A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Sorry it's been so long! The return of true stories is here, starting with this one! Enjoy!
It had been years since Stacey and I broke up, and she has since moved on. I know for sure that she is married (or, at least, she was when I last heard), and she might even have a kid or two. As for me, it had been several years since I got a good busting, or since a woman wore high heels for the express purpose of turning me on. In a way, Stacey kind of ruined me lol.
Anyway, I was in my early 30s when this story takes place. I had my full-time office job, but, to get a little extra money, I took on a part-time job at the mall. Although this wasn't a high-paying job, as it was only retail, it was probably the best job I've ever had. The place was just free of the bullshit that comes with working in an office, and everyone there was really fun and cool.
I'd worked at this part-time a few months and was kind of considered one of the best (or, at least, one of the most likeable) when Brittany started. She was about 5'1" or 5'2", a very slim, light-skinned black girl. Brittany was really, really cute, too, but I was so much older than her that I didn't really see her as a romantic option. Our manager had her shadow me as a way of training her, and we liked each other immediately (not like that, or so I thought, but more on that later). As time went on, she would confide in me with her love life and just men in general; I guess I was a wise old man to her lol. Our conversations became more personal and Brittany gave me a deep, close look into her personal life... and, eventually, into her sex life. I suppose, in an effort to comfort her in one of her I'm so weird moments, I told her about how I love seeing women in high heels.
"Everything with a penis likes high heels," she answered, sighing dramatically. "Does everyone like... hairy guys?" At the time, I was sporting a mini-fro, so I chuckled and said thanks. "That's not what I mean!" Brittany said, grinning a little. "I mean, like, chest hair and stuff."
"That's not that weird," I answered as non-chalantly as I could. When she looked at me like I was lying (I was a little lol), I continued "Not as weird as enjoying being kneed in the groin." She was about to argue, then stopped short.
"Oh. Wow. Ok," she said, stammering. "Well... I have thing for older guys, too. They just... I don't know, pay attention and really know what they're doing." We continued exchanging notes on turn ons when Brittany abruptly changed the subject.
"When are you working next?" she asked suddenly. I told her tomorrow, and she smiled really big, telling me that she would then see me tomorrow.
The next day, I left my full time job and I'd had a shitty day. When I got to my part time gig, I was in a foul mood, but since I actually liked it there, I decided I would try to keep to myself and not make any waves. Brittany showed up immediately after me and started playfully pushing my buttons (bumping into me "accidentally", interrupting me with gibberish, etc). It didn't take long before she dragged me out of my anger. Eventually, we finished our shift, with me in a much better mood, and started to leave.
"When are you working next?" she asked me, and the question was starting to become one of her catchphrases with me. I informed her that I was off for a few days, so she said "Crap! I work tomorrow, so I'm off that day!" She looked around and then lead in, conspiratorially, and continued "I have something I want to show you. In the parking lot, if you have time.
I followed her and we chatted a bit while we waited for everyone else to clear out (I had no idea what she was going to show me but, if I was something crazy, I guess I didn't want anyone to see so I could avoid trouble), and once there were only a few cars left in the lot, she handed me her phone; I gasped.
"My friends and I were just playing around," Brittany began, "I was dancing and put on the shoes I bought for prom." As she spoke, I was viewing a picture on her phone of her in a tight little Spiderman t-shirt, short black shorts... and gold platform pumps. This is what they looked like:
My mouth fell open in shock... and, embarrassing to admit, immediate arousal. Here was this girl, so much younger than me, she literally just mentioned her prom that she went to a year or two before... and I couldn't stop my reaction.
"Wow, nice," I said simply, trying to rein it back in. Her smile faltered a little, so I guess I covered my tracks pretty well. We chatted for a few more minutes, and then we went our separate ways for the night.
A few days later, we worked together another night. Short aside: in our stockroom in the back, the shelves are stacked very tall and close together and, while we're supposed to go get a ladder to reach the highest shelves, most of us rarely do; instead we American Ninja Warrior ourselves up, climbing the shelves instead wasting time to get a ladder (which is stupid and dangerous). This particular night, I was out on the sales floor with an assistant manager and Brittany went to the back to get some more merch to put out. I saw where more items were needed and went to the back to get some.
"Thank god," I heard Brittany gasp. "I'm stuck!" Oh boy I thought to myself, wondering what kind of mess she'd gotten herself into. I turned a corner and saw her, far off the floor, her legs most likely uncomfortably spread to maintain her balance on the shelves; she had watched us do it many times, but, since she was short, her arms and legs weren't long enough for her to safely imitate what we were doing. "What had happened was..." she began, jokingly attempting an explanation and tailing off because I knew what she was doing. Chuckling, I reached up high enough to take her hips in my hands and I guided her down gently. For a few seconds, we just stared at each other, then awkwardly giggled, and went about our business.
