All Blog Posts (794)

Accidental Bust & Revenge - Short (ish)

This one took place when I was in college, true story, my balls still ache when I think about it.

I was a sophomore in college and was part of the Tae Kwon Do team, this girl was not part of the team, I met her and we dated for about 9 months and no, this incident did not lead to our breakup.

So a little background on me and her at the time, I was very much into ballbusting at the time but she did not know. She was always very careful around my balls so she wouldn't…


Added by Nor7 on November 20, 2018 at 11:07pm — 2 Comments

Accidental Bust & Revenge - Short (ish)

This one took place when I was in college, true story, my balls still ache when I think about it.

I was a sophomore in college and was part of the Tae Kwon Do team, this girl was not part of the team, I met her and we dated for about 9 months and no, this incident did not lead to our breakup.

So a little background on me and her at the time, I was very much into ballbusting at the time but she did not know. She was always very careful around my balls so she wouldn't…


Added by Nor7 on November 20, 2018 at 11:06pm — No Comments

Dunno about this

So our Patreon just got suspended. Some A hole complained. Doubt we will put it back up. Plus I try to put stuff here that never gets approved. Latest was daisy Dukes and white top. 

For a community that sometimes has trouble getting creators it sure seems like there are those out there who want to make it a pain in the butt to be a creator. 

Anyway, maybe we will do clips4sale. 

Added by Tim Bowens on November 6, 2018 at 6:40pm — 6 Comments

Fight with Dafne

Hi to all. This is the story. Dafne a member of this page was so nice she allowed me to publish one of our cyberfights.

I dedice to keep the content quite raw (think it will be better story that way), so i will give you a summary

Myself and a partner are trying to take malicious advantage of a young woman Dafne watch the situation and tries to stop us (hopefully soon enough so the story gets approved by the administrators lol) we the bad guys are with pants and shirt.…


Added by volcan51 on November 5, 2018 at 2:25pm — 1 Comment

Red G String

Hi Everyone, new post is up!  Not as professional as Joe and Violet but we are trying to make it better. Let us know what you think!  Probably worth a mention that this isn’t safe for work. 

Red G String

Added by Tim Bowens on October 25, 2018 at 2:39pm — 7 Comments

Julie Kicks a Tinder Date!

Havent been on here much lately, and I've got a few stories to share! I'm going to start with a solo adventure from Julie, and try to get the other ones posted soon too.

Julie had been talking to a guy from Tinder for a while, but they hadn't met up yet. They are both pretty open about sexuality, and had been talking about porn when Julie brought up ballbusting to him. He said he had seen some ballbusting stuff online and admitted to being somewhat curious, but not really into…


Added by Eliza D. on October 14, 2018 at 9:17pm — 6 Comments

My Christmas Party

A couple years ago, a former busting buddy and I agreed to go to each other's Christmas parties together. My Christmas present to her that year was going to be a pair of heels, and her present to me was going to be to use test drive them on me first. 
We met in Toronto first to go shopping. She found a professional/slutty red dress to wear for the party and as luck would have it, 8 stores later, we found her a pair of 4 inch, peep…

Added by John Franks on September 28, 2018 at 9:17am — 1 Comment

Ballbusting session with a German dominatrix (April 2017)

It was back in April 2017 when I finally decided to visit a dominatrix for the first time. I was very nervous as I had not been kicked in the balls very often. The last time I got kicked before, was about 15 years ago (in a play fight with a cute female class mate). I fantasized about getting kicked in the balls by a “professional ballbuster” for more than ten years, but this time I finally “got the balls” to schedule a session with a…


Added by Smilez-MS87 on September 25, 2018 at 7:49pm — 4 Comments

In the summer of 2017

A friend and I met up in the summer. We had played together in the past and she knew I liked getting busted because she had busted me quite well in the past. We went out for dinner at a sushi place and she gave me a tour of downtown Ottawa. As we headed back to where I was staying, I asked if she her current bf liked to get busted and she admitted that she tried a couple times but he didn't like it. So naturally, I offered my balls if she wanted to play. Luckily she said yes and we started…


Added by John Franks on September 25, 2018 at 12:29pm — No Comments

New Series!

Hey everyone! I am planning to produce a series of stories for this site containing excerpts and events of my life, which has been witness and party to loads of busting action. Stories will include BB, CB and TB, and a lot of sex, nudity, and adventure!

