A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Chapter 33
“Don’t forget to give your mommy a goodbye kiss on your first date!”
Mom and Lizzie hung out the car window and were waving and screaming at the top of their lungs.
“And your beautiful sister too! I love you very much! Say hi to Miss Imaginary!”
I didn’t even turn around as I rushed for the entrance to the movie theater.
“We’ll see you inside!”
I hoped that was a complete lie, but I had to ditch them ASAP, so I followed Rebecca’s instructions to the letter. I headed inside and waited until I saw them drive away, then waited for a while and snuck into the back of the building where she picked me up in her own car.
When she pulled up, I dove into the car like I just robbed a bank.
“Go go go!”
Rebecca giggled as she sped out of the parking lot.
“Did they follow you into the theater?”
“No,” I said, “but I’m surprised they didn’t, Lizzie has the house locked down like a prison.”
“She’s wearing the sunglasses?” I nodded. “Typical. She probably thinks I would be hiding in the bushes across the street. Dumb bitch.”
I guess they really were best friends…
“So,” I said, “where are we going?”
“I’m taking us to the movie theater outside of town. No one we know will ever be there.”
We had a fantastic car ride, talking about all different types of likes and dislikes, music and movies. This was the first time we actually talked instead of having Lizzie between us.
“Do you want to go inside, or do you want to just stay in here and makeout?”
“Maybe… for my first date… we could do a proper date?”
“Aww, that’s cute.” Rebecca pinched my cheeks. “You know I won’t let you watch the movie.”
“Why not?”
She smirked and gave my cheek another pinch. “Come on, let’s go.”
We held hands as we walked inside. The special tickets covered price of admission plus a drink and snack—it was a pretty sweet deal. She wanted to see some girly romance crap, but I wanted to see the best new action movie—it wasn’t karate, but it was close enough!
“Are you sure?” She pinched my cheek again.
“Hell yes!”
“You’re going to be disappointed.”
I couldn’t see how.
We made our way into the theater and sat in the very back. I wanted to get the perfect seat, but she insisted… and since she decided to pick the movie I wanted to see, I let her get final say in the seats.
We sat down and ate popcorn and soda until the lights dimmed. This movie was going to be awesome!
Rebecca leaned over and whispered in my ear. “I think I dropped something, can you get it?”
“But the movie—”
Her finger shut my lips. “Get down there and find it.”
I grumbled as I crawled onto the floor. I could hear the intro music start playing, and could barely see anything.
“Is it still the credits?” I asked. Rebecca kicked me. “What am I looking for?”
Rebecca’s foot came out of her sneaker, and she hovered it in my face. I pushed it out of the way, only for her to kick me lightly in the head.
“I think a pebble’s in my sneaker. Can you get it?”
I grabbed her sneaker, shaking it upside down, then reached inside to knock the pebble out. I could only feel severe moistness, and then the smell hit me—it was like a jungle sauna in there.
“Are you sure there was a—”
Her socked foot landed on my mouth. “Shut it and get down on your back.”
“But I want to watch the—”
She pressed her foot hard, pinning my cheek to the seat. “On your back, now!”
I rolled onto my back and could feel the sticky mess of stale soda and popcorn mix clinging to my shirt. When I finally laid fully on my back, she unpinned my head.
“Now, do you want my sneaker or my socks?”
“What do you—”
Her foot slammed into my stomach. “If you don’t answer my questions, you’re going to regret it. Nod if you understand.”
I nodded as I heard the beginning explosions. I so wished I could see what was going on right now.
“Sneaker or socks?”
She used my chest to pry off her other sneaker, then picked it up with her toes and hovered it near me.
“Rebecca, can I—”
She shoved her heel in my mouth, wafting the opening of her shoe over my nose.
“If you speak again, I’m going to walk around this theater in my socks. Do you understand?”
I nodded, which caused her to pry off her sneaker and lower it on my face.
I closed my eyes and sniffed—I could taste the tropical stench in my nostrils. My entire face started to sweat from the heat, and I don’t know what she did, but these things smelled…
Someone kicked my feet and giggled as they sat down.
I tried to sit up, but Rebecca’s foot pressed the sneaker down harder. Two more feet landed on my stomach.
“Who is that?” I asked. “Come on, Rebecca, this isn’t funny.”
I tried taking the sneaker off, but a foot pressed down on my balls hard.
“Put your hands on your sides,” Rebecca said. “And close your eyes.”
I did as she ordered. “Please let me up.”
“I’ll let you up when I’m ready.” I felt some popcorn land on me. “Just lay there like a good footrest.”
