A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
I remember a story being posted on here, but I can't seem to find it even with the search and by browsing through the stories here. It was a fictional story that had Link, Navi, and a Gerudo(I think) that did the busting to Link.
Any help would be appreciated.
Does anyone have any other stories from that user saved? Particularly A Princess' Power?
It was a story posted by the user Ult. Rugal. His account doesn't exist any more for some reason. He also had a few other stories posted on KITG:
Here it is.
* * * * *
Right in the Rupees
by Ult. Rugal
Link, the Hero of Time, had one goal in his life now: to defeat Ganondorf and free the kingdom of Hyrule from the tyrant's merciless grip. To that end he had to free the imprisoned sages, one of which was no doubt held in the Spirit Temple located in Gerudo Valley.
However Link also had other objectives to fulfill. As the hero, clad in his green tunic and white tights, had entered the desert of the Gerudo he had been informed that innocent civilians had been captured by the all-female tribe that called the Gerudo Valley their home. Thus the Hero of Time was no finding himself with the task of infiltrating a Gerudo fortress and freeing the men.
Now Link kept himself hidden behind some rocks, scoping out the prison. Security was light, only one guard present. It was one of the Gerudo, a tan woman with blazing red hair. She was clad in a revealing purple uniform, a mask on her face. In her hands, held at the ready, was a spear.
Link was left to think over his options. Throughout his quest he had fought monsters of all sorts, from ghosts to dragons, but never had he engaged in combat with a fellow mortal, especially not one of the opposite gender. To that end he considered stealth to be perhaps the best tactic to employ. Using the items at his disposal he could slip into the prison unnoticed, free the prisoners, then return to his main objective of freeing yet another of Hyrule's sages.
To that end Link creeped out from behind his cover and readied the Longshot. The grappling chain shot forward, its sharp end embedding itself into the stone wall beside the prison's entranceway. Then the Longshot pulled Link forward, propelling him through the air. He landed gracefully before his destination, pulled the Longshot free from the wall and slipping it away.
It had all gone exactly as plan, the silent entry working to his advantage. The Gerudo sentry's back was facing Link, the warrior woman known the wiser of his presence. Satisfied with the results, Link began to walk slowly towards the prison entrance.
"Hey, listen! We should really get over to the Spirit Temple and find the sage there!"
Link's heart froze as a rather talkative ball of light began to fly around him. It was Navi, the fairy that had been gifted to him by the Great Fairy Tree at the start of his quest. She was helpful in her own right, guiding the Hero of Time along his journey, but she picked the most random times to share such guidance. Link was always the quiet type, and Navi was quite capable of doing enough talking for the both of them.
"Hey, are you listening?"
Link tried to brush Navi away when he heard another voice, this one unfamiliar.
"You there! Halt!"
Sighing, Link drew forth both the Master Sword and the Hylian Shield. He turned around and sure enough he could see the Gerudo guard approaching, her weapon at the ready. No doubt she had been alerted to his presence thanks to Navi's bad timing.
"Surrender at once, outsider!" the female guard shouted as she continued to move in closer. "I won't ask again!"
Being a man of few words, Link simply stood his ground, his weapons at the ready. The Gerudo warrior took the sight of his defiance to heart and leapt forward, her spear swinging as she did so.
"Then so be it, you male fool!"
Link raised his shield, blocking the strike with little effort. The woman's feet touched down on the ground before him and she quickly spun her deflected weapon around, going for a side swipe, hoping to catch her foe off guard.
"Her grip's unsteady!" Navi advised, trying to make up for the blunder of causing this unnecessary battle. "She's wide open!"
Link took the fairy's advice to heart and sent his sword swinging out to meet the Gerudo's own weapon. They clashed instantly, the force of the blow sending the spear careening out of the woman's hands and into the air. It spun about until at last it settled in the desert sand.
"Such skill!" the Gerudo said in utter surprise, her eyes trailing towards her lost weapon. She then turned her gaze back to Link, the tip of the Master Sword pointed in her general direction. The blade so close to her face, she could only assume it was beckoning her to admit defeat. "To think that I, Veli, would have my blade bested by a man!"
"Link, listen!" Navi shouted as she hovered around the Hero of Time. "Knock her out and let's get moving!"
"Don't think you've truly defeated me yet," Veli hissed. "A Gerudo warrior is never truly unarmed..."
Veli could see that the man she now knew as Link was distracted by the glowing image of the fairy fluttering about his face and she knew that it was a golden opportunity for her to strike. And strike hard she did, acting without any mercy or sympathy.
