You might remember me from last year when I posted my ballbusting memoirs. I'm back now, and have decided to post my Cbusting memoirs. Instead of posting these two at a time every other month, I've decided to save time and just post them all here at once.

The first time I ever saw a girl get hit in the crotch was back in England, in about 2nd grade, if memory serves. Her name was Emily, she was just about my height with shoulder-length brown hair and practically always wore the same jeans and red jacket. Back then, the most fun thing we could think of was playing the game where you couldn't touch the ground, so you just jumped on the furniture. One day, after school a few of us were at one of our houses. The stakes where high and we needed to cross over to the window fast. Emily, brave as she always was, tried to make the long leap from the sofa to the coffee table. Also on the table was my friend Eliot, who just happened to be kneeling. Emily landed just right- or rather just wrong- and hit his knee groin-first. I couldn't see very well from the ottoman, but I do remember seeing her bend over with her hands between her legs. As a 7-year old boy, I knew that getting hit in the balls hurt, but didn't know girls had something else. She recovered pretty fast, so I guess it didn't do too much damage, but she didn't make too many big leaps after that.

I didn't see any more girls hit in the groin for five years, so after a while I began to doubt what I had seen. Maybe she had been grabbing her leg, not her privates. Maybe I just made up the entire memory. All I knew for sure was that I had never seen any other girl hit there for half a decade. That changed after 7th grade. You probably won't remember it, but in the second in my ballbusting series, I mentioned I started dating a girl named Ashley in 8th grade, and in the third I briefly talked about my friend Kindra. In the summer before 8th grade, I was dating Kindra, and Kindra was Ashley's best friend. Ashley was about two inches shorter than me, and Kindra the half that to her. Ashley had fairly pale skin, brown eyes, a slightly petite figure and red (not orange, not red-orange, red) hair. Kindra had green eyes, a healthy build, and brown hair reaching down to her chin. One unusually cool summer day, we all decided to meet up, and we chose the park.

The park we decided to meet at, Southeast park, had a playground and a couple square miles of woods leading up to some private property. We joined up at the playground at about half past noon. After spending a while on the swings, we decided to try jumping off and landing on the monkey bars (which, by the way, were the awesome dome kind). Kindra went first, and she managed to land without harming herself. I was next, and I did the same. I sat in the middle of the dome, and got the perfect view of what happened next. Ashley jumped, leaving the swing behind as she sailed in an arc. She must have miscalculated somewhere, because her feet were just a few inches too far over. She then landed painfully with one of the metal bars reaching in between her legs, which make me cringe and made Kindra give off a short laugh. Ashley gave off a loud "oomph" sound before moaning and crumpling to the ground. She stayed like that for at least 15 minutes before she got up, and even then she walked weird. We all agreed that it would be best for her to walk it off, so we headed off into the woods.

By the time we reached the barbed wire fence marking the end of the park, Ashley had all but recovered and no longer needed assistance walking. On the way back, as she didn't have to help anyone walk, Kindra started climbing the trees. Halfway back to the playground, Kindra was walking on a fallen tree, clinging onto my hand for balance. Ashley, who had Kindra's other hand on the other side of the tree, must have got her foot stuck in a root and stumbled. This was bad for Kindra. The sudden jerk to one side caused Kindra to lose balance and fall. Her instincts kicked in, sending her legs out ready to land softly on the ground. Too bad her instincts forgot about the tree.

With her hand being held on either side and her legs splayed out, there was nothing stopping her love-zone from slamming into a knot sticking out of the tree. Kindra started to cry before blaming Ashley for doing it on purpose for Kindra laughing earlier, which made Ashley storm off. I could easily tell Kindra was in no state to walk, so I ended up carrying her the half-mile back to the playground. The whole way back she was in a fetal position in my arms, cupping her injury and silently sobbing as I tried comforting her. I wasn't quite sure, but I figured she was more crying about upsetting Ashley than about the pain. I felt horrible about it that night, despite me seeing not one but 2 Cbusts, so the next day I made them meet up and hug it out. As I watched them walk/hobble away from that, I felt both proud of myself for solving the dispute, and aroused about the previous day's happenings.

At this point in my life, I knew I had a ballbusting fetish, and was now beginning to develop a cbusting fetish as well, but wanted to be sure. That chance came just a few months later. It was math class, and I was talking to this girl Alexis. She has the highest weight-to height ratio of any girl I've mention, but still wasn't fat, there was just more of her to love. She had blond hair and a smile I can only describe as radiant. We got to talking about busting people, which was a regular hobby of hers. I asked her if she knew how much it hurts guys, and she replied "Well no, but girls don't feel any pain down there" I disagreed with her on this, so eventually we decided to test it. While it is in my nature not to hit girls without good reason, I managed to exploit a loophole. After school we went back to my house and started to set everything up. First we did the sock test. For that, I took the cue ball from my pool table, and stuffed it into the toes of one of my socks. Then, while Alexis sat on my bed with her legs spread out, I hung the sock from a piece of rope tied to the ceiling. First I only brought the rope back a foot before releasing. When the lump hit the crux of her legs, she made no indication that it hurt. Next I brought it back two foot and let go. It hit her again, and although I could clearly tell it hurt her, she pretended like it didn't and said the same. I then brought it back about five feet, but before I released it she asked if there was another test we could do. I made sure to grin my sneakiest grin as I told her there was.

The next test, the stick test, I'm particularly fond of. For this, I stood next to my bed, while she stood in front of me. Between us, there was a stack of books going up to about knee-height on both of us, although it could have been a few inches taller. Balancing on the stack of books was a long thin wooded rod. She was faced away from all this so she didn't know what was going to happen. This setup meant I could deliver the same force as a stomp to her crotch without actually hitting her. I raised my foot, paused for dramatic effect, and slammed down on my end of the stick bring the other end crashing up between her legs. She cried out in pain and nearly fell over before I helped her over to the bed. She just lied there on my bed for a while, grabbing her injured groin. Feeling bad for what I did, I awkwardly rubbed her back for a minute before grabbing her a beer from the fridge (I didn't drink, but I knew she did). She staid in the same spot for what seemed like forever before getting up and heading back to her house, which thankfully was just down the street. After that day, I don't think I've seen her hit another boy in the crotch except for really good reasons.

The fifth and final cbust I've seen was in 10th grade. That was when Kindra moved back from Buffalo and met Jane. Kindra hated Jane, and Jane returned the favor. Jane was a tall, dainty girl with brown hair and a face that reminded me of a squirrel. She was kinda cute, but I hated her just as much as Kindra did. One day, at the end of 6th period, we were just all waiting for the end of day bell. Kindra and I were reminiscing about how we used to date, and she mentioned the day at the park. Jane overheard this, and butted into our conversation saying "Oh that sounds bad. If you were an actual woman, then that wouldn't have hurt, but I wish your nuts all the best." Kindra was none too happy. She stood up, went over to the desk Jane was sitting at, and drove her fist full force into Jane's crotch. Jane lurched forward, fell on the ground, let loose a string of curses and started bawling her eyes out. Kindra said "I wish your nuts all the best" and managed to sit down in her seat before the teacher noticed, so Jane ended up with detention for disrupting class.

That was the last time I've seen any girls get hit in the crotch. If I ever do see any more Cbusts, you'll be the first to know. Until then, farewell.

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