Well folks I finally took the plunge.  As I sit here typing out this blog post my balls are feeling happy and every so slightly achy, in a very good way, because today they got well and thoroughly kicked and kneed by a really great woman.

Woo hoo!!!

Unfortunately I do not have a partner for BB, so for months now, especially after becoming more active here on the site, I've considered an alternative, which is to visit a professional domme, a woman who typically provides erotic domination (e.g. bondage, spanking) but in many cases has skills that overlap into ball-busting.  I have some interest in erotic domination as well, but that's a (largely) separate thing from my interest in BB and here I will focus just on the BB.

I held off on the idea for a long time, because after a few internet searches all the pro dommes I could find seemed either kind of mean (like they'd call you a "lowly worm" or something) or like they had no idea what they were doing, and I don't want someone like that going to town on my balls, thank you very much, LOL.

But I kept taking a look around every so often and eventually found someone who looked promising.  She seemed like a real person, no facade, very personable, or at least as much as I could glean from a web page.  So… I thought about it.  But I still didn't do anything.

Then I noticed a post by Sophie, a member here on the website who partners with Damien in some of the best BB videos here, where she mentioned that she does pro domme work.  And that did it.  If Sophie, who seems really nice and cool, is a pro domme, then there must be other pro dommes out there who I would really like, so darnit I am going to find one!  :)

And I did.  I met her today.  And she was super nice and fun and attractive and friendly and she kicked my balls hard and oh my god I LOVED it.  She was great and I am so glad I saw her.  Words really fail me now, as I try to express how much fun it was, how exhilarating, energizing, sexy, incredible.

There was some erotic domination mixed in here but I'll largely skip that since this site isn't about that.

She had me strip so I was completely naked, my wrists cuffed to a hook in the ceiling.  Presumably if I'd felt the urge to fall to my knees I would not have been able to.

I haven't been struck on the balls with any significant force for about five years or so, and even then it was just a medium-strength playful knee, and a fairly hard spank on my balls, plus some squeezes.  

So I was out of practice.  I didn't really remember clearly how it felt when a woman hit my balls for real.

So today was an eye-opener.  :)   Her first kick wasn't super hard but it felt hard.  Smack!  went the sound on my bare skin (she mentioned she liked that).  An involuntary exhale from me, a brief flash of pain in my balls.  And a feeling of OH MY GOD SHE IS KICKING MY BALLS!  And… heaven!  It was really happening.  It was breathtaking and awesome.

I could feel that she was strong too.  She was very pretty and feminine but no wallflower.  She knew how to kick accurately and her legs were strong.  It's funny how as a man you truly appreciate a woman's strength when she's directing it right into your testicles!  LOL  But that's how it felt.  I really liked that.

She quickly snapped a few more light and medium kicks into my balls and it was exhilarating!  A brief flash of pain followed by a kind of… euphoria?  Maybe it's like the endorphins that runners feel, or perhaps the simple pleasure of the erotic (I was starting to get an erection at this point).  Or some mixture of all of this.

The she said, "You can take a lot!  You have a high pain tolerance."  I guess she said that because I probably looked so HAPPY after she had just kicked me in the balls three or four times, LOL.  The pain flashed for a brief moment after each kick but eased quickly, so I was feeling fine.  

I guess that answers a question I've had about myself for some time which is what my pain tolerance level is.  Not that it matters really, but I've always been curious.

She got me with a good one that made me go "ooof!" so I asked her to rate how hard the kicks had been on a scale of 1 to 10.  She said she'd gone up to about a 4 so far.  I was a little scared hearing that, realizing she had so much room to make them harder.  *gulp*

Then it got a little funny.  Despite my enjoyment of all this, my balls started moving "up" towards my body, kind of getting out of the way of the next couple of kicks she gave me.  This tends to happen when I get an erection (balls pull in tight) but it also seemed like they knew they were in trouble so they were trying to hide, even though I didn't want them to!  So she tied a soft bit of yarn around my balls to keep them held down where they were more easily kicked.

And yeah that made them more vulnerable.  Yikes, the next kick definitely hurt more!  But I was loving it.

She kneed me a few times too.  They maybe felt even stronger than the kicks?  It's an interesting difference.  The kicks "slap" more, the knees "push hard" more.  The pain level is similar, it just felt like there was more force behind the knee.

Then she stepped back and gave me a much harder kick.  Oooooh I felt that one.  

First sense -- wow she is strong and my balls are getting rocked (this in 0.01 seconds).  Second - involuntary grunt and a jolt of strong pain.  It hurts but a fraction a second into it I realize I can handle it.  The pain is significant, but it's just pain, lasting about 5, maybe 10 seconds.  I feel a little fear -- but it's not of the kick I just took.  It's of the NEXT kick!  No matter how hard or frequently she kicked me, the pain was always manageable (though strong).  It was always that "next one" that had me worried, in anticipation, LOL.  But that was exciting… she was in control, not me.  I liked that.  

She kicked me several more times, hard.  "That was an 8!  You're feeling it, aren't you?" she said to me, smiling.  And yes, I was.  She was kicking me nearly full-strength (roughly 80%) and my balls were naked and tied in that bit of yarn to make them maximally vulnerable.  So yeah… a cumulative effect was catching up to me.  I was starting to breathe heavily, and I noticed my knees were angled inwards a little, defensively, unintentionally, just reflexively!  I had to purposely spread them out again, and my body was starting to feel a little fear… of that "next one".