After the shift ended, and we went out to the parking lot to head home, but Brittany and I chatted a little first... the conversation was slightly more serious than normal.
"If you didn't come into the back room when you did," she said, "I probably would have fell and cracked my head open. You know... you might be my hero."
"You mean 'would have fallen'," I corrected, semi-jokingly, afraid of where the conversation was heading. She smacked my arm and, chuckling, told me to shut up. But then, she kept going.
"For real, though, you're, like, the only guy who gives a shit about me," Brittany said. "You ask me how I'm doing, about my day, you're even the first person ever to ask me about myself when we first met. I know I shouldn't like you, but... I do. And this pretty much sealed it." She smiled before concluding "You don't have a choice; I'll just like you." My heart was in my throat. I didn't know what to say. She was cute, of course, funny, and (I don't know if this was for better or worse) she made me feel like I could be someone's hero. But I was so much older than her, and not in the market for a relationship; I'd have been a terrible boyfriend at that moment.
"Brit," I began clumsily, "You're an awesome girl, and I love our conversations... but I'm way too old for you. I'm also a total mess; even if we were closer in age, I like weird and gross things. I... I shouldn't lead you on." I saw her nod sadly and her eyes welled, and I felt like such an asshole. I closed the distance between us and gave her a hug because it just seemed like the natural, right thing to do.
"You see?" she said sadly, "This is why you're what I want. Every other guy I know would have turned and left me to cry. Your first instinct was to comfort me."
Well, shit. That backfired.
"You're, like, all I have," Brittany said quietly. "My best friends don't have time for me, and my love life is a joke. I just..." She broke off and began to cry. Oh dear God, I thought to myself as she sobbed in my arms. This is going off the rails fast. After only a few seconds, though, Brittany made a pronounced effort to regain her composure, saying jokingly "What am I doing? I'm too fly to cry." We shared something of an awkward chuckle, and she suggested that we go our separate ways for the night, a suggestion that never sounded so good.
An entire week passed when, finally, Brittany and I worked together again. We were closing together and things weren't as awkward as I thought they would be... or should be. We laughed and joked, just like normal, ended the day and closed up shop, then went to talk in the parking lot again.
"I shouldn't have spilled my guts to you last week," Brit started, sighing heavily. "We'd probably never work as a couple... and nobody around us would be okay with it." When I mostly agreed, she very suddenly changed the subject.
"Do you really like being kicked? I mean really like it, or just something you've wanted to try?" Brittany asked brightly, as if asking what my favorite food is. I was caught so badly off-guard that I didn't even try to dance around the truth.
"I mean, it hurts if I get kicked hard enough, but yeah, I like it," I said honestly, if not hesitantly. "I wish I knew why I liked it so much, but I have no idea why." Talking about getting kicked in the groin with a cute girl, even one that I knew I shouldn't be with romantically, was a wild turn on; arousal mixed with the surprise of the conversation... well, my judgement was compromised, to say the least. Brittany made a face like she was contemplating what I just said when I continued "Being kneed hurts way less... y'know, if you ever wanna try it sometime."
"Why not?" she said simply, moving close to me. She was so close I could smell her shampoo... "So... how do I do it?" she continued, bringing me back from distraction.
"Okay... you just put your hands here, for balance," I began explaining as I took her hands and moved them to my shoulders. I hooked my fingers into her pants belt loops to make sure she stayed close, and to guarantee I wouldn't try to block, before going on "And then you just... knee me." Brittany lifted her leg and, very gently, tapped me between my legs. It didn't hurt in the slightest, but it was hot just having her try it.
"Did I hurt you?" she asked, sounding a little nervous.
"Not at all," I answered, flashing her what I thought was a reassuring grin. "You can knee me harder, if you want." She did, with a little more intensity, but it still didn't hurt. I was still extremely turned on, though.
"Ooh, we better stop," I said, stepping away from her, "I'm getting too jazzed up."
"Okay," Brittany said, laughing. "That was... kind of fun. Can I have a hug?" I moved to give her a hug, spreading my arms... and felt her knee slam into me. This one hurt! I wrapped my arms around her because she asked for a hug, but also to stay standing; I really didn't want to scare her by collapsing to the ground, rolling around groaning. I did the next best thing: I brushed her hair aside and kissed her neck, smelling her hair, feeling her body heat. I could feel her hands gripping me tight, holding me close, and she kneed me again, as hard as this last time, and I felt my legs about to go weak.
"We really need to stop," I said breathlessly.
