What’s up all? It’s been a while. We’ve made a few more vids. Maybe I’ll upload one. Lately we’ve been doing something a tad different.  I showed my wife a chastity device. Of course she wanted one to out on me but I couldn’t find one that fit and customs ones are kinda pricey. But I found an all rubber one so we got one of those and I showed her a testicle crusher. She definitely wanted one of those. 

So the new new routine is this.  We found out that after a certain amount of kicks she really does bust my nuts. I can’t cum. I mean I can sorta get hard and some dribbles out but that’s about it. So when we wake up I get handcuffed to the wall and my nuts get kicked. Then the rubber chastity device goes on. It’s rubber so no lock but it’s piintkess to take it off since my nuts are busted anyway. I can usually get them working again in the afternoon so the second she gets home from work I get cuffed again and my nuts get kicked again. Sometimes the chastity device comes off, sometimes it stays on. Before bed I get cuffed again. My swolllen sore nuts get kicked again but only a little as next she puts the Testicle crusher on my nuts and tightens it. Tight. She then lays on the bed in front of me and pleasures herself with her vibrator. Needless to say even though my testicles are getting squeezed I’m worked up.  So she touches me just enough to keep me worked up and she keeps tightening the crusher until She forces my nuts to squirt. Of course I’m not suppose to cum (even though I was forced) so she takes off the crusher and kicks my nuts as punishment for cumming. 

Its heen a couple of days and last night I told her I wanted to cum without the crusher. So she did the same exact thing all day. Except when it came time for the crusher she worked me up with her hand (I was cuffed to the wall). Just as I started to cum she took her hand off and blasted my balls with a kick. That sent the first squirt flying all over her stomach and belly button. She kept kicking my nuts until I was done. 

So as gar as bb goes it’s awesome but I really do want to cum but she’s in total control of my nuts so I can’t. Plus they get more sore everyday so I’m not sure how long I can last. 

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Comment by Tim Bowens on February 15, 2019 at 6:06pm
Another update. She announced this weekend she’s going to cuff me to the wall and kick the cum out of my nuts. She has before. I told her at least I get to see it go all over her, it was awesome. She smiled and said no pleasure for me. At all! She pulled out condoms. After she cuffs me she’s going to put one on to contain all of it so it doesn’t squirt on her. She’s in total control.
Comment by Tim Bowens on February 14, 2019 at 5:04pm
Update. Not much has changed except I’m losing my mind lol. My chastity through ballbusting is still going on. As she gets more into it she gets more sadistic. She kicks harder and squeezes harder. She’s been trying to get me to pass out when she’s squeezing me. My balls are so full I haven’t gone in so long they ache so bad and she kicks them all the time. Hard. Precum constantly leaks out.
Comment by Tim Bowens on February 7, 2019 at 6:25pm
She’s done this to me. Exact same thing. She’s also punched them when she had me tied to the bed. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b8c1126e3e26
Comment by Tim Bowens on February 7, 2019 at 5:58pm
It depends. Once or twice a week we play around for hours ranging from light taps barefoot to kick my testicles into my throat with heels. Then everyday it ranges from medium to soft to hard multiple times a day. Although the other morning she kicked me super hard to the point that I was rolling around on the floor and she taunted me.
Comment by Amaar Shah on February 7, 2019 at 12:27am

I'm curious about these kickings. How bad are they that they do that to you? How many kicks and how quickly?

Comment by Tim Bowens on February 6, 2019 at 10:29pm
Update. My nuts are SORE and they ache. Bad. She’s kept her promise. I haven’t cum in over a week (I think). They are too busted to cum. I can’t do it. She will watch me try and laugh. I honestly can’t believe what a sadistic bitch she is. I don’t mean it in a bad way lol. She really doesn’t care that I don’t get to cum or that I have to walk around with sore nuts. And my busting “schedule” is getting worse (better? Lol) My testicles immediately go into the crusher when we wake and now, right after, they get kicked. Hour later they get kicked again before she leaves for work. While she’s at work I have to put the crusher on two times and send her pics. It’s on for at least half an hour. The second she gets home my testicles get kicked. Before bed it’s one more trip to the crusher and kicking. Then, in bed she will wrap her legs around me and tie up my nuts and then squeeze them here is where she is getting worse. The other night while she had my nuts in her hand she brought up a minor....indiscretion....I had about 12 years ago. The more she talked about it the harder she squeezed. She said I’ll pay for thatvand squeezed my nuts way past fun and well into punishment. It’s....awesome....but a tiny bit scary too. She brought up a few other things I’m going to get punished for but the big one was the thing 12 years ago and she is going to keep punishing. Usually the squeeze before sleep was it but now I’ll wake up in the middle of the night to her hands squeezing my balls. She’ll already have my arms held behind my back and she reaches in between my legs. Again it’s awesome. Mostly. Lol. I cannot believe how she is taking to this. According to her my nuts are only for kicking, crushing, pain and control. Her pleasure too. What’s funny is since I was young I’ve been on testosterone replacement and I had zero sperm count so it’s really like the only reason they are there now is for pain, humiliation, and her pleasure.
Comment by Tim Bowens on February 4, 2019 at 1:49am
No, she’s not letting up. She’s informed me my nuts are no longer for cumming. Only for kicking, squeezing, pain, and control. Ugh you guys don’t know how bad it sucks. To have full balls and not only not be able to cum but to get kicked in the balls instead. I mean it’s realky awesome but I want to go but I’ve created a monster. She really won’t let me and I can’t anyway because of how much she’s busting them. So every time I’m Horny I tell her and she makes me beg her to kick my balls hard so I’m not horny. We are in bed right now. My nuts are aching big time. She kicks them right before bed so I can’t master bate after she falls asleep.
Comment by Smack My Nuts on February 2, 2019 at 9:35pm

Wow.  She's really not letting up.  Sounds like fun.

Comment by Tim Bowens on February 2, 2019 at 5:03pm
Update. I had the testicle crusher on 4 times throughout the day yesterday. Then at night she alternated between kicking my nuts, crushing and squeezing with her hands. She would tease me and try and get me to cum but she really had my nuts broke. Same thing so far today. I told her I was going to make myself cum. She watched as I tried and when my broken nuts didn’t work she laughed. Then she grabbed them and made me beg her to kick my nuts. I’m recovering now from that.
Comment by Tim Bowens on February 1, 2019 at 9:43am
It’s getting worse(better?). She tied me to the bed last night and put the crusher on pretty tight and then she went and watched tv. Every other commercial break she came in and tightened it. After that was over we wrestled. In reality it was her squeezing my nuts. Right before bed she kicked them. Then she said good luck trying to cum when you jerk off later. My nuts hurt so bad I could barely move. I tried cumming this morning but my nuts are busted. The alarm went off at 7 (I was trying since 6) and the crusher went right back on my nuts. She was serious when she said since we couldn’t find a chastity device to fit she would enforce chastity by breaking my balls. I’ll tell you right now it’s WAY worse having access to yourself but no matter how hard you try you can go. All I can think about is having an orgasm and she just laughs and says that must suck. She said the only way I could cum is if I was cuffed to the wall. She got me going and as soon as I started ejaculating she would stop and kick my nuts whiie I went. I know she’s not bluffing since she did it once before. I want to empty my nuts sooooo badly though so I think I’ll just have her do it.


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