She can’t even get an attack in!”
Lizzie knocked my last punch away and kicked me in the back of the knee.
I stared at the ceiling until her disgusting foot hovered above me. My eyes couldn’t look away from her filthy sole. How did mom let her walk around like that around the house?
“And Joshy Woshy is down. What will he do?”
Lizzie stomped her foot just as I rolled away.
The next few punches I threw were deflected. Nothing I was doing was working. Maybe I had to get in her head.
“You know, those red pads really make you look like chicken legs.” I made chicken noises as Lizzie’s face turned as red as the pads. Then I threw a punch. It hit her stomach.
“And Joshy Woshy is winning!” Mom made the crowd roar.
I threw a one-two punch and both landed as Lizzie was stepping back. While the crowd was on my side, I knew it was time for my new finishing move.
I felt like I had ten hands I was attacking so fast.
Lizzie was forced back. She jumped onto the couch while mom moved out of the way.
I saw a flash of white. Then I saw another.
“Ouch!” Mom winced. “Good thing those pads will protect his nose!”
Lizzie raised her foot. Time slowed down as she pressed it right into my face. It smelled absolutely awful from sweat. It felt like it was there for minutes, but it was probably a split second. She shoved me backwards and I fell onto my back.
“And the champ is down!”
Lizzie jumped off the couch. Mom got back into her usual spot as Lizzie kicked my ribs.
I dodged and wiggled on my back until my head hit the couch.
Lizzie gave my ribs one final kick, then raised her foot and stomped on my stomach even harder than this morning.
“Ouch! Another stunning blow by Black Belt Lizzie. Is this the end?”
Lizzie raised her disgusting foot. I couldn’t help but stare at her sole as it hovered above me. She stomped on my chest.
I grabbed her chicken legs. Solid as a rock. Wouldn’t budge. I looked at mom. Mom shrugged and moved the foot-pillow behind my head.
“Looks like Joshy Woshy is going to be there a while!” She laughed as she started counting down from 10.
I struggled. All it did was cause Lizzie’s foot to creep higher and higher.
“Four!” Mom looked down at my face and smiled, she really slowed down her counting.
I punched Lizzie’s legs a few times.
“And look at this! Black Belt Lizzie is checking her nails!” Mom laughed and made the crowd cheer. “Joshy Woshy can’t escape!” Then counted incredibly slowly.
I gave punches with both arms, but I was just too exhausted. My arms fell to both sides.
“And it looks like the karate master has given up. How will Lizzie end it?” The crowd cheered.
Lizzie gave my chest a stomp and rested herself on her knee. “I don’t know, maybe the announcer should decide?”
Mom glanced down at me and laughed.
Lizzie scraped her foot off me and dropped her butt onto my stomach, hard, knocking all my air out. I tried lifting her off, but mom pressed her feet into my palms.
“No messing with the winner while I think!” She wiggled her toes.
Lizzie laughed while pinching my cheeks.
“I really thought Joshy Woshy would win. I had ice cream planned and everything.”
Lizzie gave my cheeks a little slap. “Why don’t you use your foot-pillow while you think!”
“What?” Mom laughed, then looked down at me. “Great idea, Lizzie. That would be comfy.” She made the crowd roar as she lifted her other foot.
I stared into the bottom of her pink socks as I struggled.
“And the crowd roars as the number 1 fan enters the ring!” Mom made more cheering noises as they both laughed.
Lizzie scooted up higher, pinning both arms beneath her knees.
Mom lowered her foot onto my nose and cheered louder than before.
“Zero! And Joshy Woshy is down! Lizzie wins!”
I struggled and turned my head to the side, trying to escape.
“Now Joshy Woshy,” Lizzie tried to force my head up, “don’t be a sore loser and take your wonderful birthday present. Yummy mommy feet!”
“That’s your biggest fan right there!” Mom laughed as she rubbed her foot all over my forehead. “Show some appreciation, they cheered for you all day today. I had these socks special-made just for you.”
Both her and Lizzie laughed their butts off. “So how comfortable is it?”
“The best foot-pillow I ever owned.” Mom took her other foot off my hand and pressed it on my mouth. “Built in foot-warmer too!”
I jerked my head to the side and screamed. “Enough!”
Lizzie bounced hard on my stomach. “But the crowd loves it! Give it a good sniff!”
I held my breath and jerked my head. Mom pressed down harder on the side of my face and wiggled her toes.
“How about you give your biggest fan the biggest kiss,” mom lifted her feet off my head, “and then we’ll let you go.”
I continued holding my breath as I jerked my head no. I was getting lightheaded, I couldn’t think straight.
“If you don’t, you’ll have to give the winner your biggest kiss!”
“Sick!” Lizzie leaned back and punched my leg.
“So which is it? Kiss your biggest fan?” Mom made the crowd cheer as she nodded. “Or Lizzie.”
