Summertime, a time for fun, a time for sun, and time for ballbusting! This story is for you knee lovers out there, and I hope you will enjoy it.
Kneeing a set of balls in my opinion is one of the most effective way to put a man in his place. They are quick, deadly, and hard to see coming if you do them right. Some of the most brutal ballbusting I have done involve kneeing.
It was the beginning of July, hot and sunny, me and the man decided to go out and enjoy the day for bit. Work was slow and it was time to take advantage of the wonderful weather. We had decided to get some lunch to together at a quite little place we enjoy going to when we have the time. He end up wearing blue shorts and a tank top because of the heat, following suite, I wanted to wear something that I wasn't going to bake my ass off in, so I choose a short sun dress, white with red lilies on it that tied at the neck. The dress was low cut so I decided against a bra and the length went down to my thighs. I threw on a pair of white sandals and we headed out. The day was enjoyable and lunch was phenomenal, but the heat was exhausting. The first urge to break my husband's nuts came before lunch time. He couldn't help eyeballing every girl in a short skirt that we came across, but the one that got me was a girl in a white dress that was walking across the street. Super tight fit, the thing hugged her like a second skin, I could see that there wasn't a pantie line to be seen anywhere. My husband rubber necked so hard I thought he was going to break it. Don't get me wrong, she was absolutely gorgeous, tan, long black hair, you know the one you drool over. I thought about dropping him right there, but instead I took a mental note for later. I tend to do that sometimes, and make him pay for it later. He knew that I noticed, and waited for a reaction, but I just said “ Let's go babe, I’m hungry”. The second urge to rip his nuts off was at lunch time not more than 15 minutes later, when the waitress that served us came up to our table. She was pretty “gifted” so to speak, she had daisy dukes on and I'm sure her ass was trying to escape them. She had a tight black, sheer T shirt on. Nice rack too. My husband bless his heart, tried not to stare but was having a hard time of it. His eyes keep glancing at her chest, and whenever she walked by or walked away he checked out her ass. Another mental note for later as I went about it like I didn't notice him eyeballing. The third urge to castrate him came on our way home, when we stopped by the store to grab something to barbecue for dinner later on. On the way out of the store,a woman in a pink bikini walked up to us asking if we had change for a 20. My husband said “Sure” as he started to reach into pockets the dumb ass didn't even have on his shorts. I had been carrying his wallet all day in my purse, so I pulled it out and broke her 20 with two 5s and a 10. She said thanks and I said no problem. I watched as she walked away, her body was incredibly toned and she looked young, i was almost jealous. I looked over at my husband and asked “So, what do you think about that?”, indicating the girl who just walked away. He started to stutter a bit as I smiled at him. “Did you like her better then the waitress, or the the one busting out of her clothes earlier, you know, the one you almost threw your neck out to look at?”. He knew he was super busted at this point and he just kind of laughed nervously. I walked up to him and slid my knee between his legs until I found his balls and pressed into them, and asked sweetly “So, which one did you like better?”. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered into his ear “you better answer me”, and gave his ear a little nibble. He said “Are you serious?”, with a half smile. I just stared at him, waiting, letting him know that I was. He knew anything he said at this point was going to cost him big time, so he uncomfortably said “Well I guess the girl in the white dress was kind of nice”. I put more pressure on his nuts with my knee and said with sarcasm “Just nice huh? Well I thought she was hot as hell honestly, I know you had to notice that much”. He said “Well yeah…..a little I guess”. Thoughts were already swimming in my head on what i wanted to do to him so I just said “Come on, let's get home”, and winked at him as I got into the car. The ride back to the house gave me the time I needed to formulate exactly what I was going to do to him, and the closer we got home, the more giddier I became. As soon as my husband shut the front door, I pushed him into it and rammed my knee into his balls as hard as I could. He let out a loud “oof” as he crumbled to the floor. I stood above him waiting as he slowly stood up before I gave him another one, grabbing his wrists and pinning them to the front door trying to stop him from falling down again. I pulled my knee back and hammered it between his legs 3 to 4 times in a row before letting him go down again. He went down to his knees and and curled over holding his nuts, I put my foot on his back and said “It's kind of hot in here, how about you get me some water?”