All Blog Posts (794)

Part-time Job, Part 2: Brittany's Return

Months had passed, and, while I thought about Brittany from time to time, I was over the pain of her absence.  The first few weeks going into work at my part-time job and not seeing her were rough for me, even though I loved working there.  Eventually, I'd turned a corner and life was back to normal.

One particular late spring - early summer night, I worked my full-time and headed to my part-time to work until close.  I was…


Added by KneeMyNuts on April 24, 2019 at 3:15pm — 1 Comment

A cool project

I have something cool coming and i dont want to say what it is but i have  a request from the members of KITG.

I need the members of KITG to ask questions. 

Ask me any question and i will answer in my next video and shout you out. 

I also want you to ask questions for Mallory , DV Eric and Chayles, Joe and Violet, A.W, Wutcha, Scarlett, Britney, SBG

Jeulez and Beast , Mistress Keira Bliss, myself and anyone else . Ask them here so i can post on my next video

Added by WeeZ on April 17, 2019 at 9:26pm — 6 Comments

Texting Role Play

This week I got a chance to do a little role play with a member on here. Sadly I forgot to grab the text from rounds 1 and 2, but did manage to grab round 3. Hope you enjoy it.
Me: Round 3. Opening positions - I'm flat on my back, you are straddling my torso. Appearal - I'm in boxers, you are in a sports bra, shorts and heels. Win condition for me - take off your heels. Win condition for you - underneath me lifting me up off the ground with your heels. Your move to…

Added by John Franks on April 12, 2019 at 9:19am — No Comments

Ballbusting chastity

So it’s a been a while. Figured I’d post an update. For those who didn’t read my old posts my wife has been using ballbusting as sort of chastity. She kicks and squeezes my testicles multiple times a day and when she’s not home I have to send her pics of my balls in the testicle crusher for a little while. If I don’t I get punished.

So I haven’t had a cum that’s felt good in like two months. Maybe longer. I accepted the fact that my testicles are for kicking, not cumming. I have got to…


Added by Tim Bowens on April 9, 2019 at 2:40am — 3 Comments

A bust that was a looong time in the making

This is a true story, and one of the more memorable busts that I've had. This story was a very long time in the making however the story is a little long so bear with me.

When I was like 12 I played on a baseball team with my best friend. My mom worked late all the time so his mom would take us to most of our games. Before we would get in the car she would remind us to make sure we had everything...our glove, bat, hats, etc. She would also ask us if we were wearing our cups before we…


Added by Tony on March 15, 2019 at 1:27am — 14 Comments


Added by Александра Петровна Василькова on March 9, 2019 at 7:03am — No Comments

Part-time Job

Sorry it's been so long!  The return of true stories is here, starting with this one!  Enjoy!

It had been years since Stacey and I broke up, and she has since moved on.  I know for sure that she is married (or, at least, she was when I last heard), and she might even have a kid or two.  As for me, it had been several years since I got a good busting, or since a woman wore high heels for the express purpose of…


Added by KneeMyNuts on March 4, 2019 at 5:09pm — 8 Comments

Jamie the cheerleader

This is one of the more memorable times in my life. I thought I would share it here.

Jamie was a cheerleader at my school. She also happened to be best friend of the girlfriend of my closest cousin and I had known her for years by then. Jamie was Italian, about 5 foot 1, had dark curly hair, and was very cute. She also had a mouth on her. She would swear a lot, and seemed to use the words 'dick' and 'balls' quite often, too, which nobody complained about.

One day my cousin…


Added by Willie on March 4, 2019 at 9:30am — 4 Comments

Met Wu and one of his friends today

Well...I couldn't wait to write this up. It's been a long journey watching Wu's videos online for so many years. Finally the day arrived that I would be in Salt Lake City. 

This is my first one of these and I apologize if this sounds like more of a review than a story but it's how I can tell it. 