Veli lashed out with her right leg, sending the pointed toe of her footwear up between Link's spandex clad legs and up into the skirt-like portion of his tunic. It was then that the Gerudo woman felt the satisfying of her foot colliding with a soft spot, one that squished upon impact.
"Huuarh!!!" Link let out an unholy cry in response to the devastating attack, providing the first inkling to his foe as to what he sounded like. The Hero of Time had fought many battles since his quest began, but never had a foe attacked his most private parts. He could feel Veli's foot pushing his testicles upwards in his tights, forcing the already aching organs into a painful position. "Huuuuaaa..."
Satisfied, Veli retracted her kicking leg and watched as her foe quickly dropped his sword and shield, his hands cupping his wounded genitals with great haste, right through his tunic. The young man continued to moan in pain as he fell to his knees before the woman, his head bowed low in response.
"What? Finished already, my dear little Hylian man?" Veli asked, tilting her head as she looked down with her golden eyes at the fallen hero. "Seriously, was that the first time someone kicked you in the nuts or something? Well, mess with the Gerudo and you'll get used to it."
"Link!" Navi asked, circling around his lowered head. "Are you all right?"
The Hero of Time didn't say a word, instead relying on his eyes to convey his feelings on the matter. He glanced towards the brightly lit fairy, his eyes glazed over with pain. The pain wracking his groin continued to throb, a feeling of sickness beginning to work its way into his stomach. It was taking all he had to hold back the urge to vomit.
"Oh..." was all Navi could say in response to her friend's pained expression. She forced herself to try and rouse the Hero of Time's spirits. "Come on, don't let a little testicle trauma bring you down! You've got to save Hyrule!"
"Foolish little fairy," Veli laughed, a grin spreading underneath her purple veil. "No man has ever withstood their balls being busted by me."
"Link can!" Navi shouted before turning back to her sore ally. "If getting nutted is all it takes to defeat the Hero of Time, then who will stop Ganondorf?!"
Link heard the fairy's words and he knew it to be true. He had conquered so many obstacles on his journey that he knew he had to overcome this one as well. And so slowly, very slowly, he forced his hands away from his crotch. He rested his palms on his thighs and tried to push his thoughts past the aching sensations that where threatening to overwhelm his genitals.
"Impossible..." Veli could not believe what she was seeing. Despite his breath labored with pain, despite his legs shaking madly, Link was slowly beginning to rise from the ground. Never before had the Gerudo warrior witnessed a man overcoming a low blow such as the one she had just delivered. But quickly her disbelief turned to anger. "No! I won't let you!"
Veli kicked out, driving her foot directly into the front of Link's groin. She could feel his testicles press into his body thanks to the momentum of her attack, but it was the visual effects of her actions that really brought a smile to her face.
"Huin!" The Hero of Time's eyes bulged outwards, his mouth falling open into a scream as the Gerudo warrior punished his privates for the second time. The young man's attempt to stand quickly became an impossibility as Link fell once more to his knees and cupped his battered groin with his hands for the second time.
"That... ought to take the fight out of you," Veli hissed as she once more looked down at the beaten hero. "Now then..."
Veli turned her back on the downed Hero of Time, planning to call her Gerudo sisters to witness his pitiful defeat before having him detained in the prison he had tried to sneak into.
Navi the fairy could see the writing on the wall, knowing that the warrior having her back towards Link was the best chance to turn the tides. "Hey, listen," Navi whispered into Link's ear. "She's looking the other way. Now might be your only chance..."
Link heard those words and was willing to do what it took to end this battle with victory. Still cupping his groin he tried to stand once more, but the pain was too much for him. He knew that course of action was too much, but he also knew he had to do something.
When he saw Veli beginning to turn back, Link knew the time for action was now. He forced himself to lunge forward, driving his weakened body into Gerudo, wrapping his arms around her midsection. The two fighters fell into the dusty ground, Veli on her back as Link lay atop her.
"Hold her down!" Navi shouted frantically. "Knock her out!"
Link attempted just that, grabbing Veli's wrists with both his hands and holding them by her head. Despite his throbbing groin he crouched over the fallen Gerudo, planning to quickly release one of her arms and knock her out before she could retaliate.
"How dare you, a mere man, drop me like this..." the Gerudo angrily hissed. She glanced down Link's body and could see that the young man had left himself wide open for another attack. "Oh, you so deserve this, you idiot!"
Veli snapped her left knee up hard, drilling it directly into Link's crotch, which had been hovering directly over her legs.
