Personal note: this is kind of the first story I have shared on here with any real sexual content, so be warned. Hopefully everyone enjoys, it's hard to write about intimate stuff like this, mainly just the wording. Though I can get pretty detailed, there really isn't a guideline of how much detail people can handle.

I enjoy ballbusting a lot, and needless to say, there are plenty of ways to bust a man's balls. One of my favorite ways is squeezing them. I don't know why, but when I have his balls in my hand, I can become a real bitch. Something about having a man shake, shiver and squirm when you are crushing his man fruit with your bare hands gets me really excited. One such incident I am going to share with you because, well why the hell not right ;)

It was getting late, I had just gotten out of the shower and was in my room wearing my red bathrobe trying to put on my undies when my husband comes up behind me and grabs my ass. Now I wasn't really in the mood to play that night, and I know he would keep persisting that we get “it on”. Being me, I am not one to just lay down whenever he wants, but I had an idea that would satisfy both of us. My husband was still in his blue jeans as I pushed him on top of our bed and crawled on top of him, he had already taken his shirt off earlier. I started to lick his stomach making my way to his chest, biting his nipples pretty hard making him groan. I grabbed each one his wrist and held them over his head as I started to kiss his lips. Now if you don't know, I have a bed restraint system hooked to my bed that enables me to strap him down by his hands and feet whenever I want. The hand and the feet cuffs are leather and they are reinforced with chain so he can’t break them. I moved up towards his hands and started to strap each wrist up, leaving my robe open so my chest was right in his face, baiting him to have a taste. Of course he took full advantage and started to kiss me on each breast, lingering as he got around my nipples, making me perk up so to say. I hate when he does that, because he knows I love it. I pulled away from him and slid down his chest working my way down to his pants, undoing his button with my teeth. I grabbed each side of his pants, sliding them and his boxers down his legs, quickly removing them. He was already hard as a rock and ready to go when I spread his legs and cuffed his ankles into the restraints, leaving him absolutely helpless. I ran my hands up both of his thighs, going inward until I got to his ball's, gathering them up in my hand, my other hand finding his hard on, squeezing it. He flinched out of excitement, or fear, possibly both. I changed the grip I had on his balls, grabing them at the base, forcing them down nice and tight in his sack. I moved my lips to them, placing light kiss’s on each one, moving over up the side of his prick, all the way to the tip. I put my hand on his chest as he shuddered, his heart was pounding like a drum and I knew that he was all mine. I pulled down on his balls hard making him gasp and I couldn't help but to laugh. I pressed my body into his, balls still in hand as I reached into my draw for the leather ball divider I had bought for such an occasion. He asked “what the hell is that?”. I just smiled, kissed him on the forehead and went to putting it on him. The thing was a pain in the ass at first, but I managed to get it in him with a little finesse. I looked at my handy work and was quite pleased with what saw. The divider had three straps, one that went around the base of his ball's, the other two went around each nut individually separating them. Each ball looked tight and trapped, I squeezed one with my thumb and forefinger to test and make sure it didn't go anywhere. I was satisfied as his body tenesd up and the nut didn't move, completely trapped. I grabbed one ball in each hand, feeling like I had an egg in each one. I asked him if he was afraid as I smiled at him. He said “yeah a little”. I told him that was a good answer, but seeing how hard he had become gave me some doubts about that. I started to squeeze both his nuts at once, lightly at first, to see his reaction. He started to grimace and lifted his hips as best he could. I let off and took him into my mouth, lightly using my teeth along his shaft. I stopped and started to squeeze his nuts again, this time using more pressure. He squirmed in his restraints trying to alleviate some of the discomfort and finding he couldn't. With his balls trapped as they were, his pain was increasing quickly as I kept applying more pressure, squeezing them in my hands. He whimpered “Oh shit babe”, as I kept at it, his back was arching and he was starting to panic a little. “What's the matter love, I thought you wanted to play?” I said with mock concern in my voice. When he didn't answer, I squeezed them harder putting some muscle into it. His whole body tensed up and he started to thrash his hips around while he gasped and gritted his teeth. “I Believed I asked you a question babe”. I kept squeezing them, waiting for my answer, when he finally said “No I don't want to play”. I let go my grip on one of his balls and put my hand over my chest as if I was hurt, squeezing the the other nut even harder making his whole body thrash and convulse. He was shaking his head back and forth in pain repeating “Yes, yes I want to play”, hoping I would let up off his nut. I smiled and said “Great!”, and preceded to use both hands to crush that one ball, sending him into another realm of pain. I could see him strain against his restraints as he screamed out “Stop, please!”. I kept squeezing until he started to shake, then i let go and gathered up the other ball in both hands, giving him the chance to catch his breath. Once he was breathing semi-normal again, I started squeezing until the point he was shaking again. I watched him struggle as I crushed his ball in my hands, he asked again for me to stop but I didn't. The only real word's he was able to speak was “Fuck” and “please stop”. I have to admit, squeezing him like that was given me a strange enjoyment as watched all the muscles in his body tense and flex against him straining. It was quite the site. He had his eyes shut tight, so I told him to open them and look at me, that I would let him go. He looked up at me with eyes of a man on the verge of crying, it's exactly what I wanted to see. He looked so desperate and I enjoyed it for a little bit until I let him go. His body sagged in relief when I finally did, he layed there breathing heavy as I watched him. “Aww, poor baby” I said and took his shaft in my hands and started to suck on the tip. I continued to do this until he began moaning, thrusting his hips wanting more. I pulled back, taking his balls, one in each hand again. “Are you ready?” I asked. He asked “Ready for what?”, with a little fear in his voice. I told him “Ready to beg me not to pop your balls?”. He started to say, “Are you joke…” when I started to squeeze them as hard as i could. He trashed around on the bed, which I love. I put my hands with his balls in them between my legs, using my thighs to try and help squeeze even harder. After a few minutes of that, he yelled “ Please stop!”. I tried to dig my thumbs into them for extra ouch, which seemed to work as screamed “Melinda! please baby stop!”. I asked him “To stop what babe, I thought you wanted to bust a nut?”. I couldn't help but to laugh at myself. He was whimpering and finally said what i wanted to hear. “Oh my god Melinda, they are going to pop! Please Stop!”. I held on for a little longer, taking a look at his balls. They looked as if they were going to explode in my hand, and had turned a lovely light shade of purple. “Mmm, I think you might be right”. I smiled and kissed his prick one more time before I finally let go. The relief washed over his face as finally let him go. He laid there on the bed looking completely drained of energy as I released him from the restraints. I kissed him goodnight as he snuggled up to me, and I dreamed lovely ball breaking dreams all night while his balls throbbed in pain and with no release.

