Part-time Job, Part 2: Brittany's Return

Months had passed, and, while I thought about Brittany from time to time, I was over the pain of her absence.  The first few weeks going into work at my part-time job and not seeing her were rough for me, even though I loved working there.  Eventually, I'd turned a corner and life was back to normal.

One particular late spring - early summer night, I worked my full-time and headed to my part-time to work until close.  I was about halfway through the shift when, out the open door of the store and across the mall, I saw a familiar figure.  As inconspicuously as I could, I hurried to the door to see... and upon closer inspection, it didn't look like Brittany.  Shaking my head and chuckling to myself, I went back to work.  Damn, I thought to myself, I could have sworn that was her.  Maybe I'm not over her... I tried to put it out of my mind and went back into our stockroom.  I was in there for less than a minute before I heard what sounded like a commotion on the sales floor.  I hurried out and saw my coworkers gathered around someone.  Through the gaps my coworkers' heads made, I saw a familiar face...

I was frozen to the spot.  Brittany!  Here!  When I didn't approach her, she came to me.

"Hey!" she said seemingly enthusiastically, and before I could say hi back, she went on.  "Eddie broke up with me!"  Brittany looked excited to see me, but her eyes welled when she mentioned her now-ex.  It took me a second to remember what she was talking about, though; that younger guy she liked right before she left must have been dating her, but then just dumped her.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said simply, doing my best to hide the rush of nerves I suddenly had.  "What happened?"

"If you're not doing anything after work, I can tell you everything in the parking lot," Brittany replied.  Man, I haven't spoken to her in the parking lot in months! I thought to myself.  It'll be just like old times!  After a few seconds of imagining how cool this was going to be to chat with her again, I realized I hadn't answered her; she noticed, too.

"I brought my heels, too," Brittany said quietly, leaning in so only I could hear her.  She said no more and turned around to leave.  As I watched her, I saw that her top was backless!  Then I looked down and saw that her black pants were skintight.  I chuckled to myself, registering that I did see her outside the store and just didn't recognize her because she was wearing clothes I've never seen her in... like I was being seduced.  I shook my head to clear my thoughts, I had to be paranoid.

It was weird, I loved working at this place, and wish that it could have paid enough to be my full-time job, but I could not have been more distracted and worthless for the rest of my shift.  Hoping my split attention wasn't too noticable, I finished up for the night and left the store with my coworkers.  I shot the shit with them for a few minutes, laughing and joking with them, until they got into their cars and went home.  With only a few cars left in the parking lot, I pulled up next to Brittany's.  As I put my car in park, I chuckled to myself a little; I couldn't believe I even noticed which car was hers in the first place, let alone remembering it from when I used to see her often.  I glanced over and saw her sitting in her car.  When she saw me, she smiled brightly and got out of her car... walked over and got into my car.  Of course, I noticed that she was already wearing her gold pumps.

"Hi there," I said, hoping that she couldn't hear my heart hammering in my chest.

"Hi," she answered.  I noticed immediately that she wasn't smiling; she looked at me like she wanted to take a bite out of me.  After a few seconds of staring at me like I was a particularly juicy piece of steak, Brittany swiveled her body in my passenger seat so that her feet, in those gold heels, were in my lap.

"So," I began stupidly, looking down at her shoes,  "How have you been?"

"I'm better now," Brittany answered, just about purring.  "I came for you, to see you."

"Aww, it's really good to see you," I replied, tearing my eyes away from her high heels and looking her in the eye.  I wasn't really astonished when I realized that I meant it.  I felt her (very gently) prod my crotch with her heel; I'm not sure if she was trying to get my attention back on her shoes, attempting to find my penis (which was rapidly becoming an erection), or distract me from the mundane conversation I was going to begin, so I asked "What did you have in mind?"

"Whatever you wanna do.  I'm here for you," she reiterated.

"Will you... knee me?" I asked softly, knowing that she was well aware of my fetishes, but somehow feeling weird about requesting them.

"Of course," she answered, smirking a little, and then we both got out of the car.  "Come to me," she said simply, and I moved hypnotically around my car to stand right in front of her.  Brittany took a step closer to me and lifted her hands onto my shoulders... and then lifted her leg so that her knee slammed between mine.  I grunted a little, and Brittany tilted her head, kissing me fiercely.  I slid my hands to the small of her back and she drove her knee up into my balls again, and again.  While still kissing me, she backed herself against my car and pulled me to her, making me follow her (not that I was adverse to going wherever she wanted lol), and lifted her leg once more, but not into my groin.  Brittany wrapped her leg around my waist tight, and I could feel her heel on the back of my leg.  I was beyond turned on; she could have asked me to punch a penguin because it was her fetish, and I'd have done it without hesitation.

"What do you wanna do?" Brittany asked, breathlessly, her eyes wild.

"Anything," I blurted and, despite her apparent arousal, Brittany giggled.

