Featured Blog Posts (29)

Ballbust Memories: Majere (Forum Post 2007)

I had a terrible habit when I was at primary school of kicking any lad that swore or used bad language in the nads. It fascinated me to stand there and watch them crumple to the floor.

Thankfully boys, I'm well over that.

I saw a guy being kneed in the privates during art class. He actually bent over and just dribbled all over the table and his… Continue

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on October 13, 2009 at 3:00am — No Comments

Ballbust Memories: MissFits (Forum Post 2007)

not true. Even drunk guys feel it. My guy friends all play a game where they run around and sack tap each other at parties. It sounds really gay, but there is a reason behind it.

I kneed a guy in the balls when he was trying to have sex with me against my will in junior high. Man, I kneed him with full force and he puked. It felt SO f**kING good. He deserved it.

When I went to the High School I saw a couple in the hallway… Continue

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on October 13, 2009 at 3:00am — No Comments

Best Movie Ever.

So here's a story. I was in 9th grade. In my film class was this amazingly pretty sophomore who I knew I had no chance with. I noticed over time, however, that she really didn't seem to mind physically harming boys. Guys needed her to pretend to fight in their video projects but she always hit them for real and laughed. I was amazed one day when she asked me to be her film partner (luckily that day, she was wearing sandals and a dress). I was, after all, the best in the class. I was excited to… Continue

Added by Captain Awkward on June 1, 2011 at 10:27pm — 3 Comments


oh man! i hate vu pham so much, everytime i see him i wanna kick him in the balls...



Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on May 27, 2011 at 1:33pm — 3 Comments

Boy Toy's First Ballbusting Date...The only story I'll share with Non-Princess Kelly Fan Club members

For those who want to chat more and share stories like this one, you'll have to contact me at KellyWillBustYourBalls@hotmail.com and request to join my exclusive group...


A question I seem to be getting over and over again however relates to this story, so I thought I'd share one freebee.  Members ask me "Who is the Boy Toy I feature in my clips, is he my bf, does he pay, do I care if I rupture him" etc lol.  He's NOT my…


Added by Kelly on February 28, 2011 at 5:19pm — 2 Comments

My Ballbusting "School Girl" Story

Hey BB fans.... I wasn't really sure where to post this... I know this site has a lot of rules so I'll just blog it for now :P

This is a True story about a ballbusting game I played when I was younger.... it DOES have elements of fantasy to it, but I hope you enjoy it regardless!  If you enjoy the story, feel free to email…


Added by Kelly on March 24, 2011 at 5:36pm — No Comments

Concert bust.

Wow, it's been a while since anyone contributed to this forum so here's one for you. in the late 80s I was attending a Cure concert in Atlanta Ga. I was with two of my friends. We drove up from Ga. Tech. As we walked into the auditorium a guy in his 30s or 40s came up and asked us if we wanted any drugs off of him. We didn’t want any, but he followed us and kept on pestering us to buy some from him. We ignored him and kept on walking, he grabbed my friends arm and tugged hard, she screamed. The… Continue

Added by Tyler on December 31, 2009 at 8:03am — 5 Comments

Tequila, Testicles vs Toes!!! (My 60 yard field goal)

Last summer (2009), one of my good friends, Ashley and I paid a relaxing visit to a local pub after a nice day at the beach. It was a Wednesday so the pub wasn’t crowded at all, just the Bartender, three other guys at the end of the bar and the two of us. Ashley and I decided to go out on the dance floor and do a little innocent dirty dancing. While we were on the floor one of the three guys at the end of the bar walked over, the one that…


Added by greeneyedsusan on August 28, 2010 at 12:30pm — 67 Comments

Ballbust Memories: Jennifer (Forum Post 2007)

Yeaaah. In Primary School I used to think it was fun. Like a game. Haha. Once I kicked this guy and he fell to the ground and started whimpering like a dog. At the time I thought it was really funny.. but it must've hurt like a bitch

Added by dvhour (Site Owner) on October 13, 2009 at 2:30am — 2 Comments


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