(Author note: This was the first time I ever used the ball spreader on him, and I really loved it. I do have other stories like this, but are more….well let's say physical lol. Let me know what you think, thoughts are always welcome. Story about how I made him spew still may becoming, I am still debating on that one, you never know how people will react to that sort of thing.)

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Comment by dave j on January 3, 2020 at 8:24pm

Well Allen torsion is pretty scary to me!

Comment by Allen Witts on January 3, 2020 at 4:08am

That's pretty dangerous, though, AFAIK.  You run a much higher risk of testicular torsion, and I feel like there are other ways to increase the pain/fear just as much?

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on January 2, 2020 at 2:20pm

Haha its been awhile since i have seen this. This was fun. And yes greg I have twisted them when i squeeze them.

Comment by dave j on January 2, 2020 at 4:35am

 I loved it! Please do the spew story. Pretty please.

Comment by Gregory Patrick on January 1, 2020 at 7:53pm

Do you ever twist his balls when you squeeze them?

Comment by Nicky Pechio on January 1, 2020 at 7:35pm

Melinda with stiletto nails is deadly

Comment by Kane Andretti on August 9, 2017 at 3:25pm

once u feel a womans fingertips feeling your balls its always makes u instantly vulnerable and squirm BEFORE the squeeze even happens its embarassing in a sense but we cant do anything about it...automatic submission smh lol

Comment by Chefda on July 29, 2017 at 7:00pm
More please, Melinda! I always know I'm in for something good when you post on here!
Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on July 29, 2017 at 5:50pm

@ dave, no I mean as in spew lol

Comment by dave j on July 26, 2017 at 5:06pm

 I think the story was great! I think most would love to hear many more for you. If you spew as in cum that sounds fantastic!

  Thank you taking the time to write the storry and all your imput.


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