Tender Boy
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  • Cambridge, MA
  • United States
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Tender Boy's Discussions

Ball-Busting: Discouraging the Great Taboo

Started this discussion. Last reply by JR Taylor Oct 10, 2012. 4 Replies

A theme that comes up regularly in discussions here on the site is that many of us have felt actively discouraged by other people about ballbusting.I don't mean that the discouragement is necessarily…Continue

Tags: parents, relationships, growing up, pressure, fetish


Tender Boy's Page

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Tender Boy commented on Zubero Zoroa's video

Homemade footdom and BB

"Her legs are gorgeous!"
Oct 17, 2019
Tender Boy commented on Britney's video

Fun Kicks

"Beautiful!  I love all of it but your kick at 1:18 is really awesome.  "
Jul 7, 2019
Tender Boy commented on A.W's video

Lotus In Red Heels Full Video

"Thanks AW! You've had sessions with many beautiful women but Lotus is absolutely stunning.  Do you still see her?"
Jun 10, 2019
Tender Boy commented on Antony Junior's photo


"I love the determined look on her face, and the "oh (bleep)!" look on his! "
Jun 10, 2019
Tender Boy replied to Scarlett and Vincent's discussion Ask me anything with - Scarlett
"And your kicks are amazing! Do you also enjoy giving knees?  Which do you find more effective?"
Jun 8, 2019
Tender Boy replied to Scarlett and Vincent's discussion Ask me anything with - Scarlett
"Yes that makes good sense.   Does it give you a good feeling to know that you could drop a guy to the ground quite helpless for a nice long time with full force kicks, if you wanted to?  (I understand why you choose not to with your…"
May 30, 2019
Tender Boy replied to Scarlett and Vincent's discussion Ask me anything with - Scarlett
"Scarlett, your new video is great! At 0:30 the knee you give Vincent is amazing.  He drops immediately!  You totally got him and it didn't even look like you were trying your hardest.  How much strength were you using? And as…"
May 28, 2019
Tender Boy replied to Scarlett and Vincent's discussion Ask me anything with - Scarlett
"Sorry you had to go through such an unpleasant experience.  But I am glad to hear that your kicks were effective when you needed them.  "
May 20, 2019

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How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I've been into being ballbusted since I was a teenager.

In high school I was lying on the bed cuddling with my girlfriend. We were planning to see a movie later that night, and she asked what movie I wanted to see (we were choosing between two, I forget which ones). And at the same time she slid her hand down the front of my pants and took firm hold of my balls said, "And you'd better pick the one I want" and laughed… and did not let go of my balls.

This girl had never done anything remotely like this to me before, nor had I ever experienced it. The feeling was incredible. She didn't squeeze me too hard -- just enough to make her point -- so it was only a little bit painful, more pleasurable than painful actually, but instinctively I knew I could not get away. I playfully resisted a little, kind of shifting and trying to escape but it was useless. This petite 5'2" girl had me by the balls and she smiled at me like she knew it too. "I don't want to have to hurt you!" she said playfully.

I was trying to "resist" choosing her movie and she squeezed a little harder to convince me but not too much. She finally let me go after about a minute. We were both laughing and having fun, but she really did have me. After, I actually wish she had squeezed harder but I think she was afraid of hurting me. She wouldn't have but we were both only 17 and didn't know a lot.

I felt a little embarrassed but mostly just excited. My girlfriend showed me a side of her that she had never shown before. She was so amazing to me in that moment! I think I fell in love with her right then. :)
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
I've been busted by four women in my life, and I have the urge almost daily, but some days it's stronger than others.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
I feel thrilled, pained, excited, powerless, and like I'm sort of in danger but not really, like how you feel on a roller coaster - not in control of the situation, a whirlwind of overwhelming sensations, your body no longer your own to command for a while, but enjoying it.

