May 2012 Blog Posts (7)

I Got Busted Today!

Well folks I finally took the plunge.  As I sit here typing out this blog post my balls are feeling happy and every so slightly achy, in a very good way, because today they got well and thoroughly kicked and kneed by a really great woman.

Woo hoo!!!

Unfortunately I do not have a partner for BB, so for months now, especially after becoming more active here on the site, I've considered an alternative, which is to visit a professional domme, a woman who typically provides erotic…


Added by Tender Boy on May 31, 2012 at 4:58pm — 7 Comments

Mike's first bust

Mike was the first man who fucked me. The first real man that is. All the others had just been kids, guys around my own age. I saw him on my first day of training in the army. He was an instructor and I wanted him the moment I saw him. Given the chance, I’d have gone down on him and gobbled his cock on the parade ground. He kept shouting at me to keep looking straight ahead, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his body as he moved around in his tight-fitting uniform. I didn’t take in a word of…


Added by Peta Worth on May 30, 2012 at 1:05pm — 1 Comment

PLEASE HELP - A Youtube stalker threatening a Woman with Death & Hate Speech due to her BB video response

There was a poster on Youtube named Brittany, she recently deleted her videos again after a four year hiatus. Her stalker has been harassing her and just recently posted a very threatening video reply to her old video again. I tried to report this to youtube, but they won't do anything about it. They are so hypocritical there, they have no problem deleting a ballbusting video....but it's ok to invoke violence to a woman who was just messing around. I was wondering if I could call on to my…


Added by Tyler Durden on May 30, 2012 at 1:30am — 7 Comments

My Cbusting Memoirs: Part 1 of 1

You might remember me from last year when I posted my ballbusting memoirs. I'm back now, and have decided to post my Cbusting memoirs. Instead of posting these two at a time every other month, I've decided to save time and just post them all here at once.

The first time I ever saw a girl get hit in the crotch was back in England, in about 2nd grade, if memory serves. Her name was Emily, she was just about my height with shoulder-length brown hair and practically always wore the same…


Added by Joe Metal on May 28, 2012 at 11:21am — No Comments

Pay the rent on time or pay

Maybe I should have seen this coming.  It was the late summer of 2001 and I was renting an duplex in Oregon.  It was hot - no AC - just fans and I like being naked indoors anyway.  There was a loud rapping on the door so I put on a t-shirt and opened the door a crack.  It was the landlady and I was two days late on rent.  I said I was sorry and went to write a check and as I turned to give it to her I realized she had come through the door with the cane she used to walk.  She was about 80 -…


Added by a. francis hays on May 10, 2012 at 12:55am — 2 Comments

The twist of fate

You’d think that a girl who gets off busting balls would be like a pig in clover in security work. Sadly, management don’t like their clients going home with the imprint of my knee on their jewels. But there was one time that I’ve chatted about to some of you. This is what happened.

It’s not uncommon for guys to come onto me a bit. They don’t mean any harm. It’s all in good fun and we just flirt a bit. But this guy was different. He homed in on me right from the start. Trying to stare…


Added by Peta Worth on May 4, 2012 at 5:13am — 1 Comment

party poopers

so the other night me my bf and two friends went to a party and this jackass kept being rude to everyone their. he came up to me and tried hitting on me but was just cocky gross rude and obnoxious. anyways skipping all the in between i kicked him pretty hard. although his eyes didnt do anything special he did make a really funny face lol. he then stood almost all the way up and said "that didnt hurt" then he tried walking and fell over holding himself haha. I left right after but my friend…


Added by Shalea K. on May 3, 2012 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

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