Well the next one came, and it was another "8".  Unnnnnnnh!!  I was exhaling, smiling, pained, exhilarated all in one.  "I… think I'm… at my limit" I gasped, happy but feeling quite vulnerable.  She smiled and laughed and said OK I could have a little break.  And we switched gears over to some other non-BB activities.

I just thought of what the pain from the hard kicks was like.  Near the end of the session she got me to my "limit" with the kicks.  The pain was cumulative.  However it was an "I'd prefer not to experience more pain just now" kind of limit, not an "I'm near doubling over in agony" limit.  The pain was significant after her hard kicks at the end - though fairly brief, just 5-10 seconds or so - enough to feel like I would be suffering if she continued kicking, but at no point did I feel like I would fall to my knees from it (assuming I wasn't cuffed to the ceilng, I mean).  And just a minute or two after, my balls just had a nice, easy ache, no major pain at all.  I felt a little ball-achy (in a NICE way, really mild, just enough to remember her) on the drive home, And one hour later I don't even feel that unless I rub my balls and then they feel a wee bit achy.  And she was kicking my balls hard, too. 

So I guess I do have a tolerance for it.  But it wasn't difficult to picture that she could take me up to my "true" limit pretty easily with some more kicks, especially if she took it from strength "8" up to "10".  :)    So it was a cool universe to be in, where I could take some hard kicks to my balls and experience all the pain and pleasures of it and have it last for a while, but also know that she could, given a little extra time and permission, bring me to my knees eventually.  We just didn't go that far today.  Perhaps next time.

Some little part of me was glad that I could take a hard kick to the balls (several, actually) and remain standing.  I don't know why, because it's not really an important thing.  Maybe just my male ego, LOL.  But I still like feeling vulnerable to a woman at the same time.

So… wow.  She was amazing and the whole experience was incredible and so much fun.  I am so glad I did this.  

Now I want to go back again soon.  :)

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Comment by Tender Boy on July 19, 2012 at 4:00pm

Hey everyone, I got my "10" today and it was awesome.  I will blog about it soon.

Comment by Tender Boy on June 30, 2012 at 7:56pm

VB - well I am still hoping/planning to go back and get some of those level-10 kicks some time in the next few weeks.  I'll let you know how it goes!

I think I can probably handle a couple of them without going down.  But then I want her to continue until it overcomes me and I drop to my knees and can't help it.  That's something I haven't experienced before (due to high pain tolerance?) but would like to.  It may take a few extra kicks but I want to get there.

Comment by Tender Boy on June 28, 2012 at 10:46am

When she tied the yarn around my balls to keep them "down" (and easily kicked) it had a simultaneous effect of making my penis point over to one side.  I was also slightly hard during most of this (not a full erection, since the pain makes that difficult for me) but I guess I was just excited enough that my penis lifted up, and the yarn angled it enough to the side, that she had easy access to kicking my balls.  She never kicked my penis at all, even a little.  She was accurate!  Every kick was right in my balls, both of them.  Yow!!!  (in a good way LOL)

It's cool when a woman has a skill like that.  Very sexy.

I am curious about experiencing a "10" also.  I might be able to visit her again in July.

I think the several "8" kicks she gave me, given that I was naked and my balls were tied in yarn so they were maximally vulnerable, is probably equal to a "10" if she kicked me with my clothes on.  So I think I've had the equivalent of full-force kicks which is very exciting for me.  But I still want to try the "10" when I'm naked and balls-vulnerable like I was the first time.

I really LOVE it when a woman does NOT hold back for a kick.  It's OK if she decides at some point to stop because the guy is in enough pain, but for any one kick, it's so wonderful and sexy when she just gets a grin on her face and kicks HARD, and wants to make those balls HURT, in a way that's fun for everyone of course, but not being afraid of giving that pain.  The domme I was with was like that.  It was really exciting and freeing.

Comment by Tender Boy on June 5, 2012 at 8:34am

Sex after being busted was totally normal, as if I had not been kicked at all (it was later that evening).  

My balls felt pain in the moment of being busted, and for a few seconds after each kick, but I was surprised at how quickly the pain eased.  Within a minute of stopping it was just a pleasant achy feeling (which I really liked).  That lasted maybe an hour?  After that it was back to a totally normal feeling.

Comment by Tender Boy on June 3, 2012 at 5:48pm

Thanks everyone.  

She just went and tied my balls with the yarn - didn't ask for my input on it.  I liked that!

Yes at some point in the future I'd like to experience a "10".  But probably near the end of a session, so I could just experience it but know that "rest" will come soon after it.  I wouldn't want to turn it up to "10" and just stay at that level for many, many kicks.  I might be able to handle it for a little while but it would be "unpleasant" pain not the fun kind after a while.  

But for a couple of kicks at "10" I think it would be incredibly fun and intense.  Painful, but in a good way.  It's a kind of challenge in addition to being a turn-on.  So yes I'd like to experience it.

Another thing I'd like to try is being kicked and then when I think I've had enough... she insists on kicking twice more, whether I want them or not.  Pushing my limits like that would be awesome.

Comment by Dave on May 31, 2012 at 11:17pm

Awesome stuff Tender! Great recap of the action as well. She sounds like she's a magnificant buster. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and look forward to hearing about your next adventure and where it all goes from here. Good Work Bud!

Comment by Mallory {The Boss} on May 31, 2012 at 11:06pm

Good for you, Tboy! glad you enjoyed yourself :)


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