There were two sets of giggling. I tried to pinpoint who the second one was, when a foot prodded my groin. I gasped and sucked in humid sneaker air as a bare foot pressed my neck.
“Now I’m going to stick something in your mouth. I don’t want you to make a peep. Understand?”
I nodded.
I opened my mouth and sticky fabric was shoved in. I tried to spit it out, and as I opened my eyes, all I saw was Rebecca’s face as she began tying her shoelaces around my head. My eyes couldn’t see around the sneaker, and I muffled noises as the two of them giggled.
“How do they taste?”
Vile, like month old soda.
More whispering and giggling as the foot started rubbing me.
“Just to let you know, that’s not my foot.” Rebecca giggled. “But she says it’s bigger than she expected.”
I groaned while trying to worm my way around, but Rebecca pressed her toes into my neck.
“I’ll stop your breathing, don’t think I won’t.” She wiggled her toes and pushed down harder. “Stop your groaning and just enjoy the movie. I know we will!”
I laid there, trying to concentrate on anything else, and once my breathing calmed, Rebecca only rested her foot on my neck instead of pressing down.
I slowly breathed in the sneaker air and listened to the sounds of the movie. Every so often there would be a jump scare, or an explosion, and all four feet would press down on me—the other girl especially liked to stomp on my groin—and they both giggled every time I groaned.
About halfway through the movie, two feet started groping at my pants, trying to undo my belt and zipper.
I groaned, causing Rebecca to press on my neck and lean close.
“I’m going to stand on your neck until those pants come undone. Take a deep breath.”
I didn’t have enough time to even suck in a lungful of sneaker when my neck and face were crushed. I wiggled and writhed as the toes frantically moved across my pants. I grabbed at Rebecca’s leg, only for her to kick it away and stomp down on one of my hands, pinning it to the floor.
I felt my pants slide down and two feet rest on my groin, when Rebecca took her foot off my neck and twisted on my hand, sitting back down and leaning over.
“Good boy. Or should I say almost good boy.” She ground my hand under her foot. “For moving your hands, I think you should get some punishment.”
Both of them whispered back and forth for a while, then giggled.
“She says your boxers are next.”
I groaned and wiggled, only to have Rebecca’s foot stomp down on my neck.
I used my other hand to pull my pants up, but it was pinned to the floor as the other foot flicked at my boxers.
Rebecca giggled and rested her foot on my chest. “That was a fast one. I saw your kinky pinky flick right out. You must love my choking, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that big!”
I groaned into her sneaker and wiggled my fingers—both feet wiggled back.
“Mine or hers?”
I didn’t even know what she was saying. I continued breathing.
“You can groan your answer. Mine?” She pressed on my neck. “Or hers?”
My neck compressed even more as she probably hovered in her seat using the armrests. I coughed and tried to twist around, but both of them used their feet to keep me on my back—even giving me a few groin stomps.
“Since the results were inconclusive, I’ll ask her what she wants.”
They both giggled as three feet flicked and prodded and pressed around in my groin. I tried to hear their whispers, but it was drowned out by the explosions and gunfire.
“She says hers. Now don’t say a word!” She stepped her heel on my neck. “I’m so turned on right now. You know I could kill you just as easily as he’s killing bad guys in this movie.”
She slowly increased the pressure.
“Are you a bad guy? Because I’m a bad girl!”
I sucked in as much stale air as I could as my throat closed, and felt extremely sweaty fabric wrap around my penis.
I waited to be able to breathe again, but the pressure kept getting higher and higher.
Two feet wrapped around, moving up and down.
I began choking and coughing. Each cough crushed my neck further and further as I desperately grasped her foot with my free hand.
She kicked my hand away, so I tried to… so I tried to… my hand wouldn’t move as I saw my vision fade to black.
This is how I die… on my very first date…
I gasped awake and sucked in enormous breaths of air through my nose. Rebecca’s foot was having trouble keeping me pinned down.
“That was awesome.”
Rebecca leaned over and pried her sneaker off.
I opened my mouth and choked as she took the sock out—I felt it slowly peel off my tongue and cheek.
“You exploded like I’ve never seen anyone do before, and then you fell unconscious. That must’ve been one hell of an orgasm!”
I didn’t even remember… did I really…
Rebecca swung a second sock into view and I instinctively opened my mouth.
“I don’t think you want this one, it has your… proof… in there.”
Rebecca helped me up and put my arm around her shoulder when I almost fell down to the next row.
“So was that movie awesome or what? I love being a bad, bad girl!”
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