"Hmm," she began, "maybe I can finish what I started a few months ago?"  I agreed immediately and we got back into my car.  Just like the first time, I was in my driver's seat and Brittany in shotgun.  She turned and bent over my lap as I worked my belt and zipper and, once she had access, swirled her tongue around the head.  She didn't have to work me into arousal, because I was already so stiff, so Brittany wrapped her lips around me, sliding as much of my shaft into her mouth as she could... and kept going until her full lips were touching my pelvis.  I let out a shuddering moan as she very slowly pulled away, somehow managing to suck hard as her mouth retreated.  Brittany began moving her head up and down rapidly, sucking and using her tongue on me, bringing me closer to orgasm.  Her tongue found the little ridge right under the head with her tongue; when Brittany heard me gasp, she offered a muffled giggle... and then focused all of her attention there.  After only a few seconds of that, I felt like a lightning bolt hit me and everything went black.

When I came to, I saw Brittany wiping the corner of her mouth with a thumb, and she smirked at me.  She asked, "Has it been that long?"

"Huh?" I asked, still kind of dazed.  I was startled to realize that I'm not sure what happened to the last few seconds (or minutes, even), but I was in an incredible mood.

"That was a lot," Brittany said, still grinning triumphantly at me.  "That might be the first time I couldn't get rid of it in one gulp."  I almost said huh again, but I figured out that, apparently, I had a violent and, ahem, plentiful, ejaculation.

"Oh.  Sorry," I said sheepishly.  I attempted to recover as quickly as I could, asking "So... how are you feeling?"  As I leaned in to kiss her, she met me halfway, pressing our lips together softly at first, but rapdily moving more aggressively.

"You going for another blowjob?" Brittany asked, breaking away from the kiss (pretty gracefully, actually).  "Like, are you ready for me to go down on you again?"

"I was thinking to opposite," I said as smoothly as I could.

"You don't have to worry about me," she giggled, blushing slightly.  "I took care of myself before I came here."  I looked at her, confused, wordlessly asking her to explain, and she did.  "I came for you, so I wanted to be able to focus.  I'd ask if you liked it, but..."  She tailed off and bursted out laughing.

"Nah, I guess it would be obvious that I did," I replied, laughing with her.

We chatted for a bit, mostly about what happened between Brittany and Eddie, and why they broke up.  From the sound of it, he only wanted to see what sex with a black girl was like.  Once he accomplished that, he moved on to more conquests.

"Well, he sucks then," I said matter-of-factly, "His loss."

"I feel like I know that," Brittany began, "But it still hurts.  Like, he only wanted me because I'm, like, exotic or something."

"Fuck him, then," I pressed on, "He's an idiot and he'll miss you when he doesn't have it as good with these other bitches."  She giggled a little, and seemed to accept what I said, of only to get me to stop talking.

"So, are you ready for me to suck your dick again?" Brittany asked, changing the subject so drastically that I was badly startled.

"W-wait... what?" I asked, stammering.

"I want blow you again," she said, looking me directly in the eye while sliding her hand into my lap... and giving my now growing erection a gentle squeeze.

"After a few minutes ago," I answered, barely able to focus on what I was saying, "I think it's going to take me a while to recharge."  She laughed loudly at my answer.

"Ugh, you suck!" she answered, playfully.

"You swallow," I replied, referencing the last time we'd spoke  before she went down on me.  "And now I know that's true!"

"Well, I'm not ready to call it a night," Brittany said.  "Do you... want me to, I dunno, hurt you more?"

"I will never say no," I answered simply, opening my car door when she did.  This time, she rounded the car to where I was standing, the sound of her heels on the ground sending a chill down my spine, got close and, before she placed her hands on my shoulders, kneed me hard.  I bent slightly from the surprise of it, so Brittany put her hands on my chest and pushed so that I was fully upright.

"Ooh, was that too hard?" she purred, sending her knee up into my groin again, hard enough to drop me to my knees on the asphalt.  Although I was in pain, I spread my knees apart, silently inviting her to kick me.  She was so new to ballbusting, she didn't take the hint (which was good, because it gave me a few extra seconds to recover from her knees).

"Wanna kick me?" I asked quietly.  She glanced around to see if the coast was clear (which was odd, because she didn't check before kneeing me), and then tapped me between my legs with the rounded toe of her gold pump.  It almost didn't even qualify as a kick, but, since I was already in pain from being kneed, it hurt lol.  I groaned, folded myself into a little ball, cradling my groin in both hands, and tipped over onto my side.

"It's late," Brittany said, matter-of-factly.  "We should head home for the night, if you don't want more."  I'd be lying if I said I didn't want her to bust me more, but she was right.  It was time to call it a night. 

Gingerly, I stood up and we shared one last, long kiss.  Then, we got into our cars, and, before we went our separate ways, she poked her head out of her car window.

"Text me!" she half-shouted, wearing a bright smile.  Then she told me her number (which I dutifully put in my phone), and drove off into the night.  I watched her car until I couldn't see it anymore, then I pulled out of the parking lot, and headed for home myself, thinking about what I'd text her...

Fin...?  (sorry, for some reason, I was feeling artsy and didn't want to say "the end")

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Comment by John Franks on May 9, 2019 at 6:43am

Great story!! Thanks for sharing. I really hope you are smart enough to text her!!


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