For those of you who read my very first story on this site, titled 'Vengeance' in the Erotica section, this will become the second chapter of the upcoming series. For those who haven't read it, please do! I would very much appreciate…


Added by Rachel Matthews on August 29, 2018 at 8:30am — 6 Comments



Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on August 26, 2018 at 11:14am — 1 Comment

My true Ballbusting life story/journey

I have been into ballbusting for as long as I can remember. I remember specifically where it started. My dad was on the internet (this was back in internet's infancy) I would say I was probably about 7-10 at the time. He gathered a couple of the family members over to watch this video that he thought was hilarious. The video depicted a woman kicking a man from behind in his balls. He was in briefs. so you could see everything go flying when the contact was made. My initial response to that…


Added by Alex whatever on August 25, 2018 at 7:17pm — 7 Comments

Short Stories - Misc GF Busts

So here is a collection of short stories of times I have been busted intentionally and accidentally by mostly one GF but not exclusively. Thank you for reading and comment if you enjoyed. 

Wedding: Intentional

My GF at the time, I'll use the name Veronica, and I were attending a wedding. I don't even remember who's wedding it was but it was on her family's side. Veronica was wearing an extremely skin tight cotton dress that accented her massive chest and curvy thighs.…


Added by Nor7 on August 12, 2018 at 2:42am — 1 Comment

Follow Up to Aikido Accidental Bust Story

Ok so I've received several inquiries as to the details following one of my stories so I thought I'd share. It was a long time ago but I will never forget the evening. I didn't think putting this all down would take so long, sorry for the long read. Enjoy!


So to summarize the previous story I was the demonstration dummy during a martial arts practice and through some minor misfortune I ended up with a ~110 lb girl stepping…


Added by Nor7 on August 4, 2018 at 12:37am — 4 Comments

Should of said sooner

So as some of you know I’ve busted a few balls in my time and I most prolific in secondary school. As you can guess no one asked me to do it so it came as a surprise a few years back when I was out and saw someone I went to school with who told me he always wanted me to bust him. He told me that he was to scared to ask or to scared I’d go over boar. This was great news to me because I knew I was going to bust some balls tonight. He said he never had been hit in the nuts and still wanted to…


Added by Rosie on August 3, 2018 at 2:51pm — 2 Comments

The First Time I had to kick someone in the groin

Hi All,

Forgive my briefness in sharing this experience that happened a few years ago.

I was going home late on a Friday night after a company function and was cornered by 3 fairly intoxicated men. I was alone and wearing a LBD (Little black dress) and they probably thought i was an easy target.

One of the guys grabbed/groped/squeezed by breasts and pulled the top of my dress down exposing my breasts. I wasn't wearing a bra - the dress had an…


Added by Angela Lim on August 1, 2018 at 9:48am — 4 Comments

Short Stories - Karate/Aikido practice

Ok, here's two short stories I'd like to share. I almost lost a nut on the Aikido (like Judo) story.

TKD Practice

1. As some of you know, I did Tae Kwon Do (TKD) in college but got kicked hard once. Some practices were at the dojo but others were at a room in the university where we had matts on the floor. I almost always wear a cup to the dojo practices but at the university I rarely do. This was one such practice and we had paired up to do sparring.  I was paired up…


Added by Nor7 on July 26, 2018 at 1:02am — 5 Comments

I'm sick of this shit

Random guy: Please give me ballbusting i pay you money
Me:I'm the guy in the videos not the girl sorry
Random guy: well can she give me ballbusting?
Me:well where are you from?
Random Guy: India..... You?

Added by WeeZ on July 19, 2018 at 11:33pm — 4 Comments

Meet Cat

So for the past few days Rae has been telling me how she's gonna fuck my balls up. "Dislocate" my balls in her words.  I accidentally messaged her at 4 am and woke her up so for that she said she's going to make my balls shoot out of my ass lol. So she's on her way over to pick me up and tells me she has to pick up her friend Cat on the way from work and the girl lives right next door. I ask Rae, do you think your friend Cat would want to join in?

Rae says  "I'll ask" 20…


Added by WeeZ on July 18, 2018 at 4:07am — 3 Comments

When you bite off more than you can chew

My first real story Here we go

I was dating this gal, and finally get the chance of banging her. Nice and simple. Perfect plan right? Been the BB guy I am I just cannot avoid talking about the “weak spot” and things like that but any case nothing remotely close to an outright confession.

So I was like all passionate on top of her kissing and all that stuff until I felt her hand from the underneath quite close to my groin, she was playing with the dick so I was quite happy and…


Added by volcan51 on July 13, 2018 at 4:42pm — 1 Comment

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