July 2017 Blog Posts (13)

Got a Job, Part 2

Night comes, and once everyone in the house was asleep, Stacey snuck out of my bedroom and into the one I was sleeping in. I stayed awake and, when she walked in, I saw that she was wearing a large, oversized t-shirt... and her white heels (Easter heels). I gasped and she giggled before asking "Should we go to your bedroom?" I nod and practically flung myself out of the bed, already beginning to sport an erection. I followed her back to my room and, when she stepped over the threshold, she went… Continue

Added by KneeMyNuts on July 29, 2017 at 10:58am — No Comments

Summer Time Assault

Summertime, a time for fun, a time for sun, and time for ballbusting! This story is for you knee lovers out there, and I hope you will enjoy it.

Kneeing a set of balls in my opinion is one of the most effective way to put a man in his place. They are quick, deadly, and hard to see coming if you do them right. Some of the most brutal ballbusting I have done involve kneeing.

It was the beginning of July, hot and sunny, me and the man decided to go out and enjoy the day for… Continue

Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on July 19, 2017 at 11:13pm — 12 Comments

Got a Job!


This one doesn't have a lot of busting, but sets up the next part, hope you like it anyway!

Finally, after months of being unemployed and looking for a job out of college, I'd finally duped someone into hiring me! Well, I'd be working in a mail room for a big company in corporate America, but you gotta start somewhere, right? A month or 2 ago, I'd have turned my nose up at a position like… Continue

Added by KneeMyNuts on July 19, 2017 at 3:59pm — No Comments

Graduation Present

k, it's been awhile but i have to share this story.  i had a graduation party yesterday and it was so much fun.  and the cherry on top was a great kick lol.  so the party went all day and into the night.  the weather here was perfect.  it was pretty big as i had a bunch of friends over and a lot of family.  really good time !!!!

anyway, u guys don't care about all of that, lol.  later on in the party my cousin was there with his g/f. let's call him joe.  well, i guess he's my cousin…


Added by Miss Cupcake on July 16, 2017 at 6:59am — 7 Comments

A ball squeezing good time.

Personal note: this is kind of the first story I have shared on here with any real sexual content, so be warned. Hopefully everyone enjoys, it's hard to write about intimate stuff like this, mainly just the wording. Though I can get pretty detailed, there really isn't a guideline of how much detail people can handle.

I enjoy ballbusting a lot, and needless to say, there are plenty of ways to bust a man's balls. One of my favorite ways is squeezing them. I don't know why, but when I… Continue

Added by Melinda the Ball Breaker on July 15, 2017 at 2:53am — 14 Comments

My latest adventure

I know I have not been posting for awhile(busy with work and relationship) but I'll share some stories on what's been going on lately.

I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with this, but I LOVE being a huge cock tease to my men, and frequently turn on my partner big time, only to leave him hanging, promising a bigger reward when I finally go all the way with him. He really likes it a lot when I press my knee against his nuts while I go to work with my hands or mouth(at least I think he… Continue

Added by Erica Noelle Wang on July 13, 2017 at 1:21pm — 6 Comments


So I had a great session recently that would like to share. So the girl I met was a sexy mixed blond girl with a rocking athletic body and oh my god legs to die for. We decide on a spot semiprivate in a field by a motel. She said she has never done this before but did watch a video so I am excited and nervous at the same time. She asked if I was ready and wham she kicks way harder than I expected and she kicked a half dozen times and wow she was a natural. I went to my knees and she finished…


Added by bustmynuts on July 10, 2017 at 11:43pm — No Comments

Squeezing Nuts--Oh I'm Sorry Did That Hurt?

(Note Before Reading: I have had to do the ball squeeze several times on men; mostly at places where I go to drink or dance or hang. What I have written below is mainly a fictional story with many of the real parts thrown in from the various times I have had to squeeze nuts. I haven't had to do anything like this for awhile, but a few days ago I decided to write about some of my experiences and put it in a story and that way I could put my feelings and experience and some of the stuff I…


Added by Brittani Anders on July 8, 2017 at 11:39pm — 2 Comments


So about 3 years ago I paid this extremely hot girl to bust my balls. She made me pay around $200. I always thought that was a bit high. But I still did it because I wanted it so bad.

This week I texted her and we bartered for an hour. The ending deal was that she would bust me at her house in lingerie/high heels and then give me a handjob for $450. This is literally all of the money I got for graduation lol.

Let me know your thoughts. I want to know if this is a good… Continue

Added by Corny Cornilius on July 8, 2017 at 6:00am — 9 Comments

Don't Mess With Rachelle!

It's a Saturday night, and I'm over at my friend Rachelle's house having a good time drinking. I've known Rachelle for a couple years now through our part time job at a fast food joint, and we've always been very close and open with each other. She's a mere 5'0'' although she's very feisty for her size, and would often punch people around work playfully. She has a great figure with cute little ass, and breasts that…


Added by Zayn Thompson on July 7, 2017 at 7:45pm — 2 Comments

My high school stories 2/2

Decided to finish off the story

The third year of high school I was with one of my friends and one two other girls, and one of the girls started talking bout her boyfriend. She mentioned that she hit him playfully (not in the balls, but she didnt specify that). I kept on prodding but not directly where she hit him till she finally mentioned "In the leg, I dont kick guys in the balls. Unless they touch me. Then I do". With a big cheesy grin on her face. Then i poked her in the…


Added by Alex on July 6, 2017 at 4:24am — No Comments

Looking for a story. (Legend of Zelda)

I remember a story being posted on here, but I can't seem to find it even with the search and by browsing through the stories here. It was a fictional story that had Link, Navi, and a Gerudo(I think) that did the busting to Link.

Any help would be appreciated.

Added by Kinteki on July 3, 2017 at 1:14pm — 5 Comments

Booze+Boots=Bruised Balls

Since I get asked about it a lot, here is the story of the worst damage I've ever done to my boyfriends balls:

We had just gotten home from the bar and were both pretty drunk. As soon as we got inside I told him to spread his legs so I could kick him. I had on a pair of pointy ankle boots and he was wearing jeans. I gave him quite a few hard toe kicks and he was taking them surprisingly well. After a while I told him to strip and go lean over the edge of the bed. He obeyed,…


Added by Eliza D. on July 1, 2017 at 10:54pm — 5 Comments

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