"Huuuuagh!!" The Hero of Time cried out in pain and instantly let go of Veli's arms. He stood up widely, the sudden pain giving him the motivation to conquer his shaking legs. He backed away from his foe and his hands began to once more descend downwards so as to cradle his sore manhood.
"Oh, not yet!" Veli didn't give Link the chance to do so just yet. Before his hands could cover his genitals, she sent her leg out and upwards, slamming the sole of her foot up Link's tunic. Once more the Gerudo warrior could feel the satisfying crunch of the young man's testicles underneath her hard shoe and she grinned in response.
It was Link's turn to fall to the ground, his hands gingerly wrapped around his critically beaten privates. Veli took that opportunity to slowly crawl over towards the panting Hero of Time, gazing at his prone body as she did so.
"Stay away! Stay away!" Navi shouted in fear for Link's own safety, unsure of what hope he had to secure victory in this fight now. "Stay away-ow!"
Veli swung one hand out, swatting the talkative fairy out of sight. She then turned her attentions back towards Link and made her move. This man, despite the sorry state he was in, was impressing the Gerudo warrior to no end. She had never encountered one who could withstand one kick to the groin, let alone two. And while Veli knew she had thoroughly beaten him now with the repeated strikes, she still wanted more. Much more.
"Let's see what we've got under the hood..." The Gerudo warrior gently pulled Link's hands away from his body, then lifted his tunic up towards his belt. She glanced down at the white tights underneath, seeing the outline of the Hero of Time's privates through them. "We're they always this big, or did I make them swell? No matter..."
Veli balled her right hand into a fist, then sent her knuckles down into the spandex clad crotch full force, drawing yet another cry of pain from Link. However, instead of moving her hand away, Veli instead opened it up from the closed fist. She wrapped her fingers around Link's throbbing testicles, the faint touch leaving him to groan in pain.
"Oh, if that smarts even a little now... this is going to hurt like hell!"
Veli suddenly clamped her fingers down tightly, squeezing Link's genitals with merciless force. The Hero of Time began to trash about wildly in her grip, his head leaning back in the sand as he cried out shrilly.
"Aaaaahhhhhh!!! Oooohhhh!!!"
Veli watched the pained expression on his face change over and over again, Link's eyes opening and shutting over and over again. Sometimes his mouth would hang wide open, other times he would bite down on his lower lip. That in particular made the Gerudo woman really smile underneath her veil.
"Let's see how this goes..." Veli suddenly twisted her wrist around, forcing Link's aching scrotum along or the ride as it was crushed in the palm of her hand.
This time Link's voice trailed off, growing quite as his eyelids closed shut once more, his mouth hanging open with nary a sound to come out from it.
"Aww, he passed out..." Veli couldn't help but laugh. "What a tough set of nuts you've got. But nothing I couldn't handle..."
The Gerudo warrior stood up from the defeated hero lying before her and panted hard. She couldn't believe how much she had enjoyed that one sided battle.
"And to think I busted balls just for the fact that it was quick and effective..." she gasped, overwhelmed with emotions once foreign to her. "But that... was pretty fun. Thanks, man."
"Hey, listen!"
Link's mind slowly roused at the familiar voice. He opened his eyes to find himself alone in what was clearly a prison cell. And before him was Navi, floating about.
"Took me long enough to find where they locked you up..."
Link heard the words of his companion, but his mind quickly went to other places. His groin was still throbbing madly with pain and the Hero of Time quickly grabbed his privates with both hands and curled up on the floor of his cell.
"Man, your balls still hurt? It's been at least an hour..." Navi didn't know what to make of the situation. She flew about, guiding Link's glazed over eyes towards an open window at the top of the cell. "You can use your Longshot to escape through here!"
Gingerly Link forced himself into a sitting position, his hands pressed firmly between his thighs still. He knew he still had to find the other prisoners, make it to the Spirit Temple, then eventually defeat Ganondorf himself. He just had to hope he never ran into Veli ever again.
"I don't think my 'rupees' could take it..."
I think I have the "Right in the Rupees" story on my old computer. I may be able to repost it next week.
I swear that one of the best BB stories I ever read was on KITG and one day it disappeared without a trace.
Does anyone remember a story about a guy who recently moved into his own apartment. He got a knock on his door and there were these two hot neighbor girls (also recently moved in?). They invited themselves into his apartment, sat down and watched some TV. Later on, they got into a two-on-one wrestling match with BB.
Huh. I remember exactly the story you are talking about too. Called something like "right in the rupees". I couldn't find it either. I remember enjoying the story as well.
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