This one doesn't have a lot of busting, but sets up the next part, hope you like it anyway!
Finally, after months of being unemployed and looking for a job out of college, I'd finally duped someone into hiring me! Well, I'd be working in a mail room for a big company in corporate America, but you gotta start somewhere, right? A month or 2 ago, I'd have turned my nose up at a position like this, but being jobless and broke, living with my parents, stung far worse. I called my girlfriend only a few nanoseconds after it was official and told her.
"That's awesome, congratulations! I knew you could do it!" Stacey exclaimed. As I listened to her gush for a few seconds, I got a little self-conscious; I was just happy to have a job and not be such a bum, but I didn't know how she'd react. A college grad in the mailroom? Would she judge me? Nah. She sounded sad when I hinted that she might be disappointed, saying "How could you even think that? It's not your ideal job, but you have a job now. And the company is good, right?" I took a sigh of relief, but she continued "I should kick you as hard as I can next time I see you. You'll beg me never to kick you again."
"Tease," I answered, trying to hide how easily I'd mentally changed gears (I was getting super turned on after she threatened me).
"I want to come see you, reward you for getting a new job," Stacey said slyly. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath; I was afraid my voice would crack if I answered immediately. When I'd settled a little, I asked just as slyly "How will I be rewarded?" She giggled and answered "No, it's a surprise! But... I'll be sure to bring some heels." She continued before I could ask the obvious question "And the heels are a secret, too!" I was about to ask when I'd get to see her when I heard her gasp.
"I'm so sorry," she said, "My car hasn't started for a few days, my dad's had to take me to work. I can't drive to see you." My heart sank. I was bummed that I wouldn't get to see her but, also... the threats and talk about high heels had me all hot and bothered. I buried my disappointment and replied "It's ok, babe, maybe another time."
"Well... What if you came to get me?" Stacey asked quietly. While I paused a second, she continued "I know it's going to be rough but... I really want to see you." I wasn't thrilled with the idea of driving for almost 8 hours to go to her house, pick her up, and then drive back to my house. However, I said "That's a good idea! I can get on the road in like 10 minutes, I'd you'll be ready!" Stacey giggled and said "Yay! I can't wait to see you!"
Since I didn't need to pack, I got on the road in probably seconds. The drive wasn't too arduous and, when I got to her house, I said a quick hello to her parents and we got back on the road. While we were rolling, she threatened me a few times and, although I was trying to play it cool, she knew she was getting to me. At some point, she said "As soon as everyone goes to sleep, I'm going to step on you for hours. Or, I just kick you hard enough to make you cry." I squirmed in my seat to adjust my rapidly-growing erection, and said "Babe, stop. You're gonna make me crash." She answered quietly and teasingly "I probably shouldn't do this, then..." Stacey reached into my lap, and started unhooking my belt. Startled, I asked "Hey, what're you doing?" She said simply "Keep your eyes on the road," and then unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. Wasting no more words, she freed my stiff, throbbing cock from my boxers, bent over and put her head into my lap, taking me into her mouth.*
"Holy shit!" I shouting, surprised but grateful. As I gripped the steering wheel tightly, she slid me out of her mouth and said "Don't you crash. Just watch the road." She moved her head up and down, sliding me in and out of her warm mouth, flicking her tongue on "my spot", the way that drives me crazy. When she felt like I was getting close, she abruptly stopped. I was confused and she said teasingly "Maybe you're right; I probably shouldn't be blowing you while you're trying to drive." I never actually said she shouldn't, but I knew what she was going for, so I played along.
"Please, baby..." I begged. I put as much pleading and desperation into my voice as I could, and she answered "I'll keep going if you'll let me smash your penis on the floor. Tonight. Really hard." I don't know why but whenever she used the clinical name for my body parts, it turned me on more than when she occasionally used slang. I whimpered and begged more and, I guess I did a good enough job, because she started up again, making slurping sounds while she sucked on me. After only a few more minutes, I gave her a little warning that... um... the show was about to end. This time, however, she panicked a little; she normally just finished me without removing me from her mouth, but this time... She took me out and I came all over my shirt. Stacey blushed beet red and giggled uncomfortably, saying "I'm sorry, sweetie; I don't know what happened." When I had the mental capacity to speak again, I replied (stealing a crass line from a good friend) "Not to worry. I'm like UPS, as long as the package gets delivered, I don't really care what happens with it!" She almost laughed but acted disgusted instead, saying "Ugh, I'm going to kick you so hard tonight! Again and again! Then I'm going to crush that penis until you apologize for being so gross!" I wanted to say "bring it on!" but my only thought was that I was happy we were one of only a few cars on the highway. I sure I swerved a bunch.
We got back to the empty house and I started getting changed out of that shirt. When I had it over my face to remove it, I felt something slam between my legs and I crumpled to the floor. I realized that she'd kicked me in the balls while i was unable to see it, or defend myself. I rolled around a little, muttering fuck... fuck... quietly, and Stacey said sweetly "More tonight."
To be continued...
*Although this felt absolutely amazing, I would not suggest doing this, especially if she's really good at oral sex. It was extremely dangerous as I could have hurt or killed myself and/or her... Or worse, someone innocent person who just happened to be close enough.
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