It was always for entertainment, never for self-defense. I would never attack someone so a woman would never need to bust my balls. They only do it because they like to. :)

I don't have a busting buddy but I sure wish I did. :)
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
Just a moment after is my favorite, when I am trying to cope with the pain, maybe sinking to my knees, and the woman sees what she's been able to do to me (so easily) and she reacts by saying something, or maybe giggling, or gently teasing me. It's very sexy when she's visibly having fun and feels empowered and strong and proud of herself.

And although I seem to have a relatively high tolerance for pain so I haven't experienced being incapacitated (despite some hard kicks) I also like that the physical effect can at least potentially be strong enough that I am down on my knees, struggling just to breathe, and I couldn't get up even if I tried to. It's painful but it's a rush… and she's standing there, knowing she did this, and smiling, very pleased with herself and enjoying my helpless male situation.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I've been kneed hard enough to lose my breath somewhat, and kicked hard enough to feel some sharp pain in my balls, but I've never seen or experienced those other stronger reactions.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
Three part answer here, the first two happened with a girl I dated in college.

One time we're lying on the bed spooning and she rolled over to face me and then suddenly started apologizing profusely. I couldn't figure out why but she looked really worried. "Well, it.. I mean…" she stammered, "your balls. My knee hit your balls." I could tell from her voice that she was genuinely concerned.

But I was totally perplexed because I did not even notice anything hitting me at all, in my balls or anywhere else! It must have been the gentlest love tap in the world, more just her body coming close to mine for cuddling, but this sweet girl felt so sorry for me because thought I was going to expire from the pain she was so sure she had just inadvertently caused me. :)

So I explained that I was totally fine and that a man's balls are sensitive but not quite THAT sensitive. And she felt much relieved.

A month later I am play wrestling with her, both of us standing up, more hugging than wrestling, and suddenly WHAM she lifts her knee right up into my balls. OOF!

This is the same girl who was ready to call 911 to bring an ambulance the last time she gave me an imperceptible love tap, and now she's kneeing my balls hard. This girl had strong legs too.

It was all very playful but WOW did I feel it. Suddenly my legs felt weak. The pain in my balls was considerable. I was excited but also embarrassed to admit to her how WELL she had just got me. It was the first time she'd ever done it and she got a direct hit on both my balls, and I was trying to continue play wrestling with her while it was kind of hard to breathe for a moment, but it was fun, really fun and exciting when she did that to me. She was laughing and smiling too and I liked that a lot.

More recently I visited a pro domme who kicked my balls many times, and did it HARD. I felt that pain for sure! It was fun and sexy and painful in a good way. I really loved it and wrote about it in a blog post here on the site.

My balls did hurt, but I was never brought to my knees even though she was kicking me hard, which makes me think I may have a higher than average tolerance for testicle pain, so I would like to visit her again and have her continue kicking until the cumulative pain is enough to overcome me. I'm sure she could get me there if we go at it longer and I would like to experience that.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
barefoot kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold

Tender Boy's Blog

I Got Busted Today!

Posted on May 31, 2012 at 4:58pm 7 Comments

Well folks I finally took the plunge.  As I sit here typing out this blog post my balls are feeling happy and every so slightly achy, in a very good way, because today they got well and thoroughly kicked and kneed by a really great woman.

Woo hoo!!!

Unfortunately I do not have a partner for BB, so for months now, especially after becoming more active here on the site, I've considered an alternative, which is to visit a professional domme, a woman who typically provides erotic…


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At 12:32pm on March 27, 2017, Alexis Hurtig said…

Haha glad that you enjoy it. I just answered the question truthfully, I actually had no idea that my answers would appear somewhere on this site and that somebody would read them :D As you may have noticed I'm new here and still finding my way around. Interesting site to say the least

At 1:50pm on August 16, 2016, Ms DeVour said…
I was 7 or maybe 8 and Richie was 12 or 13.
At 7:52am on July 31, 2016, Jackie Edwards said…

Thanks!! xx

At 1:17am on February 23, 2013, charlotte sweeper said…
At 7:28am on December 19, 2012, Cherry said…


At 2:57pm on July 18, 2012, SATANAS said…

and me too! i wrestle with a woman during ten yeurs and she often won by groin claw!



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