I messaged Wu on this site a few weeks back seeing and hoping he'd be in town and free.  Much to my delight he was and he messaged a few of his girls.  I'll call her…


Added by Jake e on February 26, 2019 at 12:50am — 5 Comments

Brutal nut shot story

So because im a nurse I get people asking me  weird embarrassing medical questions sometimes. My friend messaged me the other day because her boyfriend took a slap shot to the nuts playing hockey wearing no cup. Apparently he was on the ground rolling around for 20 heaving. Then he spent the rest of the night and the next day howling and moaning in bed. She said they were swollen 3x the normal size and it was like nothing she had ever seen before. 48 hours later hes finally able to get up…


Added by Dan on February 12, 2019 at 11:26pm — 2 Comments

Prison Bust (Don't worry, it's f/m)

When I first got to prison, I had to go through a medical screening with all the other new inmates. The physical was performed by a very cute, older woman. I would guess she was in her late 30's or maybe early 40's. She was about 5'5", with wavy black hair, and Asiatic facial features. I have had hernia checks before, so I thought I knew what to expect. It had been a while since a woman touched my genitals, so I was pretty excited about this physical. Anyway, by the time she had looked me…


Added by Greed on February 10, 2019 at 1:12am — 6 Comments


What’s up all? It’s been a while. We’ve made a few more vids. Maybe I’ll upload one. Lately we’ve been doing something a tad different.  I showed my wife a chastity device. Of course she wanted one to out on me but I couldn’t find one that fit and customs ones are kinda pricey. But I found an all rubber one so we got one of those and I showed her a testicle crusher. She definitely wanted one of those. 

So the new new routine is this.  We found out that after a certain amount…


Added by Tim Bowens on January 30, 2019 at 1:20am — 16 Comments

BB game!

Hi guys!

So, some of you may remember I posted a few days ago about creating a text-based ballbusting adventure game...well, I started one!


Okay, so there's only one girl available for now, but making all this was hard for someone who has zero knowledge of computer stuff, so cut me some slack! xD

Here's the link to the html file, you should be able to download it and run it in your browser, enjoy! Let me know if there are any issues or…


Added by Bob Bagg on January 28, 2019 at 4:23am — 2 Comments

Real Incident in Singapore

When 31-year-old Kum Keng Fa tried to cop a feel of a woman’s breasts on Nov. 3, he probably didn’t expect her to ‘feel’ him back.  

But she did. 

The odd-job worker had been drinking at coffeeshop when he saw the 21-year-old woman and followed her into the lift of a HDB block in Sims Avenue, The Straits…


Added by Angela Lim on January 25, 2019 at 6:13am — 1 Comment

epic idea

I. have a big time idea and i need the help of other bb video makers. Joe, E&C vincent and Scarlett,AW , Wutcha (if you’re not here ill hit you up on fetlife) etc. Holler at me. I want to team up and doing something epic for KITG .exclusively. DV and Mallory i need to seak with you two also. Im working on a project i want to give you to use to pay the bills next time it comes around. Thats usually September right? Anyways  Thats almost a year away so im putting a lot of time in this. Its…


Added by WeeZ on January 18, 2019 at 4:27am — 7 Comments

Clothed Ballbusting

All right guys hear me out on this one; I can see the appeal of nude ballbusting. I can see the appeal of a guy getting his ass completely handed to him by some mistress while she whips him into submission. I get that less clothes can often be more enticing. A big thing that I come across often is "Why doesn't Joe just wear boxers", or "Can these two just get naked already?" Even stuff like "Why is this video even on PornHub, there's no nudity?!" Well.. it's for the same reason videos like…


Added by Joe | Violet on January 15, 2019 at 3:03pm — 23 Comments

Kik group

Guys if you have kik drop your usernames so I can add you to my KITG group

Added by WeeZ on January 3, 2019 at 9:06pm — 6 Comments

Happy New Year: Office BB

Happy New Year:  Office BB

The pair had an office Christmas party encounter only a few days earlier.

The strapping young lawyer and the petite, curvy blonde law clerk.  It was a few too many libations into cocktail hour when the cocky young man named Dylan surreptitiously grabbed Cheryl under the mistletoe and surprised her with a luscious kiss that went on for a sizzling…


Added by Buckled on January 2, 2019 at 7:45am — 2 Comments

Pub punching

Ok so when I was 17 I started going to this dodgy pub because me and my friends could get served. Anyway it was like a Tuesday it was was empty apart from us then about five pikeys/travellers came over and tried flirting with us. because we didn't want to spend any money we took it so we could get free drink all night, sorry boys but it happens. Anyway one was asking me to lift my top up I kept saying no because I'm not that type of girl. He didn't get the hint so I asked him to show me how,…


Added by Chloe Hart on December 7, 2018 at 7:45pm — 5 Comments

Kicked until I got swollen and blue/black balls (September 2018)

In September 2018 I had my second ballbusting session. While my first ballbusting session was with a pro-domme, this second session was with an escort-girl from my region. She was a lot more sadistic and ruthless than I thought. A badass ballbuster who bruised my balls severely for almost three…


Added by Smilez-MS87 on November 22, 2018 at 5:31pm — 6 Comments

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