"Yeah," Brittany answered, "Or I'll let you have me right here." We abruptly separated, had a few seconds of awkward conversation, and then went to our cars and went home.
The following weekend, I went into work looking forward to - and dreading - seeing Brittany at work. I still didn't think we'd work as a couple, but we'd shared an experience from which we could never go back. I walked into the back and looked at the schedule for that day... and saw that Brittany wasn't working. It was weird, I was disappointed and relieved at the same time. I went to work, doing my thing, pretty much getting paid to nerd out on toys and sci-fi. With about an hour and change left in my shift, I felt a little tap on my shoulder.
"Having fun today?" Brittany asked. I was perplexed; I didn't see her all day, and I didn't even know she was working. I looked at her and she wasn't wearing the uniform colors we had to wear. Instead, she was in a white t-shirt, light blue skinny jeans, and these tan house-slipper-looking shoes.
"I had to come in today to get a birthday present for my nephew," she said, answering my unasked question by showing me what she was holding up in her hand. She went on casually, "Since I'm here, though, I have something to show you, when you're done today."
"I'm done in like an hour," I replied nervously, having no idea what she was going to show me.
"I think you'll like it," she said, giving me a strange look before turning and leaving.
The hour passed and I started to leave work when I saw Brittany standing by the mall exit. When she saw me, she smiled brightly and took a step or two toward me as I moved to where she was standing. She wasn't just carrying what she bought; now, she was holding a big bag, like one of those canvas bags people bring to the beach. When I got a few feet away, she turned and began walking with me out of the mall. We chitchatted until she asked a version of her favorite question.
"Are you working tomorrow?" she asked simply.
"Nah, I'm off for a few days," I answered. "Only one job to worry about for a bit."
"I'm working tomorrow," Brittany answered, jokingly irritated, "you suck!"
Without even thinking, I blurted my normal answer to that: "You swallow."
"Yes, I do," she replied, suddenly serious, "And I can stop my gag reflex." Damn why do I keep miscalculating with this girl? I thought to myself. When I didn't immediately respond, Brittany went on, asking "I have what I want to show you in this bag, can we go to your car, away from... prying eyes?" What I should have said was Nah, this isn't a good idea... but instead I just simply agreed. I was curious! We got to my car and both got in, and Brittany blushed a little.
"So," she began, "I told you I have something to show you, but I actually have two things..." She bit her lip and continued "Close your eyes and I'll tell you when it's okay to look." Oh boy. But I did as she requested and shut my eyes, and heard her rustling around in her bag and her moving around a bit.
"Okay, you can open your eyes," she said in kind of a singsong voice. I did... and gasped. Brittany had taken off her tan slippers and, in their place, were the gold pumps.
"Wow," I said, already semi-hypnotized, "they look really hot on you." Without thinking, I lifted one of her feet and gave the rounded toe of her shoe a kiss.
"I knew you would like them up close," Brittany said, giggling. "Do you think it would hurt a lot if I kicked you with them?"
Well, I guess the time for pretense was over.
"Only one way to find out," I answered, opening my car door. As I stepped out, I heard my passenger side door open and close, then heard her heels on the pavement getting closer. She was standing right in front of me, taller than what I was used to with her, and I was nearly overwhelmed with desire for her.
"How about I knee your balls first," Brittany began, "Then, when you fall to the floor, I can kick you easier?" She'd never really managed to hurt me (ok, she did once lol), so I thought her confidence that she'd drop me was really hot. I nodded, suddenly afraid of what my voice would sound like, so she snaked her hands onto my shoulders and, before even asking if I was ready, sent her knee into my groin. It was a bit more than a tap, but didn't hurt. She let her knee fall away before lifting it up again to crash between my legs, again and again. After about to fourth or fifth knee to my balls without much pain, I guess she noticed, because the next one drove the air out of my lungs; I'm stunned I was able to stay standing... and I was wildly aroused.
"Am I hurting you?" Brittany asked, coyly.
"Not really," I answered honestly, "But you're having a different effect..."
"Really," she purred, "We should get back in your car then." We got back in my car, then she asked "What do you wanna do now?" I felt like she was arching her eyebrows at me seductively and, I'm absolutely not proud of this, but I said the creepiest thing I've ever said in my life:
"Do you really swallow?"
"Mm-hmm," Brittany answered, smirking. When she said that, I quickly one-upped myself.