. He groaned on the ground, so I laughed at him and said “Oh come on baby, you know I haven't even started yet, and the longer you take the worse it's going to get”. I took my foot off his back and held my hands out and helped him up. I squated down in front of him and ran my hands up his legs, starting at his calfs, working my up to his thighs underneath his shorts, giving him the shivers. I gathered up his balls in one hand and started to squeeze them, and then stood up, walking towards the kitchen pulling him by his toys behind me. He tried to keep up as I squeezed and yanked on them as he followed, walking funny as we went. Once in the kitchen I just told him “Water”, as I squeezed his nuts harder. He started to buckle but I wouldn't let him go. I said “Hurry up”, impatiently as he tried to reach for a cup in one of the cupboards as started to yank down on his balls. Watching him struggle was sending me Into a different mind state, so I squeezed even harder. I could feel his balls trying to escape my fingers as they were getting flatter and had to readjust my grip. Through a lot of effort on his part, he managed to get me a glass and fill it up, handing it to me. “Aww, how sweet of you”, I said and continued to squeeze as I finished. He was hunched over now, stuck in my grip, I pulled him around to the fridge and slammed him into it, finally letting go of his nuts as I moved my hands to his shoulders. “Ok”, I said, “where were we, oh yeah”, and I reared my knee back as far as I could go, to get as much power as I could as I swung it between his legs, the impact driving the wind out if him. He slid down a bit but i stopped him from hitting the ground. I forced my knee between his thighs trying to separate his legs as he squeezed them shut. I told him to open them now and he did reluctantly, I pulled his shorts and boxers up until his balls were dangling out of the leg, he's breath got quick as I readied another shot to his bare nuts, stopping just before I hit them. He jumped a little, and then I slammed my knee again into his naughty bits, making his eyes bulge. I wasn't able to stop him from falling this time as he just dropped to the floor in pain. I let him roll around a bit on the floor and walked around behind him as he started to stand up, his balls still hanging out of his shorts. As soon as I had a clear shot between his legs, I took one big step and kicked him like I was going for a field goal, the smack was loud and he yelled out “oh my god” as he went down into a fetal position. I must have got him real good, because he thrashed around a bit and put his hand over his head, breaking out into a sweat. My heart was starting to race, the endorphins starting to run wild in my head as I watched him, slowly turning into another person. I asked him “so which one should that have been for?”. He responded weakly “What do you mean?”, as he rolled around still. “I mean what girl should that have been for? The one in the pink bikini or the waitress earlier?”. He said “ come on babe, that's not fair”. I tapped my foot on the floor and said “What's not fair, the fact that your balls do the thinking for you? Your lucky you still have them, though I'm not going to make you any promises to you today, so shut up and pick one please”. He was able to get his bearings a bit and said “fine, the girl in pink”. I laughed and said “Perfect, get up”. I held out my hands to help him to his feet, then i slid my hand down his shorts and grabbed his hard on, pulling him into the front room by it. I sat down in a white recliner that we have and I told him to spread his legs for me, with his dick still in my hand, stroking him as he did. I let him go and leaned back into the chair, crossing one leg over the other, making the dress slide up my thighs so he could get a good view of my legs. I took my foot and lightly started to kick and rub his nuts, altrenating between the two. I was starting to get turned on at the feel of his balls on my feet and kicked him until he started to fidget around. I smiled and said “Mmmm, I am liking this a lot”, and then I started to kick harder and harder until he couldn't stand up straight anymore. I stood up suddenly and grabbed him by his head, forcing him to kiss me, which obviously he didn't resist. I brought my knee up into his balls, quick and hard, ending the liplock we were in, and before he had any real time to react, I slammed my foot between his legs as hard as i could, introducing him to the floor again. I was becoming more brutal with each passing minute as my mind shifted on making his balls hurt even more. I grabbed him by the hair from behind and pulled him up, straddling his back. I bit his ear hard and said “put your hands on the coffee table, now”. The sound of my one voice sounded different to me, it was harder, colder, and he did so admittedly. I pulled on his balls from behind and between his legs to get him to the level I wanted him at, and used my foot to kick his legs open wide. “Say you're sorry babe and I might not break them”, I said as I backed up to get a running start. His legs were starting to shake and his voice was riddled with pain as he said “I'm