this is my first story, so ill try to be as descriptive as possible

so i was at friends apartment with my two guyfriends A and G and G's girlfriend K.[they will be letters for now]

so the two guys and i were on the couch deep in conversation while K was in the kitchen doing A a favor and cleaning the kitchen. so while we were talking, the subject of world records came up and said that the most painful world record is probly the record for getting the most kicks to the groin in one day. the two guys agreed. then i added that i was confident that i could take a kick in the groin. they then asked if id take one right then and there, so i was like "hell yeh, lets do this :D" so they called K over and the asked her to kick me in the Groin, she said "sure" but then she asked if she could wear the heeled ankle boots that she had off at the time, but i said "no". ill describe her real quick

she was about 5'6, with light skin and long black hair with very wonderful light blue eyes, she had a wonderful body, she had on a leather jacket and tight jeans, with just her cute socks on

so back to the story, i first got on my knees and said "ill just get down here so i dont have to fall far" but then she askes if she can knee me and i agree so she grabs me by the shoulders and i put my hands on her hips and she gives me a good knee WHAM. she misses and then another WHAMMMMMM another miss.[i think my balls were in an odd place for bb, i was nervous as hell] so then my guy friends tell her to try to kick me,[for all you sexy sock lovers :D she had on cute socks, one sock that was dark purple with black toes and heels and onother thats white withe light colerd stripes with pink toes and heels , hell yeh :D] so she does about 4 kicks, WHAMM, WHAMMMM, WHAMM WHAMMMMMM. she kicks pretty hard, and i showed my guy friends that i could indeed take kicks to the groin. K kept braging that i took them like a man. so then a few hours later they get ready to leave and then K comes up and hugs me for long time, in front of her BF, G. and then she thanks me for letting her kick me, she says i made her day and she was all smiles :]. after that everything went back to normal

nothing was mentioned about my display of pain tolerance the next day.

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Comment by Wade on December 5, 2013 at 12:00pm

:] youve got a point there Mallory, and those socks are hottt :D

Comment by Mallory {The Boss} on December 5, 2013 at 11:41am

She asked if she could  KNEE your nutts before kicking 'em?? haha sounds like

she was already a BALLBUSTER--you were just some good practice, Wade ;)

btw I have those dark purple socks with the black over the toes and heels: 

Comment by Wade on December 5, 2013 at 3:16am
@this person, thanks :] and it was the highlight of my week

@Tenderboy thanks and yeh i was surprised most when she asked if she could knee me :O, yeh she was totally into it. and idk whether shes had previous experiance or not

@Nate thanks for the congrats and it made me feel good afterwards for making her day :] she has no idea how happy she made me
Comment by KingMe on December 5, 2013 at 12:04am

As i said before, congrats. It is a really good story. I like how she was so happy about it afterword.

Comment by Tender Boy on December 4, 2013 at 11:59pm

Very cool story Wade.  The best - and maybe most surprising part - is how readily K agreed to kick you.  No hesitation, no reluctance whatsoever.  She was totally into it from the moment the group of you asked her to kick.  

Do you know whether she's kicked guys in the balls before?  She sure seemed to like it and didn't have any hangups about it.

Comment by this person on December 4, 2013 at 11:57pm

That's a great story. Sounds like you two had an awesome time. :D


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