“Lizzie!” I don’t know why I blurted that out.
Lizzie punched my leg again as she bolted up. “Ew, disgusting.”
Mom laughed and made the crowd cheer as she laid back on the couch. She leaned over and held the microphone near my mouth. “Did we hear you right, you said Lizzie?”
I smacked mom’s hand away. “Because I knew she would never do it.”
I smirked at Lizzie as I started to sit up, only to be stomped on the stomach by the chicken leg.
“Well there’s no way you’re kissing me.” She stepped on my chest with both feet. “Unless it’s my foot!”
Mom laughed and clapped. “And the crowd approves!” She moved the microphone to Lizzie’s mouth. “So how does it feel to win?”
“It feels great to finally have Joshy Woshy where he belongs!”
Mom made more cheering noises as Lizzie raised her foot. I tried smacking it away, but mom grabbed both hands and pinned them with her feet. “No messing with the winner’s prize!”
I groaned as my stomach felt like it was going to implode—Lizzie was wiggling, trying to keep her balance. Mom held her hands while looking down at me.
Lizzie mashed her foot on my lips. “Give them a big kiss, Joshy Woshy!”
I screamed as they both laughed.
“Ew! He licked me!” Lizzie yanked her foot away and rubbed it on my chest while mom laughed even harder.
Lizzie ran away upstairs while I rolled over and started wiping the salt and sweat from my mouth. I felt like throwing up.
Mom leaned over and rubbed my back. “Even though you lost, you still have your number 1 fan.”
Great work. I love the slow build up. I do hope Lizzie finds a suitable counter to his move that leaves his legs wide open,
Great work. I love the slow build up.
Thank you for the kind comments.
And I aimed for this story to be a more "realistic" buildup.
I just hate when stories from from 0 to off the charts within a few paragraphs. Oh, you were never kicked before? Well, too bad, you're going to get kicked 100 times non-stop!
I do hope Lizzie finds a suitable counter to his move that leaves his legs wide open,
She will find many ways to take advantage of his... poor defense. :)
Fun! Really great build up. I'm excited to see when/how busting action takes place. Thanks for sharing your hard work!
Fun! Really great build up. I'm excited to see when/how busting action takes place. Thanks for sharing your hard work!
Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it so far.
There's plenty of ballbusting throughout. And it does get more and more "fun" as the story rolls on. :)
Hey seems like a very good start. Before reading any further I would like to ask the author a few questions, mainly about Lizzie and her personality, if he would be willing to answer them!
Why does she enjoy torturing Josh? It seems to be a very extreme case of sibling rivalry.
Is she simply sadistic? Does she enjoy humiliating him and/or causing him pain?
Or is it because she finds his obsession with being the best as obnoxious? Because she just knows herself to be better/ him to be inferior and wants to prove it? If she does consider him inferior, does she think of all males like that or only about him? Or maybe in her mind all males are inferior to her but he is even lower on the list?
And when she makes him kiss/smell her dirty smelly feet, does she simply find it amusing as comical? Or does she get a sadistic thrill out of it?
I don't know why but I really want a good look at her psyche, before continuing on.
Her psyche as she is now in these first chapters at least in case she changers later on.
Before reading any further I would like to ask the author a few questions, [...] if he would be willing to answer them!
Open to answering any and all questions, and thanks for asking such great ones.
Why does she enjoy torturing Josh? It seems to be a very extreme case of sibling rivalry.
They're brother and sister—he's probably been annoying her his whole life!
And he thinks he's so great at karate, but she's much more skilled than him, so it's one way she can easily "put him in his place".
Plus, it's fun to embarrass him... and what better way to embarrass him than to get beat up by your own sister?
Is she simply sadistic?
No, but it is a little funny to see others in pain, Jackass-style.
But if an "outsider" purposefully hurt Josh, she would defend him—he's family!
Does she enjoy humiliating him and/or causing him pain?
Humiliating him? Yes. Loves to tease him about anything and everything? Yes.
Because she just knows herself to be better/ him to be inferior and wants to prove it?
Well, she can put him in his place if she wants too. Can't let him get too cocky.
If she does consider him inferior, does she think of all males like that or only about him?
Just him, because he's an annoying brother. She has a boyfriend, and she thinks he's perfectly fine.
And when she makes him kiss/smell her dirty smelly feet, does she simply find it amusing as comical?
Both. And it's funny to see him suffer.
Again, what could be worse than making him kiss her foot? (I can think of a few things, but you'll just have to read and see!)
I don't know why but I really want a good look at her psyche, before continuing on.
Her psyche as she is now in these first chapters at least in case she changers later on.
Well, I tried to make all the characters evolve over the entire story. You see more sides of Josh, Lizzie, his #1 fan, and many of the other characters too.
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