sorry baby”. As soon as the words left his mouth, I took a quick running start, bringing my foot crashing between his legs from behind, lifting him up a few inches of the ground. He yelled out in agony as he hit the floor saying “Holy shit” with whimper in his voice, almost on the verge of tears. He grabbed his battered fruit in his hands and rolled all over the floor, I told him “that was for the waitress, and by the way, my name is not baby the last time I checked”. My mind was pretty much gone at this point, and the bitch inside was begging to be let loose, so I told him “I will be right back”, walking to my room real quick to get my handcuffs out of my drawer. When I came back, I threw them on the floor in front of him, and told him to put them on. He just looked at me like I was crazy, so I did it for him, rolling him over and handcuffing his hands behind his back. I had the key on a chain that I put around my neck, letting it fall in between my breast. I hauled him up to his feet, adrenaline fueling my strength as I pushed him up against the wall. I sunk my teeth into his chest hard, making him wince in pain, it would end up leaving a nice bruise later. I grabbed his balls again and squeezed until he was yelling for me to stop as they had already taken a good beating. “Stop, stop, stop!”, came out in yelps and cries as I squeezed them harder and harder, almost expecting them to explode in my hand. I kicked his feet open with mine, until his legs were spread more than shoulder lengths apart, I took the hair tie out of my hair and wrapped it around the base of his balls twice so they were nice and tight. They were starting to swell, a fact that I pointed out to him. “Your balls are starting to swell up babe, you want to try that apology again?”. He vigorously nodded his head, and said “I'm sorry Melinda, I'm sorry for checking out those girls”. I smiled at him innocently and said “see, not that difficult was it?”. I turned around and started to rub my ass into his crotch, reaching up, running my hand threw his hair. I started to to slam my ass into his nuts and said “of course there still is that one you liked more than the others, the one in the white dress, you remember her right?”. He was wincing as he said “come on Melinda, you made me answer that one”. I turned around, his hard on springing back and forth “so, that doesn't mean you answered it right now does it? What you should have said”, I put my hands on his shoulders and positioned my leg back so I could ram my knee into his nuts again, “was me”. I brought my knee up into his balls bound by my hair tie as hard as I could, and like a piston and drove it into him repeatedly while gritting my teeth with effort. He couldn't really fall down or shut his legs with how wide I had him spread them, the only thing he could do was rest his head on my shoulder as i held him up, smashing his balls over and over. I gave him one last hard one and let him fall down, grabbing his arms so he didn't bust his face on floor. He curled up on the floor trying to unsuccessful comfort his manhood, groaning and coughing. I stood over him and asked him sincerely “are you ok?”, getting a grunting yes back from him. I was breathing quickly from the sudden burst of energy of assaulting him, I bent down at the waist and said “If you want free, you have to get the key with your teeth”. He got up on his knees and buried his face in my breast trying to get the key I had hung around my neck, finally able to get a hold of it. I took it out of his mouth and removed the key from my neck as he sat resting on his heels legs still wide open. I grabbed his face, kissing him long and hard, and then I snapped my foot back and slammed it into his his balls one more time, making his back straight as he shot to his knees in pain, and then tumbled forward into me resting against my legs. He made a loud oof sound almost on the verge of crying. I reached behind him and undid the handcuffs, grabbing his hands so he couldn't grab himself in comfort, and said “That was for the girl in white”, and stood him up, pulling the front of his shorts down over his balls. They had swollen up considerably and were beet red, the left one looked like it was bigger and was lightly bruised. I grabbed him by the bruised ball and he jumped in pain trying not to buckle. I pulled him into our bedroom by it, pulling the tie that was holding my dress undone, letting it slip to the floor. “I guess you won't be using these huh?”, indicating his swollen manhood. “Too bad for you babe, I'm super hot right now too. You're going to do something about that right?”. He wrapped his hands around my ass, picking me up off the ground with his ball still in my palm and layed me down on the bed. When I finally let go, he made quick work of the rest of my clothes, pulling off my panties and sliding down stairs between my legs. Needless to say he did what he does best, sending me over the edge and into the clouds.
(This is a more recent busting, it happened in the beginning of this month. Sorry it almost turned into a book, I hope you enjoy. )
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