"Will you... show me?" I asked (I'm cringing just remembering it...). She leaned toward me and began fumbling with my belt buckle; being the mostly charitable person that I am, I helped and unbuckled my belt. She giggled at my enthusiasm, unizipped my pants and freed my erection from my pants. Making a little moan of approval (I guess), Brittany slid me into her mouth, and I immediately felt her tongue working on the head. Holy shit, I thought, this is going to be quick! After only a few minutes, I gave her a gentle tug on her shoulder to get her to stop. I suddenly felt bad about ejaculating in her mouth (I also probably didn't want her to know how quickly I was about to come, but, ya know, details...). Before she could protest, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her deeply. Breathlessly, we broke from the kiss.
"You stopped me," Brittany said, somewhat perplexed. "Why? Was it... bad?"
"Hell no," I blurted, "that was probably the best I've ever had in my life!" I realized a nanosecond later that I was telling the truth (or, at least, it felt like I was).
"Then why stop me from finishing?" Brittany asked.
"I just didn't want to, I dunno," I said slowly, trying to find the words, "I didn't want to... do that... in your mouth." It was weird, I'd ejaculated in Stacey's mouth, but couldn't find it in my heart to do it to Brittany. Maybe because I'd done it with Stacey that I couldn't with Brittany; I was in love with Stacey and maybe some part of my subconscious didn't connect with her like that. Or... maybe it was bullshit and I just didn't want Brittany to know how fast I blow my load.
"But you'll have blue balls now," she countered, "And I want to make you come." I didn't know what to say, so I just looked around and random things, thinking hard about what to tell her, when my gaze stopped on her gold heels for a few seconds. Brittany saw it, too. Again, she twisted in her seat so that her feet, and high heels, were in front of me; this time, though, since my cock was exposed, she put a foot behind and the other in front of it, making one of the oddest sandwiches I'd ever seen... and began moving her feet up and down, stroking my stiff penis. When a little moan escaped my lips, she changed her technique, making little circles (like she was doing bicycle crunches).
"Fuck, Brit," I said breathlessly, rocking my hips in rhythm with her, silently afraid I'd hyperventilate. After a few minutes, the show was about to end... inexplicably, I stopped her again.
"I can clean my shoes," Brittany said, "If you're ready to finish."
"I'd better not," I answered, still having no idea why we shouldn't. I put my throbbing cock back into my underwear and zipped up my pants. We made a little small talk, kissed once or twice more, than I drove her to where she was parked and we both went home.
We worked again a few days later and Brittany couldn't wait to talk about what happened.
"I have a question," Brittany started when we were out of everyone's earshot, "Did you really mean my blowjob was the best you ever had?"
"Of course," I said, laughing a little, "Why would I lie about that?"
"Well," Brittany countered, "If Picasso was painting a masterpiece, would you stop him, or let him finish?"
"If Picasso was going to blow his load in your mouth, I'd probably stop him," I answered, smirking. She smacked my arm, but with a smile on her face.
"If you didn't like it so much," Brittany said devilishly, "I'd knee you square in the balls!" We both laughed and went back to work that day.
I can't remember if it was a couple of days or a couple of weeks, but Brittany told me she was talking to a younger guy she was smitten with. I was 95% happy and relieved; she'd be with someone her age, someone she could really be with, fall in love with, and be serious about. The other 5% was bummed because I realized that I did kind of like her, and I'd miss her.
"You said yourself," Brittany pointed out, "we'd never work as a couple."
"I know, Brit," I said, "this will be good. You can actually even go to his house and vice versa." We both giggled awkwardly when she suddenly hugged me.
"I'm going to miss you," she said. "You have no idea. You're my first, you know."
"What?!" I asked, suddenly scared to death. We never had sex... right?
"No, no," Brittany said, laughing at my discomfort, "I mean the first guy I think I've really loved."
Eek! That's worse!
"You don't love me," I said slowly, "You like that I show you a modicum of courtesy, that's all."
"If you say so," she replied, sounding unconvinced.
It wasn't long before her temporary contract ended. Just like that, she was gone. And it hadn't even occurred to me to get her number so we could keep track. I hadn't known her long, but I knew for sure that I'd miss her. Terribly.
The End...?
Thank you, Foo Bar! I'm writing the next part right now!
Awesome story!
Thanks Cheryl! Wow, if they did, you could have gotten new shoes out of them, too, if you promised to break them in on their balls. ;-)
Get story.... I have had super crushes on older guys... who loved to have my heels and shoes in their junk.....It turns me on too
Wow, thanks Allen! Telling real stories is fun, but giving insight into the stupid things I say and do, and how I feel about it, adds to the realism, I think. And... it's fun to laugh at yourself sometimes lol
Hey, man? This is damn well written, and I appreciate/am impressed with your self-awareness. Kudos :)
Thanks Buckled! I appreciate that!
HHHHHHHHHHHHOT. Well written too KNB !!!!
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